[Stable Update] 2020-12-30 - Kernels, KDE, Cinnamon, LibreOffice, Python 3.9, Mesa 20.3.1

Is that a reply to me?

Hm, I donā€™t know use Radeon RX 5700 XT
Surely someone who has an Nvidia can answer this question

Like I say we can get into a tty session, but nothing else.

Yes it was. I understood you removed the old kernels and nvidia drivers and now are on command line only in kernel 5.4LTS. So you can install newer kernel and newer nvidia drivers from there now as there shouldnā€™t be any conflicting packages anymore?

mhwd-kernel -i linux510

How would I do that?
I triedā€¦

sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300

But it said not found

Iā€™ve never had any problems with previous updates - so this is new territory for me :

Failed to commit transaction:
conflicting files:

  • wine-mono: /usr/share/wine/mono/wine-mono-5.1.1/bin/libmono-2.0-x86.dll already exists in filesystem (owned by wine-mono-bin)

There are hundreds of similar lines all linked to the version of wine-mono that I have installed.

  • Iā€™ll do a reboot and see if that resolves it

where did you get this 0300?
Did you find it via mhwd -lh or from someone elses comment?

In the second post at the top of this thread by Philm

Reboot wont help ā€¦ its because you are trying to install/upgrade repo package wine-mono while you have wine-mono-bin installed from AUR, and the maintainer there doesnt mind them not conflicting, even though it can create situations like this.
If I were you I would remove the one from AUR and use the one in the repos ā€¦ but I guess its up to you.


Issues with my nvidia gtx 1060
After update X11 didnā€™t start.
I had to comment all the lines in /etc/modprobe/mhwd-gpu.conf
Then I created a file /etc/X11/mhwd.d/20-nouveau.conf with :

Section ā€œDeviceā€
Identifier ā€œNvidia cardā€
Driver ā€œnouveauā€

and then # mhwd-gpu --setxorg /etc/X11/mhwd.d/20-nouveau.conf

It fixed the issue

Yes - I was thinking that too :wink: thanks for the confirmation!

All sorted, removed wine mono bin, update & reboot with no problems.

All the best for the New Year everyone!

I donā€™t think I want to install a newer kernel really? Itā€™s an old machine and was running fine on the lts kernel. Iā€™m pretty sure the issue is no graphics drivers now.

Well. The line you tried ( sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300) would try to autodetect and install proper non-free drivers for your display controller and for some reason fails.

Can you try to install drivers manually? Not 100% sure on the syntax, but ā€¦ maybe:

sudo mhwd -i pci video-nvidia-455xx

or any other of the nvidia driver versionsā€¦ the entire list of possible options you get with:

mhwd -la | grep -i "video-nvidia"

Hi @philm. I switched to Testing branch, ran updates again, switched to 5.10 kernel, and Bluetooth still doesnā€™t work. I then switched to the 5.11 rc kernel and that didnā€™t fix Bluetooth either.

Iā€™m making a topic in the Kernels forum so this doesnā€™t get lost here.

I hope the updated script is now installing the proper drivers ā€¦


or as Philm just posted he fixed something, so ā€¦
sudo pacman -Syu first and then the sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300 again? the auto thing should work now? maybe? :smiley:

So I tried again from a tty before committing to a fresh install and this is where we are at.

Ahh trying to embed images but it wonā€™t let me.

I updated from the command line, the how to upgrade kernel message goes by fast. So I am repeating it here.

Before reboot run this:

sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux510

if you are moving from greater than 5.4 kernel (5.9 for example) to current. It will update the kernal to 510 and then then reboot.

How can I show an image or provide a link? Iā€™m trying to show photos of the output I see on the screen of her computer. But it wonā€™t let me embed an image or link.

You donā€™t have enough ā€œexperienceā€ in the forum for the rights to post links and images. Not quite sure how to remedy that :smiley:
However when you see text then typing the content over is too much work?