[Stable Update] 2020-09-08 - Kernels, Mesa, Browsers, KDE Apps 20.08.1, Systemd, LibreOffice 7.0.1, Deepin

I cannot do the upgrade because pacman insists on replacing nvidia-418xx-utils with nvidia-450xx-utils, which I hesitate to do so due to 450xx drivers not supporting my GPU.

Any tips on what should I do?

Have problem with Chromium: It is randomly showing atrifacts on top left corner of screen while moving mouse. I downgraded to previous package and now the artifacts are gone.

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  • Gnome Software Center was broken the last two releases (now working and showing software updates and installed software).
  • gdm-prime AUR package still broken for Nvidia Optimus cards (e.g. nv5200 which use the Nvidia 390 driver).
  • Completed the update on my thinkpad x230 and and t430s successfully.

System: Host: hanna Kernel: 4.19.143-1-MANJARO x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 10.2.0
Desktop: GNOME 3.36.5 tk: GTK 3.24.23 wm: gnome-shell dm: GDM 3.36.3
Distro: Manjaro Linux

You should hold back that package this way:


My feedback for @philm
XFCE, Kernel 4.14.196-1, i915 graphic:

xorg-server: local (1.20.9-1)
xorg-server-common: local (1.20.9-1) 

For the first time, I see a great improvement in gaming (great FPS and no longer high CPU usage)

3 posts were split to a new topic: What is linux-firmware and what does it do?

On the old forum I once edited the wiki post,
but here I cannot see an edit button on it.
Can that be fixed?

It’s really important that stuff gets added to the wiki post,
as it can take too long to read the whole thread/topic.

Okay, so not sure if it was Manjaro devs fixed it upstream or not, but I tried installing by the command line option. It first prompted to update itself and the keyring, so I let it update it and then canceled the actual install. Then I tried rerunning the command, and do the actual Manjaro update, it did not try to install cuda or the nvidia drivers this time. So yay!

Edit: nevermind, the luxcorerender AUR had a cuda dependency, removed and it updated fine.

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Having the same issue with Chromium. Disabling Use hardware acceleration when available fixed the issue for now.

The “Switch User”-Option is still not available on Kickoff and sddm (Plasma).

I’ve found a good writeup somewhere else and added it to the wiki myself. Please verify and feel free to correct anything if needed…

cc @vostmarhk You’re still a basic user on the new forum. You’ll get upgraded soon enough though! :wink:

Great, it’s a lot better than I could have done it. :slight_smile:

(i also don’t have enough cred in this forum yet
– can’t see a button to edit the wiki post.)

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It might not be what your looking for, but there is a widget “User Switcher” that U can add to the panel and then use “New Session” from there.
It will, however, just open another user in another session, so U have 2 users running at the same time.

No problem for me with KDE.

Is the final Manjaro 20.1 version is near ? I’m waiting to install it on three PCs.


Am I the only one?

With this update of FF, I can no longer access websites that run on flash, older websites such as
h t t p://shiporsheep.com/
I mean I am still asked if I wish to allow Flash but nothing happens afterwards. I am sad.

Chromium problem too. Randomly showing atrifacts on top left corner of screen while moving mouse.

Flash has been broken for a very long time and is finally being retired but to continue in your foolhardiness using flash, see the instructions over on the Adobe Website on how to unblock it, more specifically, here for Firefox


Just tried that, as I only got the time for it just now. Added both nvidia-418xx-utils and linux58-nvidia-418xx to IgnorePkg, pacman still insisted on replacing the former :frowning:

Do you have CUDA and / or nvtop nstalled? If yes, remove those first, then try again and feed back whenever you have the time.

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Just checked it and indeed I had cuda installed. I was able to start the update after removing it! Thanks for your help! I really appreciate it! :grin:

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