Speech Note and the Error: “translation engine initialization has failed”

I’ve installed Speech Note 4.0, more or less 6 months ago in my desktop computer, on Majaro with xcfe, and all works(Speech to Text, Text to Speech and Machine Translation) without any problem… but I trued again in 2 old laptops and all works wIth the exception of translation.

When I try to translate a text from English to Spanish or on the contrary, appears this comMent:

  1. Trying to get the origin I checked that the plugin for the translation is in the correct folder; and, (then I cannot get an origin for the problem).

  2. Another possible origin could be the laptops ( because they are old: one of them is a laptop Lenovo Thinkpad T410 14,1" i5 540M, 8GB, SSD 128GB and the other is another early similar laptop Lenovo.)

  3. Also, I think that the installation that works correctly (on the desktop computer) was before the updating of Majaro and, on the laptops, Manjaro had been updated yet.

Could you help me to find the problem and its solution.

Thank you, in advance.

Hi @Ixel and welcome to the Manjaro community.

I do not have a solution to your apparent issue. I performed a quick internet search and failed to find a reference to “Speech Note 6”; someone else might have better luck. You might be best served directing your questions to the software publisher themselves.

In any case, you haven’t provided much relevant information. Only someone who actually uses this package might understand the problem. You would likely need to provide detailed information about each of the machines, at the very least.

As a new user, please take some time to familiarise yourself with Forum requirements; in particular, the many ways to use the forum to your benefit. To that end, some or all these links will be invaluable. Please read them:

And last, but not least, the Stable Update Announcements, which you should check frequently for important update related information. Occasionally an issue might be directly related to a particular update; it’s always best to check those announcements.

I hope this helps. Cheers.

Hi soundofthunder,
Thank you for your help… I wanted to say Speech Note, installed 6 month ago.

About the computers ( just in case Someone had the same problem):

Desktop computer: GEEKOM Mini IT11 Mini PC, i7-11390H (5,0 GHz), 32GB de RAM+1TB de SSD (here all works perfectly).

Laptop computers:

  1. Lenovo Thinkpad T410 14,1" i5 540M, 8GB, SSD 250GB
  2. Lenovo B580-M94A5GE - [Intel Core i5-3210M] 2.5 GHz, 8GB - DDR3, SSD 250GB

I found this.
Did you use the AUR package dsnote or the flatpak?
AUR version might need a rebuild - which will probably fail if you are already using QT6

AUR (en) - dsnote

Clearly you misunderstand the concept of detailed information. The links given previously contain a wealth of information. Among those are the commands to use to gather system information, logs, etc.

At the very least, please provide the output of the following commands, for each of the computers concerned. No screenshots - just the text outputs pasted into scrollable preformated text boxes (for readability) - use the </> button and place each output between the two lines of ``` (backtick) characters.

This command will produce detailed system information possibly needed for others to give an informed response:

inxi --admin --verbosity=8 --filter --no-host --width

This command will produce a copy of recent logs:

journalctl --boot=-1 --priority=3 --catalog --no-page

Again, perform these commands and paste the outputs from each of the computers, and clearly indicate which of the computers the outputs come from.

There may be other information requested which you should be prepared for. Please read the helpful links previously given, in particular, the first three, as they will help you understand the scope of information that might be needed.


If you follow the link given by @Nachlese you will see links to installation instructions for Speech Note. I see claims that the flatpak version, in particular v4.4.0, now contains all needed dependencies for Speech Note. This is likely the most complete version.

You haven’t specified which you have installed; flatpak or AUR versions (AUR is unsupported); this is important for others to know. Also important is that you confirm whether you are on Stable branch, Unstable or Testing.

Please take your time, read those linked articles, and return as much useful information as you can; to help others help you more effectively.


I’ve got the reason by the Speech Note owner:

The problem is the lack of AVX in the CPU.

Using these codes in the terminal, you can know if AVX is supported in your CPU:

flatpak run net.mkiol.SpeechNote --verbose
lscpu | grep avx

You`ll get:
“avx not supported but ds engine needs it” or “mnt not available because cpu doesn’t have avx”, etc… When the CPU is too old.

However, the rest of the tasks work: speech to text, text to speech, to save a audio file with the voices. Only the offline translation fails.

Well, you solved your own issues - good job.

I’ll mark your post as the solution to this thread. In the meantime, could you place those code fragments in textboxes to make it more readable for others with similar issues.

Use the </> button, or place ``` on the lines before and after the code fragments.


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