Hi @frntax, and welcome!
In order for us, or anyone for that matter, to be able to help you, more information is necessary. To that end, please see:
- [HowTo] Provide System Information,
- [HowTo] Post screenshots and links,
- [HowTo] Request support, and
- [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text.
While I really don’t think I’ll be able to help you, this and more information that I don’t know at the moment will be necessary, I think.
Hope you manage!
To provide terminal output, copy the text you wish to share, and paste it here, surrounded by three (3) backticks, a.k.a grave accents. Like this:
pasted text
This will just cause it to be rendered like this:
Portaest sed
cursus nisl nisi
hendrerit ac quis
tortor sit leo commodo.
Instead off like this:
Portaest sed elementum cursus nisl nisi hendrerit ac quis sit adipiscing tortor sit leo commodo.
Thereby improving legibility and making it much easier for those trying to be of assistance.