Qt Creator will not work on Manjaro. I'm desperate

There aren’t many steps required. Install OS, update, install application and qt6 packages, install qt quick designer plugin, double click a qml file and graphically edit it.

I have even gone beyond what the Qt documentation indicates what you should have to do because I am creating kits manually.

and I have literally no idea what that even means
as I said:

Good luck!

pamac install qt6-base
pamac install qt6-xcb-private-headers

What :interrobang:

Are you trolling :question:

That is strange - I have no issues with the qt packages - I think you are in a niche situation where you expect something specific which is not available from Arch packages.

You are not clearly explaining these specifics and thus everyone including me are completely confused and possibly running circles.

I mentioned qt quick because at some point in the early stages of this thread - I also asked what do you want to do - and you mentioned that creating a qt quick project didn’t have any available kits.

So once again - what do you want to do - please explain in a clear wording - what you want to do so we may say if you can do it or not.

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it’s not the first time that someone points the forum to a problem while hiding something else and lead all of us to a wrong direction.
it might be that there are issues with qt6 and linux but if he even used ms-windows and the qt6-version of ms-windows and it fails also ???
who knows what the to is trying to install or use.
have a :coffee: or/and a :beer:

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Then this is not a Manjaro issue, or even a Linux issue. Perhaps there is something about your system but I have no idea what that could be. Try some basic hardware tests like memtest86.

In the end Qt Creator is used by tens of thousands of developers worldwide every day and they don’t have these problems. :man_shrugging:

Thank you Olli but that didn’t work.

I just dragged the rectangle into the window on a new project and used the properties pane to change the color to red in the picker. The rectangle should be shown in red. Furthermore there is no window, just a plain grey background even though the window has a size. I cannot interact with the rect in any way. If I try to click on the label the blue outline just disappears.

The window appears as a tiny dot in the screen that I can only see if I zoom to 1600x. I think it’s the window, it’s just a white dot really.

This is getting ridiculous and more of a personal matter
where one party can’t convince the other whether they did something wrong or not.

This does not belong here.

I just want to get this to work any way I can. If I’m doing something wrong, fine, correct me. I’m sitting here wondering if I am even putting the rectangle in the window properly. But it must be something really obscure that I’m doing wrong if it hasn’t been discovered yet. And there really isn’t much to skip mentioning; I am literally installing the OS just before I try the Manjaro packages.

Instead of using your current system - create a virtual machine - install a supported linux and install qt

Ok a couple problems with that. Qt needs at least 5Gb ram and that’s a lot to assign to a virtual machine. And also I have tried KVM and Virtual Box. They are all slow and there is no desktop integration. VMWare is fine but is expensive.

I will try it for a test. Probably virtualbox. But I don’t think it will be very usable or workable to do that in the long term. Also I was never able to get Manjaro to boot on virtualbox so which OS would you recommend?

I don’t know where you got that number

As long as you do not overprovision the vm - that is if your system has 8G ram you can easily run a vm with 6G ram - no problems.

Manjaro boot fine on VirtualBox

With a Manjaro guest - you don’t need the guest additions ISO - simply install virtualbox-guest-utils

You have a lot to learn …

The guest additions ISO never worked properly for me. Video would not scale with the window. I will try again. This is a different system.

Come on that’s total NONSENSE ! KVM/Qemu is the most powerful VM that is a way above limited implementations as virtualbox or vmware !
KVM/Qemu needs a lot of experience and knowledge and that’s imho the problem on your side.
Use a VM of your choice, install qt6 as recommended and everything is fine.
and btw. what do you mean with “missing desktop integration” ? be precise and explain straight what you’re talking about.

i’m running the following machines as VM using KVM/Qemu:

Acorn-RiscV (the allmighty BBC’s),Atari 400/800 , Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 130, Commodore 64 , Commodore Amiga, Playstation 3, Atari ST/STE, Atari Falcon , 68HC08, NXP-Arm-Controller, Raspberry-Broadcom-Arm, Hackintosh, MS-Windows10 and so forth.
tell me how to do this huge flexibility with virtualbox or vmware !

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I had to use KVM for work once and it was horrible. The VM ran much slower than the host. There was no way to share the clipboard and there was only VNC available to access the desktop. But, yeah, it could have been that they didn’t configure it properly I guess. Also that was around 7 years ago.

that’s the problem: they didn’t configure, it’s your job to configure it

I’m off this topic…

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No I’m in a high security job. I’m not allowed to change the configuration of my own workstation.

ask your admin, he will know how to do it

My admin? I have a 1-800 number to call for a helpdesk in india.