I noticed that ledger-live-bin is available in both the community repo as well as the AUR. The community repo currently has version 2.25 while the AUR is up to version 2.26.1. I prefer the AUR package for this app and proceeded to install ledger-udev and ledger-live-bin from pamac. However, pamac has now registered as though I installed ledger-live-bin from the community repo, although it shows the right version that I installed from the AUR.
Is this something I should be concerned about? Is there a proper way to mask the package from the community repo so that I only prefer the AUR version for updates?
Adding to the repo -bin pkgbuilds instead of building from source, there are also another couple of packages like that, a thing I could expect from an amateurish distro.
I was able to install this by explicitly using pamac build from the CLI:
pamac build ledger-udev ledger-live-bin
It offered me the community version and I was able to select No to force the build from the AUR.
I have the impression that some packages may be slightly older in the Manjaro repos, including Community, in order to offer additional stability. For this specific package, I wanted the latest in order to get the latest firmware for my Ledger device.
I don’t mind following version updates from the AUR for this. My original question was that now that I’ve made that decision, is there a way to get Manjaro to ignore the package from the Community repo altogether? I get a warning whenever I upgrade packages now, although it’s likely harmless:
Warning: ledger-live-bin: local (2.26.1-1) is newer than community (2.25.0-1)
From this thread, it seems like that’s not possible. This is fine if this is the expected behavior in this case. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing a key step and risking breaking this package in the future.