Greetings, i’m able to use pacman to update and do general stuff but trying to use pamac & the “Add/Remove Sofware” frontend doesn’t work. Unsure on what to share as logs, i’ll share what i see fit here.
pamac update --force-refresh ✔
Synchronizing package databases...
Synchronizing package databases...
Refreshing core.db...
Refreshing extra.db...
Refreshing community.db...
Refreshing multilib.db...
Database file for core does not exist.
Database file for extra does not exist.
Database file for community does not exist.
Database file for multilib does not exist.
Refreshing core.files...
Refreshing extra.files...
Refreshing community.files...
Refreshing multilib.files...
Warning: multilib.files: lock file missing /var/tmp/pamac/dbs/db.lck
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.
ls /var/lib/pacman/sync 20s
community.db core.db extra.db multilib.db
In the GUI frontend & the Core repository “No package found”
In other repositories in the same frontend “No package found”
In the updates page “Error - Failed to synchronise databases”
Moderator edit: Fixed formatting