Org.kde.platform won't update

Every time i try do update org.kde.platform through pamac it just outputs transaction finished without any errors, i have tried many times but it won’t update somehow, running sudo pacman -Syyu doesn’t even detect the update, the command outputs that there is nothing to do, pamac still shows the update after removing the package.

sudo pacman -Syyu                                                ✔ 

:: Syncing packages database...
 core                  167,7 KiB  34,9 KiB/s 00:05 [######################] 100%
 extra                1899,9 KiB   469 KiB/s 00:04 [######################] 100%
 community               6,9 MiB   137 KiB/s 00:52 [######################] 100%
 multilib              174,3 KiB   155 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
:: Initializing complete system update...
nothing to do

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org.kde.platform sounds like a flatpak.

pacman does not know about or how to handle flatpaks. It only handles repository packages.

To update flatpaks try:


Source: man flatpak-update (1): Update a runtime


Pacman is NOT Pamac.

Pacman is the Arch based distribution default package manager.
Pamac is a third party package manager that has support for AUR, Snap, and Flatpak.


Yes it is, it’s a dependency for org.duckstation.Duckstation.

sudo flatpak-update                             ✔ 
sudo: flatpak-update: command not found

sudo flatpak update                                   ✔  1m 19s  
Searching for updates…
Nothing to do.

sudo pacman -Syyu                                                ✔ 

:: Syncing packages database...
 core                  167,7 KiB  34,9 KiB/s 00:05 [######################] 100%
 extra                1899,9 KiB   469 KiB/s 00:04 [######################] 100%
 community               6,9 MiB   137 KiB/s 00:52 [######################] 100%
 multilib              174,3 KiB   155 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
:: Initializing complete system update...
nothing to do

Pacman keeps showing the update but flatpak and pamac don’t see it in the command line.

I am aware of the difference, but Pamac shows an update that flatpak and pacman don’t see, it’s like there is no update while Pamac thinks there is.

Pamac should automatically update any snap/flatpak. Run this and share output:

pamac update && pamac upgrade
pamac update && pamac upgrade                                    ✔ 

Syncing packages database...
Updating AUR...                                                              
Nothing to do.                                                                
Transaction finished successfully.
Syncing packages database...
Nothing to do.
Transaction finished successfully.

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the command reported org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default and org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel as unused and removed them, i’ll reboot and see if Pamac behaves.

EDIT: Pacman is still showing the update.

Not sure what is going on but quite a few people are getting these messages about org.freedesktop flatpak updates. I updated with pacman -Syu and it cleared but hasn’t worked for other people

Check my Topic:

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I had same problem.
But I am GNOME user.
So remove that.

sudo flatpak uninstall org.kde.platform

And no problems so far.


From now on i’ll resort to AUR or even snaps instead of flatpak.

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