New Raspberry Pi Kernels & Related Packages

Maybe the name of the package is throwing him off.

Mainline does not have a working vc4 until 5.10-rc1. The modules are in 5.9 but never get loaded. Mainline does not have v3d. They did until the middle of last summer. The RPi folks are having to re-do from scratch. Hopefully they will get there soon.

All of our linux-rpi4* packages use the RPi tree and the base config is generated using the RPi recommends with “make bcm2711_defconfig” then some modules are enabled that people want here in the forum like for firewall, encryption, android modules for anbox, file systems so what ever project they want works:

linux-rpi4  #This is what the RPi folks consider their stable branch
linux-rpi4-mainline  #This is what mainline considers stable. 
                     #The version will change as mainline changes
linux-rpi4-rc  #This is the current dev tree branch

My current linux-rpi4-mainline PKGBUILD showing the RPi tree as the source:


I realize 5.10-rc2 is in the RPi tree but I have no mouse and keyboard on my pi4 8G but do on my pi4 4G. The usb MSD boots jut fine on both boards. I opened an issue with the RPi folks and waiting for a fix…

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Well after the RPi folks said theirs was ok I messed around here and found out the latest raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-bootloader-x was causing the problem I am going to upload the latest 5.10-rc2 and remove the raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-bootloader-x 20201029-1 versions and replace them with 20201016-1 versions in all branches that they are in.

So they are not using their own latest bootloader files?

I guess not which is weird or maybe they have upgraded since. All of my search engines are down for some reason or I would check. They usually do not until 5.4 upgrades.

I supposed mine could be corrupt. I will check it out later but I have to go to town today so my day is shot for a while.

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Here is the 5.10-rc2 kernel/headers. They have been pushed to the unstable branch. When you install them be sure to downgrade to raspberrypi-bootloader & raspberrypi-bootloader-x versions 20201016-1 in the same unstable branch before rebooting. The 5.10-rc2 works quite well.

I did rebuild the bootloader packages and still have the same issue. Either they are not using their git for the files or have not upgraded to the latest. Some times not all things get pushed to the git.

Also I added support for F2F compression as requested. This will also be in the 5.9 kernel when it gets bumped:


The bootloader from 29th October is not linked to the new beta eeprom 28th at all is it?

Not sure what you are asking. Their last official eeprom image they released back in September that we have is here:

The latest linux-rpi and linux-rpi4-mainline kernels have been pushed to the unstable branch; when the mirrors sync. linux-rpi4-mainline 5.9.3-1 has F2F Compression as requested. There is not an option for it in the linux-rpi kernel so it will not be in it.

linux-rpi4 5.4.74-1
linux-rpi4-headers 5.4.74-1
linux-rpi4-mainline 5.9.3-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 5.9.3-1
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Thanks but what about accurate bootloader version for mainline kernel 5.9.3 ?

They tie the bootloader to their 5.4 kernel but here is what they released today. You will not have a keyboard or mouse if you boot on a usb device with the 5.10-rc kernel on a pi4 8G until they fix something. That is the reason for me not getting in a hurry to push it.

ce71d06f1028213211271c96a6af7581 pi-bootloaders.tar

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There’s a newer eeprom in their git repo: rpi-eeprom/firmware/beta at master · raspberrypi/rpi-eeprom · GitHub

If you run Raspberry Pi OS it will download that.

I have tried the new mainline but have no keyboard or mouse… once X is up. When X failed to start due not finding drivers, I was able to switch VTs and install xf86-video-turbo which got X up, but then no mouse/keyboard. This was on a fresh SD install and switch to unstable.
Probably the same issue with my daily driver on SSD but it is on LVM2 and I will need to remake the initramfs on the SD to add the LVM2 hook before I can investigate further. So I will have to uninstall the video driver on the SD to get to a prompt to do that.

Which raspberrypi-bootloader / raspberrypi-bootloader-x packages do you have installed.

As I can not check to be exact, but both the bootloader and the bootloader-x upgraded to the current version in unstable.

Edit: Worth a shot I think… I will try to install the evdev package too. See if that fixes the lack of mouse and keyboard in Xorg.

Edit2: I should mention that the new unstable install on SD worked fine with the new bootloaders, until I installed the mainline kernel.

Install the packages from the stable branch. Looking like this issue is in the 5.9 kernel also.

raspberrypi-bootloader 20201016-1
raspberrypi-bootloader-x 20201016-1


You hit the nail right square on the head. I installed libevdev and I now have a mouse and keyboard; even with the latest version of the 2 bootloader packages. I will push them to the unstable branch shortly. (20201104-1)


I may have to do some backtracking. I had the 5.4 kernel installed while testing. I did install the new 5.9 kernel and had no issue with usb boot and libevdev but the issue is still there on 5.10. Will try linux-rpi-upstream on the sdcard and see what happens.

Hmm, well the install of evdev did not resolve the issue for me but I will try again after the evdev push. Additionally, hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 does not seem to work for me now. My 1920x1080 HMDI monitor works fine but 4k resolution is a no go.

It seems libevdev was already installed. libinput pulls it in.

[ray@pi4 ~]$ sudo pacman -R libevdev
[sudo] password for ray: 
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing libevdev breaks dependency 'libevdev' required by libinput

I too have to backup… seems I still had the 5.4 unstable kernel on my SD when I installed evdev. After reinstalling the mainline and with evdev in place, I now have a working mouse and keyboard.

The auto mounting via LABELs causes my SSD’s p1 to mount on /boot. So I have to double check before upgrading kernels… guess I missed it last go-around.

Although I still only have 640x480 resolution on my 4k. :smiley: