Manjaro Live ISO maker


Just wondering if there’s tool for this.
I would like to install Manjaro XCE on several laptops with my custom ISO.
Basically I would install the current XFCE iso on one laptop config/customize everything to my liking with all apps I use and then make an iso of that system put it on an ventoy-USB and install it on several other laptops.

I believe MX Linux has a tool for this

I don’t think this is the same thing or does what I want does it?

I think this might be what you want …

You want manjaro-tools-iso-git to use buildiso. Honestly, @linux-aarhus is much more knowledgeable about it.

However, as @cscs mentioned, Penguins Eggs is a viable alternative. In that regard, @Ste74 knows much more about it than I do.

Please see → [root tip] [How To] Mini guide to build Manjaro ISO

I’m thinking:
Is it possible to copy the home folder of my current system with all my settings to a USB and then replace the home folder of a fresh install on another machine?
Would my settings carry over or would it mess the fresh installation?


When it is the home folder - there is no issues with that approach - I use the same method for my laptops.

In fact - I created a script for it, see → [root tip] [Utililty Script] Backup configuration and package list

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Anyone uses Pika Backup?
Will it do what I want?


I don’t know - and it is off-topic

Penguins eggs do what you want with two commnad in a terminal:
sudo eggs dad -d only for the first time you run eggs
and then
sudo eggs produce for a clean iso without your personal data but with your config or
sudo eggs produce --clone for a full clone of your system.
In any way the live Iso use calamares for installation.


You find Penguins-eggs in our repository

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