Manjaro crashing

hHello, my Manjaro Linux has been crashing a lot lately and even the add/remove programs manager isn’t working, I have 12 RAM and a 1030 video card,Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

You will need to further explain what is the problem if you would like to receive any help. Try to ask yourself what you would need to answer your question.

Your message gives no clue about what it could be, we could guess it was the update, but there isn’t any info on it.

Try answering the next questions:

  • When did it started crashing.
  • What did you do before it started crashing.
    • Try to focus on what did you do different from usual before the crash started.
  • Explain what is happening.
    • Does it crash as soon as you boot?
    • Does it crash after some minutes using the OS?
    • Anything you do that you think it should not give any problem.
  • Try to do some research of you problem before asking.
    • This way you learn something new, you learn to solve it yourself, and you don’t waste people’s time, here everyone is using their FREE time to help others and that should be respected.
    • I am not saying that you don’t ask for help, just that you should try things for yourself before.
    • Also if you check latest support messages you will see that some people is having issues with the update.
  • You could try also look for error logs, though if you are not familiar with computers in general this may not come to your mind.

The community is helpful, but you need to help them on helping you.

For example, read the wiki, check what things need or should be done when you install manjaro, such us, installing a firewall (UFW is explained in the wiki). Anything that you think you will need on your daily usage.


Related to error logs, a quick search leads me to this post. Maybe this helps you or gives information that might be useful for people who could help you.

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Hi @usuarionovodelinux and welcome to the Manjaro community.

As a new forum user, please take some time to familiarise yourself with Forum requirements; in particular, the many ways to use the forum to your benefit:

The Update Announcements should be checked frequently for important update related information.
These announcements contain a Known Issues and Solutions section and should generally be checked before posting a request for support.

The output of the following command may be useful for those wishing to help:

inxi --admin --verbosity=8 --filter --no-host --width

Be prepared to provide more information and outputs from other commands when asked.


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