Manjaro Cinnamon 21.1.2 shipping Vivaldi browser

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Mozilla have asked Ubuntu to ship firefox as a snap package by default. So looks like they’re not too bothered about remaining foss.

I can pretty much guarantee manjaro team won’t do that.


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that edition IMO is not good , buggy and on the last update had some king of warning saying that the manjaro key ring did not update correctly . so I deleted the 21.1.2 version and installed 21.1.0 , that edition came with firefox as default , no office selector on install , IMO 21.1.0 is better

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Manjaro being rolling-release distro, you have to update anyway to the latest version. :thinking:
And you could just uninstall office and any other software and install Firefox, provided it is in the official repos.

Always check the Manjaro announcement, the second post always has the known issues and solutions, this could help you next time you have an issue (that specific issue is not a Cinnamon edition issue, it was an issue with last update for some people).

Personally, I like Brave browser. I don’t think it’s available here yet, is it?

Is in the official repositories as brave-browser

Thank you!!

edit: I tried, but it didn’t work. Maybe it’s because I’m using Manjaro ARM on a pinebook pro?

brave is not avaibale on ARM.
You can check on

Just remember to switch from x64 (default) to ARM.
You posted in an announcement thread for x86_64 architecture, ARM releases typically get posted in #arm:releases.

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