Manjaro Cinnamon 21.1.2 shipping Vivaldi browser

It is already available just pacman -S vivaldi :slight_smile:

community/vivaldi 4.1.2369.21-1.1 (110.3 MiB 278.7 MiB)
    An advanced browser made with the power user in mind.

It should be available in every manjaro iso. If 8t is not present, you can install it with pacman on the live iso.

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aimixess, your answer is contradictory. Firefox is available by default in the *.ISO, Vivaldi not, this is the reason you shown the command to install Vivaldi from the repo.

Iā€™m currently using Vivaldi, and would be nice to have it by default available in Manjaro KDE, it means, no needs to download after installation. :wink: :grinning:

Some newbies will just stick with the defaults.
I dont think everyone who installs manjaro will do gaming on there computer. The size of the live images are increasing. So steam may be excluded from the install iso.


Really Vivaldi that, like Chromium, doesnā€™t show Manjaroā€™s home properly? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Vivaldi vs Firefox)

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What should we see here?

Oneā€™s blurry, the other one is sharp. Because theyā€™re not being properly antialiasted

as @omano pointed out as well.
Steam is different. 80% of games people want to play, can only be played trough the proprietary steam client. There is no open source steam client.

Meanwhile with the web, any modern browser can access the internet.

The browser is the main part of any operating system / persons workflow.
Itā€™s very important that that can be trusted.
Weā€™re for example not managing our banking in Steam, now are we?..


There was some talk about this in the latest DLN with the Vivaldi CEO that got released today: 243: Vivaldi CEO Interview - Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner - Destination Linux Vivaldi CEO Interview: Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner | Destination Linux 243 - YouTube and Late Night Linux today: Late Night Linux ā€“ Episode 142 ā€“ Late Night Linux


I tried different chromium-based browsers on linux and i always found these issues:
-They always ask for password;
-No way to set the amount of line scrolled by the mouse wheel, except some extensions that make things worse;
-There is a way to disable hardware acceleration? Itā€™s everything choppy and laggy on my system, while on windows they work good.
All of them can be fixed with firefox, so i just cannot understand why i should use such a browser.


In my opinion, I think Vivaldi is better than Firefox. It has many cool features that may or not increase oneā€™s productivity, but itā€™s not a bad browser. I personally use Chromium. I think this is a good idea, at least the devs are trying something new. Use whatever your heart desires.

maybe a few pre or post installation questions in Calamares regarding software not being used by everyone can be asked(the same as what is currently there regarding the office suite).
-a choice of a browser
-do you want Steam
-do you need Thunderbird


A Quick Look at Garuda Linux Qtile Edition - YouTube


Maybe, just make both vivaldi and firefox preinstalled. :joy:


LMAO, itā€™s a joke right?

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Tbh I still donā€™t get what this discussion is about. Thereā€™s no deep system integration with the default browser on Manjaro, correct? I mean itā€™s not like Windows, where itā€™s a PITA to remove Edge/IE. Or like Android with Chrome.
Furthermore, I think that the vast majority of Manjaro users is very well aware of the fact that they can easily uninstall Vivaldi and install whatever Browser they like. Therefore I donā€™t think a popup or whatever is necessary to remind ppl of this. I even thought it was pretty dumb when MS and Google were forced by law in certain regions to do this (the former one for browsers, the latter one for search engines IIRC), although both Windows and Android are so much more mainstream and there seriously may be some users who donā€™t know. But I highly doubt that for anyone who installs any Linux distro themselves.


That was completely different, this was about monopoly, if you donā€™t see the difference.

What is discussed more here from my understanding is more about the proprietary nature of Vivaldi (which now that I looked at it further is not really proprietary as people would think, it is proprietary because they do not license their UI to be used and integrated in other projects, but everything else is open source), and the kinda monolithic situation about browsers engines, which chrome is becoming more and more the unique engine and replacing Firefox for a chrome based browser reduce even more the usage of another engine.

I see the difference, just mentioned it because their reasoning was that users wouldnā€™t know they can use another browser or search engine.
But I donā€™t really get the FOSS vs. proprietary argument here. Donā€™t get me wrong, I like FOSS, but as mentioned here before Manjaro is not a distro dedicated to just FOSS apps.
And I agree that itā€™s not ideal that Google dominates the browser market with Chrome. But letā€™s be honest: Blink is the better engine. But thatā€™s not the main reason why Firefox lost so much market share over the last years. Itā€™s Mozillas fault 'cause they ignore what users want for years now and just arenā€™t able to create competitive products anymore
But the huge problem I (a privacy advocate) see with Chrome is not the engine or Chromium itself- itā€™s all the shit Google adds to the code. I canā€™t and wonā€™t recommend Chrome to anybody, but fortunatly there are many good alternatives for most platforms like Brave, Chromium, Ungoogled Chromium, the DuckDuckGo-Browser or Bromite (or Vivaldi; but I never tried this one myself). Chromium/Blink based browsers already are and will be the meta in the forseeable future, like it or not.

Think this is a pretty good video on it, explains everyoneā€™s options pretty well


Thanks, and hereā€™s the man interviewed by other Linuxers:

Was interesting and pretty informative to watch, it contains references to Linux, Manjaro devs, Vivaldiā€™s funding, privacy matters, Firefox and open-source-code as expected, busts some misconceptions and fake news as well -he even openly says how to look at the whole code :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:- , and I donā€™t know about you but me being a physiognomist I have to say that his face and expressions are not those of a deceiver, but rather than of someone that hangs out in taverns where you 'd also want to sit along, eating and drinking beers together, while talking about classical music and stuff :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Awesome quote at 28:06:

ā€¦when someone takes our efforts at getting people access to the internet and makes it into a machine for programming usā€“thereā€™s something seriously wrong. And thatā€™s what this is, I mean call it what it is. It is a programming API to program us and give us opinions or get us to buy thingsā€¦

ā€“ Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner, CEO of Vivaldi Technologies