Manjaro arm on Amlogic Tv box?

Hi dante6913,
You mean “Setting Manager, Window manager Tweaks”,

and “Disable display compositing” or Uncheck “Enable display compositing”? I will revert to mesa 20.2.3-1 and Uncheck “Enable display compositing” and see whether there is any difference. As you said might need mesa 20.3.1.

Are you on “Testing Branch” or “Stable Branch”, in Stable Branch, mesa 20.2.3-1 is available but not mesa 20.3.1. I presume you are using linux-vim 5.10.1-1 and not linux 5.10.1-1.

I’m on unstable branch. Uncheck “Enable display compositing is correct answer, sorry I have it in Portuguese. I’m using linux-vim 5.10.1-1

I am on Manjaro-ARM-VIM3-XFCE-20.12 linux-vim 5.10.1-1 with new u-boot.ext from LibreElec (for_linux-vim-5101.tar) running Chrome open 8 tabs with lots of images using upt to 2.2GB/3.62GB RAM and concurrently watching hi-res video 1080p full screen from local HDD using MPV on the background (more than 30 minutes now).

This would have lead to kernel panic if I am using the old u-boot but it did not with this u-boot from LibreElec (per uropb).

What I need now is a another distro image like Debian/Ubuntu with 5.10 kernel to test and see whether this new u-boot will universally resolve kernel panic on GT King Pro. if you have a copy Debian/Ubuntu image with 5.10 kernel and willing to share i will test it out.

Well have yet to see whether a large system update will cause kernel panic on this new u-boot.

Take care and stay healthy.

Noted with thanks. Once mesa 20.3.1 is available, i will check it out.

Edit: Did you notice any screen glitches with Panfrost?

Connect a usb drive which have big size movie files around 2 - 3gb try to copy paste it back and forth on the os directory like Videos or Downloads.

If it gets transferred then it is solved. Try 3 -5 times back to back.

In two days of testing I just had a glitch once

It is true that 2020.10 uboot.ext looks for usb if any usb is connected which might have to be fixed.

What about ubuntu 20.10/20.04 from odroid by tobetter:

But i make some changers for boot this .img.
  1. copy files initrd.img-5.10.0-odroid-arm64 vmlinuz-5.10.0-odroid-arm64 from BOOT sda1
  2. unzip initrd.img-5.10.0-odroid-arm64
  3. sudo umount /dev/sda1
    sudo mkfs -t vfat -n BOOT /dev/sda1
  4. copy folders dtbs, extlinux files aml_autoscript, s905_autoscript, boot.ini from manjaro to BOOT sda1, files vmlinuz-5.10.0-odroid-arm64, initrd.img-5.10 (unziped)
  5. edit extlinux.conf:
    LABEL Ubuntu
    LINUX /vmlinuz-5.10.0-odroid-arm64
    INITRD /initrd.img-5.10

FDT /dtbs/amlogic/meson-sm1-sei610LE.dtb
APPEND root=UUID=“3625f573-f452-417f-9372-626fea45283e” rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes net.ifnames=0
6. lsblk -o+uuid
to know new uuid /dev/sda1
7. edit /etc/fstab from rootfs sda2:
UUID=“3625f573-f452-417f-9372-626fea45283e” / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
UUID=“1B9A-15D0” /boot vfat rw,relatime,errors=continue 0 0

Than it booted, but in console (server)
ip link show
sudo ip link set usb0 up ( i use smartphone as a modem)
sudo dhclient usb0
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
sudo reboot

Some troubles with systemd:
sudo systemctl --failed

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Hope these images I took during boot up time with the new u-boot from LibreElec will be useful to you.

Successful boot from new u-boot from LibreElec with linux-vim 5.10.1-1 where it “Moving Image from 0x8080000 to 0x8200000, end-a040000” and boot using fdt at 0x8008000

And unsuccessful boot with new u-boot where it goes into an infinite booting loop can’t remember when this happen with another USB HDD connected to the GT King Pro (unfortunaetely, image is blure as it reboot fast)

Hi uroph,

Thanks for the suggestion. For GT King Pro (s922x) image from Khadas VIM3 usually boot up with simple changes.

Odroid N2 image - doesn’t seems to boot but then I did not perform the sequence of changes you made.

Interested on your progress on Odroid C4/N2 20.10/20.04. Hopeful there are easier way to port Odroid C4/N2 Ubuntu image to TV Boxes like what Manjaro is doing.

Tested copied a 7.7GB video file to Manjaro_ARM OS USB Drive, I stop it after 5.3GB out of 7.7GB because it taking too long (No Kernel Panic). So looks like might really have found a solution. So far have continued testing the various known situations that always caused kernel panic on GT King Pro with old u-boot and with this new u-boot and NO kernel panic so far.

Hopefully other Beelink GT King Pro users on mainline kernel can try and test it out to confirm. The next question will be, does it work on other distro using mainline kernel.

May be it’s multibooting. Found /extlinux/extlinux.conf and finding gets tired

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Thanks Uropb, that’s very interesting.

This means that the kernel panic is resolved with 2020.10 chainloader uboot.ext

I see that it try to boot over usb when any usb drive is connected which might need some fixing.

Where did you get the updated uboot.ext from? I had it in boot-vim3 old pkg but I think it got mixed up with the old one in my newer update.

I cannot test it on my gskingx as it doesnt boot at all.
I will try it on gt king pro but I have alot of data on it so a complete backup is needed. It will take time for me to test So i hope someone can test it for us. Will ping darkstar on beelink forum.:wink:

It seems like when another usb drive is connected it will also try to boot up from that drive which causes time out, after time out… if the first usb drive it found do not have boot. But it does seems to resolved Beelink GT King Pro Kernel Panic issue.

Hi Spikerguy,

I got it from this link for_linux-vim-5101.tar — Yandex.Disk provided by “uropb” and according to “uropb” it is from LibreElec.

I have also use the same new u-boot.ext on Armbian_5.9.0 at it works and also seems to resolved the Kernel Panic issue also. I have simulate the condition that usually caused Kernel Panic on GT King Pro with the older Armbian U-Boot and with this new U-Boot, NO Kernel Panic so far just like on Manjaro.

Attached herewith the Armbian-5.9.0 initial boot up sequence. It is booting from the same address “0x8008000” just like in Manjaro-ARM-VIm3-linux-vim 5.10.1-1.

Edit: In Armbian-Focal-5.9.0 with the new u-boot.ext, if I use the old “meson-g12b-gtking-pro.dtb” Kernel Panic issue still persist.

But with the newer “meson-g12b-gtking-pro.dtb” or “meson-g12b-ugoos-am6.dtb”, No Kernel Panic on GT King Pro . This is interesting.

So it seems the dtb does play a role in the kernel panic on GT King Pro at least on Armbian-Focal-5.9.0.

Edit 2:
On Manjaro-ARM-VIM3-XFCE-Linux-Vim 5.10.1-1 with the new u-boot.ext the dtb file used doesn’t seems to have any effect in terms of kernel panic, both the newer and older “meson-g12b-gtking-pro.dtb” No Kernel Panic.

Yes, darkstar will be a good person to test it as he also uses a Beelink GT King Pro and he also built Debian/Ubuntu images. I have send him a message here in Manjaro Forum where he was participating at [How To] Install run Manjaro ARM on Amlogic TV Boxes with S922X - S905X3 SOC.

Linux sala 5.10.1-2-MANJARO-ARM #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 25 00:42:04 +03 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Linux-vim 5.10.1-2
So far its ok, after updated I had to edit extlinux.conf because it automatically changed the dtb

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Yes this will always be the case but boot pkgs are not updated frequently.

But make sure after every update you verify it before rebooting.

I notice more glitches with Panfrost, but I’m in intensive testing with firefox on youtube, rendering with panfrost Opengl ( layers.acceleration.force-enabled = true)