Manjaro ARM Alpha3 with Phosh (PinePhone)

Manjaro ARM Alpha3 of Phosh for PinePhone!

The Manjaro ARM project is proud to announce our third ALPHA release for the PinePhone running Phosh!

This image are running the 5.7 kernel from, which is designed for the PinePhone.


  • Added proper patch to keep calls alive from suspending during a call
  • Firefox uses a dedicated configuration and plays videos on Youtube pretty well
  • Fixed no audio until devices are swapped issue
  • Fixed issue with pipewire to get gnome-camera (pinhole) working again
  • Initial additon of anbox to run Android apps (incl. Fdroid)
  • Added nice-values for several apps to start faster
  • Auto-Rotate function (deactivated by default)
  • Welcome wizard for easy setup of the device
  • Comes with a flashlight application
  • Prime phone functions working, including resume from deep-sleep and free speaking
  • Recording of audio works
  • Most applications got added to scale-to-fit
  • Haptic feedback functions are given
  • Optimized keyboard layout for terminal
  • Geary Mail-Client in mobile version added
  • Maps with working GPS
  • Volume buttons working
  • Sensors fully functional
  • Easy access to Bluetooth, Wlan, Rotate and Mobile functions via quick settings
  • Default branch is arm-unstable. This can be changed by editing /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf
  • This image uses a Crust enabled uboot

Currently broken:

  • N/A

Known issues

  • gnome-usage only works as root user. Open a terminal, switch to root and start it
  • rotation in landscape might hinder to unlock the device when locked too fast
  • it may take longer to wake up from deep-sleep mode when a call is incoming. Most of the time that call will vibrate only.
  • UI becomes unresponsive after a while.
  • Lots of apps are still missing or are not mobile friendly yet.


Device Phosh
PinePhone Alpha3

About the device:
Perhaps you’re in a line of work where security is a must, or a hard-core Linux enthusiast, or perhaps you’ve just got enough of Android and iOS and you’re ready for something else – the PinePhone may be the next Phone for you. Powered by the same Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit SOC used in our popular PINE A64 Single Board Computer, the PinePhone runs mainline Linux as well as anything else you’ll get it to run.

The purpose of the PinePhone isn’t only to deliver a functioning Linux phone to end-users, but also to actively create a market for such a device, as well as to support existing and well established Linux-on-Phone projects. All major Linux Phone-oriented projects, as well as other FOSS OS’, are represented on the PinePhone and developers work together on our platform to bring support this this community driven device.

How to install:

Download the image/xz file from the download location. Verify that the download completed successfully.

After that, install Etcher (sudo pacman -S etcher if on Manjaro) and burn the to an SD card (8 GB or larger).

The PinePhone should recognize the SD card as a bootable device and boot from it.

The premade users are:
User: manjaro
Password: 123456

User: root
password: root


Please consider supporting Manjaro ARM directly via Patreon, Ko-Fi or Open Collective.
You can also donate to our upstream, which is Arch Linux ARM.



If you face issues with this editon, please open a new issue on our bug-tracker

Development Changelog

We will list our progress to Alpha4 here

  • Alpha3 (2020-09-02) Download
  • Alpha3 (2020-09-06) Download
    • updated kernel to 5.7.19
    • updated uboot-firmware to 2020.09-1 (incl. support for 3GB version)
  • Alpha3 (2020-09-08) Download
    • downgrade uboot-firmware to 2020.04-8 (newer created lot of regressions)
  • Alpha3 (2020-09-13) Download
    • update tweaks
    • fixes to calls application and updates to gnome packages
    • firefox got renewed
    • repos switched to testing branch

The alpha3-20200906 is booting slower than alpha2 i tried previously. The power LED stays lit much longer before it turns off and the loading starts properly. The wifi and BT icons take longer to appear on the unlocking screen after boot. When i shut down the phone it won’t react when doing a long press to start it again, only the second long press starts the phone, it is almost as if it would still be on after shutdown, and the first long press force shuts it down. And finally after restart (instead of shutdown) the bluetooth adapter was not found. These worked normally in alpha2.

Same here, it is often like a game when it boots or not. And the problem with mobile data persists.
For ensuring an cold reboot I normally take the battery out for some seconds, reinsert and press on/off key for 4 seconds. Mostly Manjaro starts at least 20 or 30 seconds later.

did you try alpha3 (the first image) ? I’m wondering if i should test if the weird behavior is due to the kernel or firmware update in the second image.

First build and today updated with pacman -Syu

Start anomalies and no mobile network - aka - if mobile data is activated carrier connection drops

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Several hours after shutting down the phone it remained hot. I had to take out the battery to cool it down. I’ve never experienced such a weird thing with alpha 2.

With a workaround from gitlab I can activate mobile data stable. But phone calls are missed if phone is on deep sleep. It wakes up, but lasts 25-30 seconds to recive the call. All callers give up trying to reach me if there is no answer for such a long time. And the most problematic issue is that even the call log has no information about the missed call. So You have also no chance for calling back. You know not WHO has tried to call You.

i reflashed alpha2-20200822 and updated using pacman, and it did not gain the problems of alpha3

perl, man etc. complain about locales, running locale complains about several not found errors, solution was to export LC_ALL in .bashrc. I don’t know why this is so because i already have it defined in /etc/locale.conf

How about making and receiving phone calls? Especially receiving when phone is in sleep state?

Do you mean something more with sleep than the display being off? In that state it seems to be working correctly the few calls i have received. I have not tried making a call yet. There was however a static buzz in the background during received call.

can you link the workaround from gitlab you mentioned?

This is also the case for me in Mobian and the unofficial Arch project.

Here’s what worked for me:

  1. Setup your APN and enable mobile data. Wait for the “4G” status icon to go away.
  2. Open up a terminal.
  3. Run nmcli c and find the NAME that matches the name you gave your APN settings.
  4. Run nmcli c edit <NAME> (e.g., nmcli c edit keepgo )
  5. Type remove
  6. Type save
  7. Type q
  8. Run nmcli c up <NAME> (e.g., nmcli c up keepgo )

I discovered this after seeing that setting up a connection manually (via nmcli/mmcli) worked fine and comparing the settings.

The description for states that it is used to ensure that the device does not roam when direct roaming control of the device is not otherwise possible. The modem bearer settings should ensure that the device is not roaming if you didn’t enable it in GNOME Settings, but don’t yell at me if you get a large phone bill . My SIM requires that I be roaming.

This isn’t a Manjaro issue specifically, but I’m not sure what the root problem is or where to report this.

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Yepp, display off and the phone after 10 minutes in sleep state

i don’t think it was 10 minutes with display off before the calls came.

I have configured in the energy settings that the phone will after 5 minutes go to sleep, regardless if connected to a loader or not.

Then waited 10 minutes and made the test call to the pinephone

I test this after every update done with “pacman -Syu”. Todays updates untested for now, will do this later on in the evening

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With newest updates from yesterday and today the phone also in sleep mode answers to an incoming call after 5-6 seconds! I will make more investigations about this… but at first sight this looks phantastic

My joy was too early… also 25-30 seconds waiting until phone call receives happened.

For me the biggest issue not to use it as a daily. Phone calls are for me absolutely necessary at high priority :frowning:

Edit nm

networkmanager ???

Phantastic energy management in Manjaro for PinePhone compared to “other” operating systems on the PP:

full loaded overnight, deattached phone 8.45 morning. Four hours later 77% load.