Lower resolution (960x540) on video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-390xx-bumblebee

so the peg setting is active in bios?

so change it to PCI, and try again to boot into your installation, if it doesnt work, from live usb provide again output from:
inxi -G

Yes, PEG is enabled.

I will make the change to PCI.

Hmmmm bad news… Display don’t start… Hmmmmmmm How fix this?

enter into bios again and revert the setting

Cannot enter the BIOS… Screen is without energy!!!

so force turn off your pc, and turn it on, and tap the key that you are using to enter into bios

@brahma The screen is without energy… changing to PCI result on that. I cannot see anything!!! Screen is blackout!

System stay powered, but screen don’t power.

My system is gone?

Can you help me, please?

do you have an external monitor? that should work

I have an HDMI monitor. Nothing happend. Before, I have both monitors OK.

Please, help me.

Lenovo Y510P. All my stuff is in there.

so the hdmi is connected and its also black?

Yes it is.

your data is ok, so dont worry about that… but damn really sorry about that…
are there other ports where you can connect the external display?
you probably have to navigate blindly to set the bios to default…
here is a video on bios setting for your model, so you have to do it blindly…enter into bios, by tapping several times the f2 key, then press the f9 key, and then press enter, then press f10 key and press enter to exit…
is this how your bios looks like:

@brahma Man, since rhe change Primary Display: PCI, the system power, but the screen is dead. Can ypu help me to fix it?

OK man…

Back in the road again.

I ask for help to one friend. As the display was dead, it was restoring defaults like a blind>

F9 (restore defaults)

Reboot and that made the magic.

Write for future problems.

@brahma So, I"m in chroot now.

Can you assist me to recover the bumblebee configuration and boot normal again?

By default, video is in Primary Display: SG… I will not touch that again.

thats what i was suggesting above… glad it worked

forget above restoring them…
did you booted into the manjaro usb with proprietary drivers?

Yes, in chroot with propietary drivers.

It seems that only bumblebee works in system normal boot.

so exit chroot:
and post output from:
inxi -G
to check what drivers are loaded in the live usb