Hello. This is my first time posting here (english is not my native language… so I’m sorry if I don’t express myself well). Today I updated my linux kernel from 5.10.96-1 to 5.15.18-2-rt28-MANJARO because pacman -Syyu update suggested me to do it. After the update I wasn’t able to utilize my video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-prime drivers, I reinstall them (uninstall and then install through console with mhwd) and still didn’t work. Here are a couple of messages I received (thanks for the help in advance!):
$ nvidia-smi
NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.
This is not possibly true.
5.10 is an LTS, and has continued support for the next few years at minimum. *rt kernels are ‘real-time’ kernels not intended for regular use; they are for specific cases like audio engineering.
Let us just have a look at your installed kernels:
Mk. It looks like you have both installed still.
We can be extra safe and try to reinstall the 510 …
sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux510
(it will probably inform you it is already installed)
Please reboot and tap the Esc button while the system starts to bring up the GRUB menu.
From there please select the 510 kernel.
Once you are booted into it, verify your current running kernel by using mhwd-kernel again or something like
uname -a
Once you are sure you are not currently using the 515-rt kernel, then you may remove it with
sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux515-rt
At this point we can continue to troubleshoot if that is required.
There might be something fishy going on, yesterday a user posted something similar, but I thought regarding all his replies that it was 100% user fault (he was saying Nvidia breaks all the time on his system, said he never installed 5.15 RT himself) see this thread Black screen of death after update - 515-rt & nvidia drivers - #56 by omano
hm… OK … maybe worth looking at …
But I am wondering if it may be related to some sort of package like linux-lts or kernel-alive or something … I will look and/or forward the stuff.
The following packages will be installed:
resolving dependencies...
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
warning: cannot resolve "nvidia-utils=495.46", a dependency of "linux515-rt-nvidia"
:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N]
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'nvidia-utils=495.46' required by linux515-rt-nvidia
the RT kernel has wrong dependencies we currently have Nvidia 510 driver, not 495 anymore.
I have a similar, if not the same issue as described in this post, though in my case Manjaro did not let me update my system at all. Every time I try:
sudo pacman -Syu
it fails with:
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'nvidia-utils=495.46' required by linux515-rt-invidia
My kernel was linux515-rt from the start (when yesterday’s update dropped), but after reading forum threads I realized that I made the wrong choice by installing it at first (I still think I am a Linux noob and gave too little attention to what “Real-Time” even meant).
I needed to install an application to do something and the GUI package manager did not let me do that due to the update failing. When I read the Manjaro guide online on how to use the terminal for it, it said that I should not try to install something without updating first. So I tried to get the update to successfully install and thought the kernel was the issue, but installing linux516 and trying to run it gave me a black screen without booting to laptop. I tried to follow advice on this thread and installed linux510 - it also doesn’t work. I am stuck on a screen saying how many files and blocks my drive has and I don’t know how I can even boot into desktop anymore.
Oops! Sorry, my bad! The reason is I had the nvidia updates for rt-kernels built when we updated nvidia-utils, but somehow forgot to actually push them to the repo.
Correct drivers are now online.