Linux dependency issues

Although I applaud your

If that is your motivation, please also use it to learn how to properly use the English, the Forum and ask for help.

To be honest, this kind of behaviour:

…was explicitly and directly addressed:

So do yourself a favour, work through this:


Also, do not write a wall of text, as:

That took me forever to read and understand. Please use proper language, not txt spk, and proper spelling, because theres doesn’t exist and there’s is not to the same as theirs.

Also, we might know Linux, but we’re not psychic and we do not have crystal balls, never mind working ones. So describe your problem in proper, clear language with the correct spelling.


I acknowledge what you said above, truly my deed :slight_smile: , So used to it , also because i am not native english speaking , on top of that, when i need help urgently, i will rush (anxious to get it solve), and to make that worst, small handphone touch screen … anyway… it is not easy to overcome my own issue. Thats why i mostly ask bing Ai… Unless it get on my nerd.

Anyway, house have house rule , forum has forum rule. :slight_smile:

That has been proven to be a Bad IdeaTM.

There are many Manjaro forums in other languages. For example:

And of course others. Furthermore, there’s a whole section of the Forum dedicated to support in other Languages.

Any forum that is for half english half chinese? thats me… Neither very good in both. :slight_smile:

This manjaro issue that i seek help was partly due to bing Ai instruction…ha. However, by me having problem seeking help in forum, i have no choice, but option for ai help sometime…well this is the “bad” time. There were also many time AI solved my problem very fast.

I have no doubt. But it can be extremely dangerous. Read about Data poisoning.

Data poisoning, as its name suggests, involves the deliberate and malicious contamination of data to compromise the performance of AI and ML systems.

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Yes, bot ze Germans oll kommen here und posten in German in ze Inglisher kategories! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yah, iz tru! Bot it iz de korrekt place…

Hey! it is by forum rules no broken Germeng (german-english) language here… not easy for search engine to render search… :slight_smile:

Ek is ook seker dat die soek enjins sal nie die Afrikaans kan vind nie, so ek praat ook maar eerder Engels hier.

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I have post my chroot surgery operation on my other thread. If got any idea what to do and proceed. Please do that there. Thanks.

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