Linux dependency issues

Not Manjaro, no ā€” Gentoo does. But this is either way what Snap and FlatPak were intended to work around. And then you get all of the problems that come with that, which is thatā€¦ :point_down:

  • Youā€™d be wasting enormous amounts of disk space, because every Snap or FlatPak comes with its own set of dependencies; andā€¦

  • Snap and FlatPak applications wonā€™t integrate well with the rest of the system, because they run in isolated containers.

However, since you posit the question, I will drop off thisā€¦ :point_down:

P.S.: Please refrain from using cellphone speak. Write in normal English, with proper punctuation and proper spelling.

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# Search for a package (official repositories):
pacman -Ss <packagename>

# Search for information about that package:
pacman -Si <packagename>

# See if you have a package installed already:
pacman -Qs <packagename>

# Find information about the local package:
pacman -Qi <packagename>

# Install the package (note the use of `sudo`):
sudo pacman -S <packagename>

Using PAMAC:

# Build a package from AUR:
pamac build <packagename>

# Install a containerised package (flatpak or appimage):
pamac install <packagename>

# Update and include AUR packages:
pamac update --aur

# Update including flatpak/appimage but not AUR packages:
pamac update --no-aur

# Update everything (not my preference):
pamac update
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sorry, too many inter twine msg, i dont know which msg u r responding to

too bad
not that many though :man_shrugging:

usually itā€™s the one just above ā€¦

Why not? Different app has different UI , some are good, some not so user friendly . I tried a lot of app, to see which is good for me to useā€¦


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I have being using manjaro since before covid pandemicā€¦ stumbling here and there, until today, still stumbling here and there. Same as other people, it is the aur and git source code that bring me to use this distro. It is also having constant system upgrade and broke like this that made me love and hate such distro

Itā€™s not how long youā€™ve been using Manjaro, but how you approach and think of GNU/Linux.

Your brain is still using Microsoft Logicā„¢, which only applies to Microsoft operating systems. GNU/Linux is a UNIX/POSIX operating system, and unless you are willing to unlearn all of your Windows habits and your Microsoft perspective, you are never going to be successful at using anything else.

I could explain all of the differences to you, right here and right now, but then this post would become thousands of lines long, while everything I could be explaining has already long ago been published on the internet ā€” and elsewhere, such as in actual books. Furthermore, I donā€™t have the energy anymore to get into all of the details all over again ā€” yes, Iā€™ve had to do it before.

I actually wanted to tease out a more specific answer.

And you can do that - but sometimes not easily have both at the same time.

Your actual problem report here started with something about

Not much progress has been made on that here ā€¦

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ā€¦often to deaf ears, unfortunately.

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I gav up on fixing it. Wasting time. pacman-static also cant save it. gonna wipe it of.

Thx anyway

Iā€™m not at all convinced but this is your system and your decision.
Good luck!

Thatā€™s not what I meant. I meant this pkg does not solve problem. I have it installed and execute. -Syu but ended up all error.

just copied a few for u to seeā€¦
error: hook /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/30-systemd-udev-reload.hook line 2: invalid value Path
error: hook /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/glib-compile-schemas.hook line 2: invalid value Path
error: hook /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/70-dkms-install.hook line 4: invalid value Path
error: hook /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/fontconfig-32.hook line 2: invalid value Path
error: hook /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/30-systemd-hwdb.hook line 2: invalid value Path
error: failed to commit transaction (failed to run transaction hooks)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded

You only even need pacman-static when the original system is so far gone that the original pacman doesnā€™t work anymore
in chroot

manjaro-chroot - look how to use it

But you probably donā€™t even need to even go there.

We still, after all this time, donā€™t know what you are doing, what responses you are getting and what your problems in resolving them are.

We still have pretty much zero clue - because you just donā€™t give information.
This is getting both tiresome and boring.

Iā€™ll be only watching this from now on (I know, I already said that before. One can try ā€¦ :wink: )

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The OP has already reached an obvious conclusion; that reinstalling is an option; which is why I marked their respective post as the solution.

I highly doubt there is much point in continuing this thread, otherwise; except perhaps to raise another valid consideration:

I would like to try to use chroot method too, just due to learning spirit ā€¦ I will try chroot cmd, because after whole day and night to trying to understand msi bios (ventoy stuck can boot up but manjaro stick cant), searching direct iso download link that is release 24 using lynx (horrible tool) on the broken computer via tty, downloaded 2 iso , learn dd manjarob iso cmd, did a dd twice (1 time using oflag=sync which slow like crazy (after that realize it is missing of " bs=4M" that makes is turtle speedā€¦ then last burn of iso image works.
so, gonna try chroot as suggested, since i have all the tools and environmentā€¦ even i hav no idea what is the reason and what is the source of causeā€¦etcā€¦ thats why i think even using chroot wont know what else to do apart fr mnt the required folder (since pacman-static does not solve it).

If you insist. :slight_smile:

Just click and remove the Solution tick under your post (above) to prevent the thread from closing automatically.


Although I applaud your

If that is your motivation, please also use it to learn how to properly use the English, the Forum and ask for help.

To be honest, this kind of behaviour:

ā€¦was explicitly and directly addressed:

So do yourself a favour, work through this:


Also, do not write a wall of text, as:

That took me forever to read and understand. Please use proper language, not txt spk, and proper spelling, because theres doesnā€™t exist and thereā€™s is not to the same as theirs.

Also, we might know Linux, but weā€™re not psychic and we do not have crystal balls, never mind working ones. So describe your problem in proper, clear language with the correct spelling.


I acknowledge what you said above, truly my deed :slight_smile: , So used to it , also because i am not native english speaking , on top of that, when i need help urgently, i will rush (anxious to get it solve), and to make that worst, small handphone touch screen ā€¦ anywayā€¦ it is not easy to overcome my own issue. Thats why i mostly ask bing Aiā€¦ Unless it get on my nerd.

Anyway, house have house rule , forum has forum rule. :slight_smile: