There are 605 Noto fonts on my system (with many different languages that I cannot use) that clutter up the font selection in various programs. They all come from a single package that is an XFCE dependency, so can’t be removed selectively or in whole.
The post [Can removing Noto font be an issue? - #3 by Aragorn] says that fonts can be hidden from applications in the System Settings manager. I don’t have any program called “System Settings”. There is the Settings > Settings Manager that has an Appearance section with a fonts section, but it has nothing about hiding fonts. There is also the Manjaro Settings Editor and the Settings Editor, neither of which have anything about fonts.
Is there a way to hide certain fonts so they don’t show up in font selector?
I’ve done various things to tame the font madness on Manjaro. By far the easiest is to install noto-fonts-lite from the AUR. It will remove all the hundreds of Noto fonts you don’t want. Then uninstalling any others you don’t want is a piece of cake.
I don’t have any program called “System Settings”. There is the Settings > Settings Manager that has an Appearance section with a fonts section, but it has nothing about hiding fonts.
If you have noto-fonts-extra package remove it, and keep only noto-fonts. If you still find the list too much big, remove all noto-fonts packages and install noto-fonts-lite from AUR.