Installing manjaro to usb

I tried another approach that might be easier, but I bumped.
Here’s what I tried.

  1. Install arch-bootstrap with pacman

  2. Mount USB and navigate to location

  3. Run script from TeArch Linux / Applications and Tools / archstrap · GitLab

    Original script:

    # create archlinux rootfs (no need any parameters)
    archstrap airootfs
    # create hyperbola-linux rootfs (community section not available for hyperbola-linux)
    archstrap hyperbola -i community -r '$repo/os/$arch'
    # create manjaro rootfs (need only repo changes)
    archstrap manjaro -r ''$repo/$arch'
    # Note: the last line is missing a single quote I think.

    Modified script:

    arch-bootstrap airootfs
    arch-bootstrap hyperbola -i community -r '$repo/os/$arch'
    arch-bootstrap manjaro -r ''$repo/$arch''
  4. Error: cannot find package: acl
    acl is installed though in pamac…

Also, I want to install KDE Plasma on persistent USB, but I don’t see how that script can let me define KDE.


I got the USB installed with VirtualBox, had to install virtualbox-ext-oracle with pacman. Configuring VirtualBox to use the extension I did with the help of this tutorial

Installing Manjaro on the USB (inside VirtualBox), I did with the help of this video

Already a bit old but maybe it contains some hints:

It is a third party script - unsupported by Manjaro.

I suggest you talk to the creator.

[root tip] [How To] Do a manual Manjaro installation
[root tip] [How To] Manjaro-To-Go LXDE with persistance
[root tip] [Utility Script] Encrypted Manjaro Linux using Verified Boot
Mapare - manjaro package restore
[HowTo] portable manjaro USB with XFCE, btrfs (part1)

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