hello, I have such a problem, I can’t install Manjaro, the installation is interrupted by 90% and then the system freezes, can I somehow fix this?
здравствуйте, у меня такая проблема не могу устоновить Manjaro, устоновка прерываеться на 90 % и потом ситема зависает, можно ли как-то это исправить?
Dows this happen on all Manjaro flavors (Gnome, KDE, etc.) ?
If the installation freezes for no apparent reason, then I think it’s most likely a hardware issue like a bad hard drive or a faulty USB pen drive you want to install Manjaro from.
To be honest, I only tried Manjaro KDE , but before that I tried the Fedora distribution and it also could not install
is it possible to install Manjaro via terminal?
Hi and welcome to the Forum
It is impossible to say, without hardware information, why you are unable to install…
Без информации об оборудовании невозможно сказать, почему вы не можете установить…
You can try the manjaro-architect installer