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How can i upgrade Manjaro to the latest version?
Simply update as usual.
Being a rolling release distribution, keeping Manjaro up-to-date is enough to always be at the latest version.
How can i upgrade the kernel?
Actually, kernels are an “exception” to the above rule, in the sense that they will only update to the latest patch version.
This is because Manjaro allows users to have multiple kernels installed. As such, updating your system will also update your installed kernels to their respective latest patch, but will not install newer versions nor uninstall older ones.
Please refer to the following guide for managing your kernels: Manjaro Kernels - Manjaro
Then what are the release announcements for?
As time passes, the Manjaro team continues to polish and improve the distribution, by adding new tools, changing default applications, and of course keeping all packages up-to-date. Those changes may then be featured in the latest ISO, so that new users start with a fresher installation.
How can i get those new features on an existing system?
All of these are among the packages available in the repositories; they are just a package installation or configuration reset away.
Because the user must stay in control of their system, these new defaults and packages are not installed during a system update, as not to overwrite the user’s customized configuration.
New defaults and packages are usually listed in the release announcement, so users seeking the fresher experience can individually apply them:
- new packages can simply be installed as usual
- new defaults can be applied by replacing the user configuration file (in ~ or /home/<user>) with the associated one from /etc/skel
Tip: You may find the folder /etc/skel empty, but the default configuration files you seek are actually there, only hidden. You may need to set your file manager to show hidden files to see them:
- Ctrl+H in GTK : Nautilus (GNOME), Thunar (Xfce) …
- Alt+. in Qt : Dolphin (KDE) …