I use Manjaro Gnome desktop I installed the deepin desktop and now I wanna remove it
please someone to help

I use Manjaro Gnome desktop I installed the deepin desktop and now I wanna remove it
please someone to help
How did you install it?
Please provide the output of:
pamac search deepin
When posting terminal output, copy the output and paste it here, wrapped in three (3) backticks, before AND after the pasted text. Like this:
pasted text
Or three (3) tilde signs, like this:
pasted text
This will just cause it to be rendered like this:
sollicitudin dolor
eget nisl elit id
arcu erat varius
cursus sem quis eros.
Instead of like this:
Sed sollicitudin dolor eget nisl elit id condimentum arcu erat varius cursus sem quis eros.
Alternatively, paste the text you wish to format as terminal output, select all pasted text, and click the </> button on the taskbar. This will indent the whole pasted section with one TAB, causing it to render the same way as described above.
Thereby increasing legibility thus making it easier for those trying to provide assistance.
For more information, please see:
If your language isn’t English, please prepend any and all terminal commands with LC_ALL=C
. For example:
LC_ALL=C bluetoothctl
This will just cause the terminal output to be in English, making it easier to understand and debug.
thanks for trying to help
why we need terminal output I installed it from manjaro site
also here it is terminal output
pamac search deepin ✔
dde-device-formatter community
A simple graphical
interface for creating
file system in a block
startdde [Installed] 5.10.1-1 community
starter of deepin
desktop environment
docparser [Installed] 1.0.3-1 community
A document parser
library ported from
xcursor-chameleon-pearl-deepin 0.5-5 community
Chameleon X Cursor Theme
(pearl flavour)
plymouth-theme-manjaro-deepin-circle 1.0-4 community
Plymouth theme for
plymouth-theme-manjaro-deepin 1.6-5 community
Plymouth theme for
manjaro-wallpapers-by-lunix-deepin 1.1-1 community
Manjaro Wallpapers By
Lunix - Deepin
golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-x11-client 0.6.9-2 community
X11 protocol go language
golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-lib 5.8.27-1 community
A library containing
many useful go routines
for things such as glib,
gettext, archive,
graphic, etc.
golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-gir 2.2.0-1 community
Generate static golang
bindings for GObject
golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-dbus-factory 1.11.2-1 community
GO DBus factory for DDE
deepin-wayland-protocols 1.6.0.deepin.1.2-1 community
deepin Specific
Protocols for Wayland
deepin-wallpapers-temp-fix 1.0-1 community
Fixes issue with default
wallpaper in deepin
deepin-wallpapers-plasma 5.18.5-1 community
Additional Deepin
desktop wallpapers from
deepin-wallpapers-manjaro 1:1.7.7-2 community
Default wallpapers for
Manjaro DDE
deepin-voice-note 5.11.1-1 community
A lightweight memo tool
to make text notes and
voice recordings
deepin-util-dfm 1.1.1-1 community
Qt-style Client and
Server library wrapper
for the Wayland
deepin-topbar 0.7.0-1 community
This is topbar for Deepin
deepin-terminal-gtk community
Default terminal
emulation application
for Deepin, the old gtk
deepin-terminal 5.9.40-1 community
Default terminal
emulation application
for Deepin
deepin-store 1.2.4-1 community
Third party app store
for DDE built with DTK
deepin-settings-manjaro 2021.04-3 community
Branding configuration
files for the manjaro
deepin edition
deepin-screenshot 5.0.0-6 community
Easy-to-use screenshot
tool for linuxdeepin
desktop environment
deepin-screensaver-pp 0.0.4-2 community
Optional PP screensaver
resource for deepin
deepin-screen-recorder 5.11.15-1 community
Deepin Screen Recorder
deepin-reader 5.10.29-2 community
A simple PDF reader,
supporting bookmarks,
highlights and
deepin-printer 0.9.16-1 community
Printer configuration
project for DDE
deepin-picker 6.0.0-1 community
Color picker tool for
deepin-music 6.2.24-1 community
Awesome music player
with brilliant and
tweakful UI Deepin-UI
deepin-movie 1:5.10.14-1 community
Movie player based on mpv
deepin-mail community
Deepin mail
deepin-kwin 5.5.11-1 community
KWin configures on DDE
deepin-iconthemes-manjaro 20170918-1 community
Icon themes for
deepin-icon-theme-manjaro 2021.03.12-1 community
Deepin Icons themed for
deepin-grand-search 5.3.2-3 community
System-wide desktop
search for DDE
deepin-gettext-tools 1.0.10-1 community
Deepin Gettext Tools
deepin-font-manager 5.9.14-1 community
A font management tool
for Deepin desktop
deepin-editor 6.0.1-1 community
Simple editor for Deepin
deepin-draw 6.0.1-1 community
A lightweight drawing
tool for Linux Deepin
deepin-diskmanager 1.2.8-1 community
Disk management tool for
creating, reorganizing
and formatting
deepin-device-formatter community
A simple graphical
interface for creating
file system in a block
deepin-desktop-base-manjaro 2:2021.06.16-1 community
Base component for
Manjaro Deepin Edition
deepin-compressor 5.12.14-1 community
A fast and lightweight
application for creating
and extracting archives
deepin-community-wallpapers 1:1.7.7-2 community
Community wallpapers for
deepin-clone 5.0.11-1 community
Disk and partition
backup/restore tool
deepin-clipboard 5.4.25-2 community
DDE clipboard manager
deepin-camera 1.4.10-1 community
Tool to view camera,
take photo and video
deepin-calculator 5.8.23-2 community
An easy to use
calculator for ordinary
deepin-boot-maker 5.7.8-1 community
Tool to create a
bootable usb stick quick
and easy
deepin-album 6.0.0-1 community
A fashion photo manager
for viewing and
organizing pictures
deepin-wm [Installed] 1.9.38-7 community
Deepin Window Manager
deepin-wallpapers [Installed] 1:1.7.7-2 community
Default wallpapers for
deepin-turbo [Installed] 0.0.6-1 community
A daemon that helps to
launch applications
deepin-system-monitor [Installed] 6.0.3-2 community
A more user-friendly
system monitor
deepin-sound-theme [Installed] 15.10.6-1 community
Deepin sound theme
deepin-shortcut-viewer [Installed] 5.0.7-1 community
Deepin Shortcut Viewer
deepin-session-ui [Installed] 5.6.2-1 community
desktop-environment -
Session UI module
deepin-session-shell [Installed] 5.5.84-1 community
desktop-environment -
session-shell module
deepin-screensaver [Installed] 5.0.5-1 community
Deepin screensaver
viewer and tools
deepin-qt-dbus-factory [Installed] 6.0.0-1 community
A repository stores
auto-generated Qt5 dbus
code (libdframeworkdbus)
deepin-qt5platform-plugins [Installed] 5.6.5-2 community
Qt platform plugins for
deepin-qt5integration [Installed] 5.6.6-1 community
Qt platform theme
integration plugins for
deepin-pw-check [Installed] 5.1.18-1 community
Tool to verify the
validity of the password
deepin-polkit-agent-ext-gnomekeyring [Installed] 0.1.0-2 community
GNOME keyring extension
for dde-polkit-agent
deepin-polkit-agent [Installed] 5.4.17-1 community
Deepin Polkit Agent
deepin-network-utils [Installed] 5.4.13-1 community
DDE network utils
deepin-network-core [Installed] 1.0.63-2 community
DDE network library and
deepin-mutter [Installed] 3.20.38-6 community
Base window manager for
deepin, fork of gnome
deepin-metacity [Installed] 3.22.24-3 community
2D window manager for
deepin-menu [Installed] 5.0.1-10 community
Deepin menu service for
building beautiful menus
deepin-launcher [Installed] 5.6.1-2 community
desktop-environment -
Launcher module
deepin-image-viewer [Installed] 5.9.11-1 community
An image viewing tool
with fashion interface
and smooth performance
deepin-image-editor [Installed] 1.0.26-1 community
Public library for
deepin-image-viewer and
deepin-icon-theme [Installed] 2021.11.24-1 community
Deepin Icons
deepin-gtk-theme [Installed] 2020.06.10-1 community
Deepin GTK Theme
deepin-file-manager [Installed] 1:5.8.3-2 community
Deepin File Manager
deepin-dock [Installed] 5.5.81-1 community
desktop-environment -
dock module
deepin-desktop-schemas [Installed] 6.0.2-1 community
GSettings deepin
desktop-wide schemas
deepin-desktop-base [Installed] 2:2022.07.26-2 community
Base component for Deepin
deepin-daemon [Installed] community
Daemon handling the DDE
session settings
deepin-control-center [Installed] 5.5.158-1 community
New control center for
linux deepin
deepin-cogl [Installed] 1.22.5-3 community
An object oriented
Layer for Deepin
deepin-clutter [Installed] 1.26.2-3 community
A toolkit for creating
fast, portable,
compelling dynamic UIs
for Deepin
deepin-calendar [Installed] 5.9.1-1 community
Calendar for Deepin
Desktop Environment
deepin-app-services [Installed] 0.0.22-1 community
Service collection of
DDE applications,
including dconfig-center
deepin-api [Installed] 5.5.32-1 community
Golang bindings for
deepin-anything-dkms [Installed] 5.0.18-1 community
Deepin Anything file
search tool
deepin-anything [Installed] 5.0.18-1 community
Deepin Anything file
search tool
deepin-account-faces [Installed] community
Account faces for Linux
~ ✔
It seems you somehow missed my tip about posting terminal output:
Additionally, see:
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆ You’ve probably been sent here by a more experienced user because you cannot post links nor screenshotsso please follow the simple instructions of this tutorial below to allow you to post both screenshots and links in any post and have a short explanation of why you can’t do this easily…
If you’re reading this in response to a question, please click the green link above this text to bring you to the full unabridged text of the tutorial itself. If you …
Please provide the output of:
pamac list --installed | grep --ignore-case deepin
if any one can help here it is the lines I used to install
sudo pacman -S deepin
sudo pacman -S deepin-extra
sudo pacman -S lightdm
systemctl enable lightdm.service --force
sudo pacman -S deepin-manjaro
pamac list --installed | grep --ignore-case deepin
deepin-account-faces community 1.5 MB
deepin-anything 5.0.18-1 community 1.1 MB
deepin-anything-dkms 5.0.18-1 community 59.9 kB
deepin-api 5.5.32-1 community 65.9 MB
deepin-app-services 0.0.22-1 community 642.6 kB
deepin-calendar 5.9.1-1 community 6.4 MB
deepin-clutter 1.26.2-3 community 17.9 MB
deepin-cogl 1.22.5-3 community 4.7 MB
deepin-control-center 5.5.158-1 community 33.1 MB
deepin-daemon community 97.8 MB
deepin-desktop-base 2:2022.07.26-2 community 47.1 kB
deepin-desktop-schemas 6.0.2-1 community 293.1 kB
deepin-dock 5.5.81-1 community 5.7 MB
deepin-file-manager 1:5.8.3-2 community 54.5 MB
deepin-gtk-theme 2020.06.10-1 community 3.7 MB
deepin-icon-theme 2021.11.24-1 community 137.3 MB
deepin-image-editor 1.0.26-1 community 11.9 MB
deepin-image-viewer 5.9.11-1 community 7.2 MB
deepin-launcher 5.6.1-2 community 2.3 MB
deepin-menu 5.0.1-10 community 116.9 kB
deepin-metacity 3.22.24-3 community 6.7 MB
deepin-mutter 3.20.38-6 community 5.6 MB
deepin-network-core 1.0.63-2 community 6.2 MB
deepin-network-utils 5.4.13-1 community 360.4 kB
deepin-polkit-agent 5.4.17-1 community 252.7 kB
deepin-polkit-agent-ext-gnomekeyring 0.1.0-2 community 30.9 kB
deepin-pw-check 5.1.18-1 community 5.9 MB
deepin-qt-dbus-factory 6.0.0-1 community 3.9 MB
deepin-qt5integration 5.6.6-1 community 1.0 MB
deepin-qt5platform-plugins 5.6.5-2 community 694.5 kB
deepin-screensaver 5.0.5-1 community 963.3 kB
deepin-session-shell 5.5.84-1 community 4.3 MB
deepin-session-ui 5.6.2-1 community 3.3 MB
deepin-shortcut-viewer 5.0.7-1 community 80.0 kB
deepin-sound-theme 15.10.6-1 community 4.9 MB
deepin-system-monitor 6.0.3-2 community 25.1 MB
deepin-turbo 0.0.6-1 community 230.4 kB
deepin-wallpapers 1:1.7.7-2 community 31.7 MB
deepin-wm 1.9.38-7 community 1.3 MB
dwayland 5.24.3.deepin.1.4-1 community 4.7 MB
If you’re sure, then uninstalling it is as simple as reversing it:
pamac remove deepin-manjaro lightdm deepin-extra deeping
Followed by removing any orphans (this is a good idea for doing periodically, in any case):
pamac remove --orphans
And making sure GDM is enabled again:
systemctl enable gdm
and then rebooting.
Having multiple desktop environments installed will inevitably lead to problems. Please see here:
If you removed Gnome originally, remember to reinstall it before rebooting:
pamac install manjaro-gnome-settings qt5cct qt6ct
Hope this helps!
That are all related deepin packages:
$ pamac list --groups deepin deepin-extra deepin-manjaro
deepin-account-faces community 1,5 MB
deepin-anything 5.0.18-1 community 1,1 MB
deepin-api 5.5.32-1 community 65,9 MB
deepin-app-services 0.0.22-1 community 642,6 KB
deepin-calendar 5.9.1-1 community 6,4 MB
deepin-control-center 5.5.158-1 community 33,1 MB
deepin-daemon community 97,8 MB
deepin-desktop-base 2:2022.07.26-2 community 47,1 KB
deepin-desktop-schemas 6.0.2-1 community 293,1 KB
deepin-dock 5.5.81-1 community 5,7 MB
deepin-file-manager 1:5.8.3-2 community 54,5 MB
deepin-gtk-theme 2020.06.10-1 community 3,7 MB
deepin-icon-theme 2021.11.24-1 community 137,3 MB
deepin-image-viewer 5.9.11-1 community 7,2 MB
deepin-launcher 5.6.1-2 community 2,3 MB
deepin-menu 5.0.1-10 community 116,9 KB
deepin-metacity 3.22.24-3 community 6,7 MB
deepin-network-core 1.0.63-2 community 6,2 MB
deepin-network-utils 5.4.13-1 community 360,4 KB
deepin-polkit-agent 5.4.17-1 community 252,7 KB
deepin-polkit-agent-ext-gnomekeyring 0.1.0-2 community 30,9 KB
deepin-pw-check 5.1.18-1 community 5,9 MB
deepin-qt5integration 5.6.6-1 community 1,0 MB
deepin-qt5platform-plugins 5.6.5-2 community 694,5 KB
deepin-screensaver 5.0.5-1 community 963,3 KB
deepin-session-shell 5.5.84-1 community 4,3 MB
deepin-session-ui 5.6.2-1 community 3,3 MB
deepin-shortcut-viewer 5.0.7-1 community 80,0 KB
deepin-sound-theme 15.10.6-1 community 4,9 MB
deepin-system-monitor 6.0.3-2 community 25,1 MB
deepin-turbo 0.0.6-1 community 230,4 KB
deepin-wallpapers 1:1.7.7-2 community 31,7 MB
deepin-wm 1.9.38-7 community 1,3 MB
docparser 1.0.3-1 community 1,1 MB
startdde 5.10.1-1 community 14,1 MB
dde-device-formatter community 202,6 KB
deepin-album 6.0.0-1 community 7,5 MB
deepin-boot-maker 5.7.8-1 community 3,4 MB
deepin-calculator 5.8.23-2 community 3,4 MB
deepin-camera 1.4.10-1 community 16,9 MB
deepin-clipboard 5.4.25-2 community 408,4 KB
deepin-clone 5.0.11-1 community 5,4 MB
deepin-community-wallpapers 1:1.7.7-2 community 22,1 MB
deepin-compressor 5.12.14-1 community 4,3 MB
deepin-device-formatter community 210,8 KB
deepin-draw 6.0.1-1 community 30,4 MB
deepin-editor 6.0.1-1 community 19,6 MB
deepin-font-manager 5.9.14-1 community 4,3 MB
deepin-grand-search 5.3.2-3 community 2,1 MB
deepin-movie 1:5.10.14-1 community 22,5 MB
deepin-music 6.2.24-1 community 10,5 MB
deepin-picker 6.0.0-1 community 164,9 KB
deepin-printer 0.9.16-1 community 11,9 MB
deepin-reader 5.10.29-2 community 7,8 MB
deepin-screen-recorder 5.11.15-1 community 19,8 MB
deepin-screensaver-pp 0.0.4-2 community 252,9 KB
deepin-terminal 5.9.40-1 community 6,7 MB
deepin-voice-note 5.11.1-1 community 18,6 MB
deepin-desktop-base-manjaro 2:2021.06.16-1 community 45,7 KB
deepin-diskmanager 1.2.8-1 community 4,4 MB
deepin-icon-theme-manjaro 2021.03.12-1 community 97,5 MB
deepin-iconthemes-manjaro 20170918-1 community 121,1 MB
deepin-mail community 7,0 MB
deepin-settings-manjaro 2021.04-3 community 18,1 KB
deepin-wallpapers-manjaro 1:1.7.7-2 community 20,0 MB
plymouth-theme-manjaro-deepin-circle 1.0-4 community 41,0 KB
pamac remove deepin deepin-extra deepin-manjaro
… should be enough to remove deepin.
man I have on the same os
I wanna remove deepin
that is all
in debian it is so so so easy
apt remove
so how to remove it from manjaro is it possible or I have to reinstall manjaro again so I won’t make the same mistake again and install the stupid deepin desktop
thanks alot the only helpfull post really thanks
He told you what to do.
pamac remove deepin-manjaro lightdm deepin-extra deeping
is just as easy as:
apt remove ...whatever
Make sure you don’t have two display managers active - for Gnome, GDM is usually used.
So, gdm schould be active, lightdm should be deactivated or removed entirely.
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