[How To] Install run Manjaro ARM on Amlogic TV Boxes with S922X - S905X3 SOC

I tested “HK1Box” S905x3 4GB RAM, 32GB emmc.

With “meson-sm1-sei610.dtb” & “meson-g12a-sei510.dtb” it runs, but no Ethernet, Wifi or Bluetooth.

With “meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb” No Sound, Wifi or Bluetooth, but Ethernet works (and it seems to do around 200mbit as well). Edit: build in eMMC also doesn’t seem to work :frowning:

Edit: With “meson-sm1-khadas-vim3l.dtb” Ethernet and eMMC seems to work. Didn’t yet test other stuff as I am mainly interested in headless server use. But there seem to be less error messages when booting. Edit: hmm installing the system on the emmc seems to fail though. Edit: also the USB2 port seems broken with this.

Apparently there used to be some hacked together dtb files combining these two, but all the links on the Armbian forums are dead. Anyone got an idea?