Manjaro arm on Amlogic Tv box?

Thanks. Downloaded and installed.

Will revert whether the new linux-vim-5.11.14 resolved the system freeze/kernel panic which happen quite frequently with linux-vim-5.11.4-1, 5.11.7-1, 5.11.11-1 and reboot/shutdown issues which encountered in mainline linux 5.11.y.

Edit: @spikerguy
Encounter 3 system freezes/kernel panics. First after 27 minutes on time (on Chromium) and followed by 2 consecutive kernel panics during Start Up/Boot Up. Looks like linux-vim-5.11.y have issue with kernel panic on GT King Pro.

I did. Same error I was originally reporting. Screen shot of the errors here

Hi @spikerguy, Update on Linux-vim-5.11.14 kernel on GT King Pro

Does the linux-vim-5.11.14 or linux-vim-5.11.y comes with the u-boot.bin (NOT referring to the chainloader u-boot.ext)? I just had another 5th kernel panic during boot up time, this time around right before the Lightdm greeting screen (meaning after TTY text and screen blank with “_” freeze at this point). And 6th system freeze/kernel panic 8 minute after boot up while editing this message.

If the linux-vim-5.11.y does comes with its own u-boot.bin may suggest to use the linux-vim-5.10.5-1 or linux-vim-5.10.8-1 u-boot.bin which does not seems to cause kernel panic on GT King Pro.

Edit: Just in case I wasn’t clear. Linux-vim-5.11.14 does reboot just that sometimes it cannot complete the reboot as kernel panic strike during the boot up or right after boot up. Whereas as in linux-5.11.y it cannot reboot or shutdown cleanly.

“…Failed to load '/initramfs-linux.img …”
Change your SDcard to another or USBflash

I had a hard time believing it was the card. Finally tried a usbflash and everything boots, set up complete, but I have no internet connection on the ethernet port.

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Neil have worked on Uboot for chainloading, Can you give it a try on your GT King device and also test it with the usb drives connected to see if it boots fine.
Find the Uboot-$DEVICE.bin
Try GSkingX version first on your device. Then you can try others and see if they work.

Do I download example u-boot-gsking-x.bin, copy it to /boot and rename it to u-boot.ext?


Yes please. I tried to use it with emmc but that failed, but it can still read emmc which means i need to fix the boot script around the u-boot.ext

Noted. Will replace the Manjaro-Arm-XFCE-linux-vim-5.11.10-1 image (on USB Flash) u-boot.ext to the new u-boot-gsking-x.bin first.

Edit: It is Manjaro-Arm-XFCE-linux-5.11.10-1 on USB Flash NOT linux-vim-5.11.10-1.

Edit2: @spikerguy
u-boot-gsking-x.bin -

  1. Able to boot from USB Flash (USB OTG Only) but without any other USB Dirive attached to GT King Pro.
  2. Cannot boot on any of the USB 3.0 Port on GT King Pro
  3. Sometimes cannot boot up stuck: (2 times)


  1. Able to boot from USB Flash (USB OTG Only) but without any other USB Drive attached to GT King Pro
  2. Cannot boot on any of the USB 3.0 Port on GT King Pro
  3. Sometimes cannot boot up stuck same as above. (1 times out of 5 tries)

So far cannot boot stuck (4 tries) but if a bootable SD Card is inserted on the GT King Pro, u-boot-vim3.bin can boot up.

With the USB Boot none of the new chainloader u-boot can access the GT King Pro emmc. Neither can the old chainloader u-boot.ext.

Edit3: New chainloader u-boot, linux-5.11.10-1 still cannot reboot or shutdown cleanly (ie. Keyboard LED sitll light up and need a power cycle to boot up again)

Edit 4: Of the three new chainloader u-boot, u-boot-n2.bin seems to be able to best boot up from a USB Flash.

Tried u-boot-gsking-x.bin on Manjaro-Arm-XFCE-linux-vim-5.11.14-1 on SD Card many times stuck on: “Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0”. Even if it clear the Hit any key to stop autoboot, linux-vim-5.11.14-1 kernel panic during boot (linux-vim 5.11.14-1 issue).

u-boot-n2.bin so far seems to be better than u-boot-gsking-x.bin in terms of clearing the initial boot process but linux-vim-5.11.14-1 still kernel panic most of the time during boot process.

Edit 5: Bottom line, u-boot-n2.bin chainloader seems have the same limitation as the previous chainloader u-boot.ext (from boot-vim3) as far as I can tell both boot up consistently.

u-boot-gsking-x.bin boot up performance not as consistent as u-boot-n2.ext.
u-boot-vim3.bin seems to have the worst boot up performance (failed to boot up 4 times).

FYI, have to move on to linux-5.11.16-1 instead of linux-vim-5.11.14-1 (to frequent kernel panic on GT King Pro).

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Hi guys, i have 3 tv boxes (amlogic of course, km9=coreELEC, km8p=actually armbian old version and x96mini=back to android after crashing my boot partition from armbian 5.72 as the last 5.9 won’t install on emmc) which are not supported anymore by balbes150 and after some google search i’ve stopped by here and enjoyed what i read !

I read the thread from start and see 2 things about x96mini (s905w) but i’m a bit confuse.

Which build do i have to download to install it on mine ? VIM2 or VIM3 ? I want to run a small docker-ce on it from emmc (as i did on armbian, don’t really need DE).

Do the script to install on emmc from 1 post for minimal working or do i have to install desktop version and execute the installer application ? Thanks.

Vim2 image
Change u-boot.ext to s905 file.
Change dtb.

Emmc install script doesn’t seem to work since using the u-boot.ext chainloader.

Not functional.

You can install desktop version if you need GUI to get dockers running.

You can always run it over sdcard.

Thanks for your reply. I already tested with vim3 minimal and change dtb + rename uboot file (as on armbian).
It boots on sd and run after all.
It Failed to install on emmc with the script.
I’ll try to run vim2 from xfce and see how it works
Any chance to install it on emmc with the installer gui app ?

Some months ago I have used this dtb file for HK1 Box and Armbian. As I remember ethernet was OK. Maybe you want to try it.46 KB folder on MEGA

Worth a shot but gets stuck on Bluetooth during boot…

As far as bluetooth is concerned please look here at the instructions for Armbian that I have made long ago for H96max X3 and HK1 Box & clones. HK1 Box just needs the dtb I have given to you. In the instructions you will see that for Bluetooth you have to create a directory:
“6.Create a directory “/lib/firmware/brcm” and copy the file “bcm4335c0.hcd” in it.”

I’m just getting a black screen.

Any ideas regarding the black screen?

Sorry I didn’t have time to test it at my HK1 Box. Anyway this is something that was tested successfully some time ago, but in Armbian and older builds.
If I find some time I will try and report back.

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For the HK1Box this definitly still works, but it seems like newer versions of a similar TVbox have some internal changes. I have two versions, one a HK1Box which works fine as you described, and one H96Max x3 that has a much more recent mainboard revision and doesn’t boot at all so far.