Hello there. I am trying to install packettracer on my computer using yaourt, but I get this error:
( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
And then if I try to build the package, I get:
==> ERROR: PacketTracer_731_amd64.deb was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.
==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build packettracer.
Also, when I downloaded the .deb from the Cisco Packet Tracer site, I didn’t know what to do to make it work as the tutorials I found online (like the arch wiki) showed it as a .tar.gz. How do I get it to work?
From what i see you have to put the deb into the build dir.
Git clone AUR repo https://aur.archlinux.org/packettracer.git
Copy .deb into the cloned dir
Run makepkg in cloned dir
Install the built pkg with your favourite package manager.
The instructions how to install are pinned in the AUR’s Packet Tracer page:
Yes but could you explain the instructions? I’m afraid I don’t fully understand.
Download the snapshot from AUR:
https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/packettracer.tar.gz -
Uncompress the packettracer.tar.gz snapshot (it creates the dir packettracer/ with the PKGBUILD on it).
Download the latest packettracer .deb file from your Netacad account:
https://www.netacad.com/ -
Copy it into the packettracer/ dir.
Open a Terminal in the packettracer/ dir. and create the package with the command
. It creates a packettracer.pkg.tar.xz. -
From the same opened terminal, install the package with either
makepkg -i
orsudo pacman -U packettracer.pkg.tar.xz
I posted some instructions some time ago. For this version, something like:
yay -G packettracer
cd packettracer
# Download PacketTracer_731_amd64.deb to this folder
sudo pacman -U packettracer-7.3.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
thanks it worked!
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