GTX 960 DP output not working properly on latest proprietary driver

Hi @kad, and welcome!

In order for us, or anyone for that matter, to be able to provide assistance, more information is necessary. To that end, please see:


To provide terminal output, copy the text you wish to share, and paste it here, surrounded by three (3) backticks, a.k.a grave accents. Like this:

pasted text

This will just cause it to be rendered like this:

Portaest sed
cursus nisl nisi
hendrerit ac quis
tortor sit leo commodo.

Instead of like this:

Portaest sed elementum cursus nisl nisi hendrerit ac quis sit adipiscing tortor sit leo commodo.

Alternatively, paste the text you wish to format as terminal output, select all pasted text, and click the </> button on the taskbar. This will indent the whole pasted section with one TAB, causing it to render the same way as described above.

Thereby improving legibility and making it much easier for those trying to be of assistance.

Please edit your post accordingly.

I have a GTX 960 myself, and don’t have the problem. But I don’t use DP either, so that’s not reliable.

If, as you said,

…the issue started a couple of driver versions ago, it is likely not because of the driver, per sé. (Or I might be wrong about this.)

But anyway, a workaround would be using the 470xx drivers. To do so:

  1. Open a terminal and run this to remove the current/latest driver:
mhwd --remove pci video-nvidia
  1. In the same terminal, run the following to install the 470xx driver:
mhwd --install pci video-nvidia-470xx
  1. When done successfully, reboot.

  2. Profit. (Hopefully.)

Hope this helps!

If it continues it after this, I’m afraid the chances are excellent of it being a hardware-related issue.