Gnome does not take input after update gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock

Idon’t have installed Timeshift (noobie here…). Is there any alternative?

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Same with me. Luckily I could restore with Timeshift to snapshot just before update.

I have that problem too. Quick fix:
pamac install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock-git


Same issue for me under wayland. Can’t close, resize or move windows. I checked journalctl logs and I see an exception caused by dash to dock.

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I have same issue , is there anybody resolve this ?

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This worked, except I don’t see my dock when I hover my mouse to the bottom of the screen, also I don’t have dash dock settings. Any solutions to this? Working in latest Gnome.
Kind of an advanced noob user

I have Gnome and Deepin (manjaro both; I did update 2 hours ago for both) and Deepin doesn’t even boot into desktop, stays in shell. Gnome boots into desktop but no input so unusable standard desktop. But before logging in, if I select Gnome classic or Gnome on Xorg everything works.

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I have resolved by installing manually AUR package.

AUR Package Name: gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock

1 - git clone {AUR-Package-URL}
2 - cd gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock
3 - makepkg -si

it is working now with 71.1 version on my computer

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I can also confirm that the latest version of dash to dock (gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock-71 + 33 + g53114b4-1) does not work. Blocks Gnome Desktop Wayland startup. It starts on the Xorg Gnome Desktop, but it cannot be controlled.

I solved the problem by rolling back gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock to a previous version using these instructions


Thanks zoOM, I turned off that extension and I’ll wait for the fix. I’m using the stable version there is ALA disabled and I don’t want to allow it.

Hi all,

After fresh installation of Manjaro gnome, everything works fine. But once updating the packages (pacman -Syu), gnome does not take keyboard and mouse input. There is no icon on dash-to-dock. Is there anyone having the same problem?


I found the reason and fixed the problem. The reason is that I did not rebuild python packages as described in the announcement.

I just changed the version to 3.10. Hope this helps.

pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.10
yay -S $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.10) --answerclean All

==> Update: I think this is not a solution. This does not work in another laptop.

@zo0M Is your problem solved.
I am also facing the same issue and changing the version did not work for me also.

Same problem and solution proposed by multics69 doesn’t work for me.
I tried to disable the extension on cli mode but nothing changed

I fixed the problem using the idea of @Zo0m on thread Gnome does not take input after update gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock - #8 by
i just downgraded the package gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock :slight_smile:

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I can neither reproduce the issue on a Xorg nor a Wayland session, not sure what caused the problems.

I’m pushing gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock 71+33+g53114b4-2 now, see if that resolves the issue.


I tried to upgrade with Pacman in terminal but currently it is still gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock-71+33+g53114b4-[1] instead of …[2]. Mirrorlist has been refreshed with --fastrack. Please kindly give notification if the newest package when it is available for upgrade. Thank you.

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I just did provide a notification. It takes time for all mirrors to sync.