I know this is tempting fate, and this will be a longish post, as I’ve gone into some detail, But maybe someone has had a similar issue with this Pipewire tool.
Installing Pipewire, removing Pulseaudio
I originally used Pulseaudio as my sound server and used Pulseeffects as my equalizer, which was installed from the AUR and always worked well. I then decided to replace Pulseaudio with Pipewire, via the manjaro-pipewire package. First I removed Pulseeffects. During the Pipewire installation I noticed Pulseaudio and related packages were removed, and I was asked if I wanted to install Easyeffects (Ee), which is the Pipewire equivalent of Pulseeffects in the ‘extra’ repo, so I did that. After a reboot Pipewire is seen to be active and running, So all looked good there.
$ systemctl status --user pipewire
● pipewire.service - PipeWire Multimedia Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire.service; disabled; preset: >
Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-09-11 19:36:26 BST; 1h 17min ago
Invocation: 9cdb0efb223f47edacdaf8f33b736013
TriggeredBy: ● pipewire.socket
Main PID: 1343 (pipewire)
First testing
When I played audio, an mp3 file in VLC, normal sound could be heard. When I opened Ee, again sound could be heard to play normally, so I added a couple of effects like the Equalizer and Autogain, enabled them, and just like with Pulseeffects the sound was enhanced and amplified.
Cause of Issue
But my problem began, when I tried to import a preset for the Equalizer from my Pulseeffects configuration file. This brought up an error and screwed up my audio. I tried to remove the preset from within Ee but to no avail. I then went to the Ee output file in .config and manually removed the offending preset. I restarted Ee, but the audio distortion remained, despite the preset now no longer showing. I tried rebooting my PC, removing Ee’s config folder, removing then re-installing Ee, but the issue remained, with intermittent and highly distorted audio when Ee is used.
Back to Pulseeffects
I decided to remove Ee and try reinstalling Pulseeffects, knowing that this was a Pulseaudio tool, but not expecting miracles under Pipewire. Having successfully installed pulseeffects-legacy, everything was back to normal using Pulseeffects, which was a relief. So I now know that Pulseeffects is compatible with Pipewire.
I’ll carry on with Pulseeffects for the time being, but if anyone knows how to get Ee working properly again, other than having to resort to a Timeshift or image replacement of Manjaro with Pulseaudio (which I have), I’d be graterful.