Maybe you should start reading my guide and try it yourself. It is pretty straight forward actually. More or less copy and paste the following lines and forget about it.
Prepare your system for building drivers
- you may want to install development tools:
sudo pacman -S git base-devel
- then you may want to install your proper kernel headers:
sudo pacman -S $(mhwd-kernel -li | grep '*' | cut -d ' ' -f5 | awk '{print $0,"-headers"}' | sed s'/ //'g)
340xx (dkms 5.4 - 5.10)
You need to get the sources first:
git clone
git clone
git clone
Then compile all packages with makepkg :
cd nvidia-340xx-utils && makepkg -si
cd ../lib32-nvidia-340xx-utils && makepkg -si
cd ../nvidia-340xx-dkms && makepkg -si
With this you will have 340xx driver, even Manjaro officially dropped it.