Hey, I’m wondering if anyone else has this issue and/or knows what this could be related to. I’ve never had this issue with any other app. I’ll notice when I’m on a call in discord, when I switch to another window (I want to say it’s mainly when I have firefox happen, and hasn’t happened as much if at all when I have like a game or something open), sometimes discord will just kinda stop existing-- by which I mean, the other person/people in the call will say that I left, I won’t get any notifications for discord messages, I won’t be able to hear or talk to the people in the call. Once I open the discord window back up, it will show the discord loading icon like it was reconnecting after the internet went out, and everything will be fine until the next time it randomly disconnects me. I always want to make clear that it won’t reconnect until I open the discord app.
I’m currently running Manjaro on a very cheap laptop (Asus Vivobook) and I want to say I update everything about once a month or so. I saw that some people with somewhat similar issues reported that it might be related to the power manager, and I remember putting in one fix that prevents the networkmanager from power saving, which didn’t help.
As for experience, I would say I have a little bit of experience with linux desktop environments (I feel much more comfortable working with like centOS in a server environment, i.e. CLI stuff) but I’ve been running this computer with linux for over a year, maybe 2 by now. It used to run windows, I installed linux over it, not dual boot because the SSD is tiny (128gb)
If any other information needs to be provided to help with this, please say so, and thanks for putting in the time to help people like me out
Hmm, unfortunately, there’s no error message. I did get it to happen again while I had discord open from the terminal and this is all there was in the logs. I don’t believe any of this showed up from during the message, just startup info:
[cadyn@cadyn-vivobook ~]$ discord
Discord 0.0.17
Starting app.
Starting updater.
[Modules] Modules initializing
[Modules] Distribution: remote
[Modules] Host updates: enabled
[Modules] Module updates: enabled
[Modules] Module install path: /home/cadyn/.config/discord/0.0.17/modules
[Modules] Module installed file path: /home/cadyn/.config/discord/0.0.17/modules/installed.json
[Modules] Module download path: /home/cadyn/.config/discord/0.0.17/modules/pending
libva error: /usr/lib/dri/i965_drv_video.so init failed
[Modules] No updates to install
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at https://discord.com/api/modules/stable/versions.json
[Modules] No module updates available.
Module ./ElectronTestRpc was not included.
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at https://discord.com/api/modules/stable/versions.json
[Modules] No module updates available.
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at https://discord.com/api/modules/stable/versions.json
[Modules] No module updates available.