Deepin Manjaro waiting room

Including Portugal
But in that case we would be talking about Socrates

Who is the maintainer of the use of manjaro dde?


Nice, I am the deepin portuguese translator and coordinator. All translations are 100% but in deepin 20 they are not yet completely updated and integrated in the systemā€¦ developers donā€™t have that as a priority, go figure!

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Even if it was fully controlled by the Chinese gov, every single thing on manjaro side is compiled directly from github. Open-source nature of deepin makes it nearly impossible to smuggle something unsupervised.


This is a continuation of the trouble started last year when the Deepin CE support was discontinued.

Even if it was fully controlled by the Chinese gov, every single thing on manjaro side is compiled directly from github. Open-source nature of deepin makes it nearly impossible to smuggle something unsupervised.

That is an excellent point, and one I wasnā€™t aware of. However, as Iā€™ve said elsewhere, just b/c code is FOSS, doesnā€™t mean it actually is reviewed, or to what extent it is reviewed. Some sort of certification badge would help with that, but then who qualifies the certifiers? Any sort of centralization can be co-opted, infiltrated, bought off etc, thereby obviating the purpose it was created for.

Been running Manjaro Deepin in a vm for a few days now. Really impressed with it, the team have done a great job and its definitely usable

Iā€™m using Deepin on Manjaro since the last few weeks. Kwin freezes every few hours. So i removed kwin and I am using Deepin with the old deepin-wm.
Are there other workarounds?

Iā€™m trying the Deepin version but! I donā€™t know why any program that I try to launch from launcher is not working, only the terminal, and from terminal I can launch everything, but no from launcher menuā€¦ Anyone with this problem?
Thanks a lot!

Yeah it behaved like that for me too. I switched the launcher in category version if I remember and it works well:

Oh! I didnā€™t saw I can do that I will try later!

yes me too. It happen also in arch linux deepin upstream.

Can I ask if anyoneā€™s multitasking view is working?

Mine is a long running install of archdeepin. After upgrade from deepin15 to 20 packages , at first the new multitasking view worked. But it stopped working after a few updates and hasnā€™t worked for at least last 1 or 2 months. And compositing comes and goes depending on the update. :roll_eyes:

Also a question! My main desktop environment is Gnome, so I have GDM as de session manager, thereā€™s any problem launching Deepin with GDM?

Yeh! Iā€™ve a similar issueā€¦

I have the same question.

I love the look and feel of Deepin, is clean modern, almost have everything

Keep with this amazing job!

Manjaro and Deepin is a dream come true :slight_smile:

I think right now Deepin DE 20 on a rolling base(e.g. Arch) is too unstable and inconsistent to be considered a ā€œdreamā€, heh.


Thatā€™s a great news, and now they are working in the rolling version.

There is an iso to download and run in a VM or an older machine to do some tests and send the bugs to help?


I founded

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Deepin just announced package-tag to help rolling releases being more stable.