Pacman gui indicates an update for python2…but when update is performed, I get this double-dreaded message:
//could not satisfy dependencies:
//- unable to satisfy dependency ‘openssl-1.1’ required by python2
? I am aware of the openssl security vulns reported – how might i fix this please?
Thank you to all who do good in this crazy world. Dietrich
Check update announcements first for update related issues.
Hokay…per your suggestion, I get this:
[dtd@X13 ~]$ yay -R python2
[sudo] password for dtd:
checking dependencies…
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by cython2
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-appdirs
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-atomicwrites
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-attrs
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-backports
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-cairo
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-chardet
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-contextlib2
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-cssselect
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-funcsigs
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-gobject
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-gobject2
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-linecache2
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-lxml
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-mock
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-nose
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-ordered-set
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-py
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-pyparsing
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2>=2.6’ required by python2-pytest-expect
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-scandir
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-setuptools
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-soupsieve
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-u-msgpack
:: removing python2 breaks dependency ‘python2’ required by python2-webencodings
→ exit status 1
Is there an easy way of removing the deps?..please and thank you. Dietrich
nvm figured it out. closing ticket. peace out. DTS
Please share your solution. I’m in pretty much the same situation.
pamac remove -co python2
(Read the list of removed programs carefully.)
Thank you very much!
Exactly what I needed.
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