Configuring touchscreen on Manjaro


I installed Manjaro Gnome on the Radxa Zero and I want to use it with a touchscreen. I tested it on a 10 inch touchscreen and it is working great with touch gestures. But the touchscreen who I want to use is the Waveshare 5.5 AMOLED Touchscreen. He is produced for the Raspberry PI. The documentation says to add some configurations in the config.txt file of the Raspbian OS.
How can I do this configuration in Manjaro?

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I use Manjaro Gnome on the Radxa Zero single board computer.
With this I want to use a 5.5 inch Amoled touchscreen from wave share.

The documentation of the touchscreen says that there is some configuration in the file config.txt needed. This touchscreen is made for the Raspberry Pi and there is a Manjaro Version for the Raspberry Pi available. But the config.txt is only in the Raspbian OS.
Is there a equivalent in the Manjaro OS which works like the config.txt file in Raspbian? Or where can I generally make configurations for screens?

Not true. Our rpi images has config.txt and cmdline.txt just like PiOS.

I would not install one of our pi images for your Radxa and I have no clue if a touchscreen made for the pi will even work on your Radxa.

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Its not only made for the Raspberry Pi. It works for Windows too. By just plug it in. I do not install the image for the Pi on the Radxa. I used the image for the Radxa. My question was just to know if there is a equivalent of the config.txt file in other Linux distros or if there is a way to make configurations who works like the config.txt file in other distros.