/boot/initramfs-linux.img not found after update

Hi @k1llm0ng3r and welcome to the Manjaro community.

I do not have a solution to your issue, but I do have a few tips:

  • Always use sudo pacman -Syu when updating (notice only one ‘y’).

There is also no wonder that no initramfs-linux.img file was not found, as it does not exist; as @anon51566685 notes below. There is also no need to mount /boot as it is not a partition - / (root) is already mounted.

Why do you think you need to mount the ESP? - initramfs-{version}.img is not on the ESP and the EFI directory is not within /boot.

To explain: /boot/efi is actually a mount point (in this case a symlink) - not a directory: it mounts the $esp/EFI directory (on the ESP) under the /boot directory (on root), which translates to an accessible path of /boot/efi/EFI.

If you’ve followed that so far, this means you can access the EFI folder with a command such as this:

sudo ls /boot/efi/EFI

…although some tools may not work as expected… the ESP should already be mounted.

Unlike pamac, pacman always requires sudo. For example:

sudo pacman -S vivaldi

Additionally, it looks like you wanted to update your kernel… pacman -S linux is the wrong way to do that. Please see Manjaro Kernels for the right way.

As a new user, please take some time to familiarise yourself with Forum requirements; in particular, the many ways to use the forum to your benefit. To that end, some or all these links will be invaluable:

And last, but not least, the Stable Update Announcements, which you should check frequently for important update related information. Occasionally an issue might be directly related to a particular update; it’s always best to check those announcements.


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