Hi there! I am trying Manjaro in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine with XFCE Desktop Environment and I’m experiencing some glitches in Google Chrome.
Here a picture showing the issue:
As can be seen in the picture I’m seeing a weird black box behind the application’s drop down menu. I’m also experiencing the same issue on other chromium-based browsers like Brave or Opera. Not seeing the issue on firefox for example.
I already tried a bunch of the solutions found on the web (one inside this forum as well) with no luck.
More specifically I already tried disabling graphic acceleration in chrome settings and disabling Override software rendering list, GPU rasterization, zero-copy rasterizer chrome flags (chrome://flags section), along with all the flags which seemed related to graphics to me.
I’ve also tried to change graphic card in the settings of the VirtualBox VM but still no luck…
Someone could give me a hand with this?