I can imagine how that might work; we could even have our own Dennis Nedry gatekeeper, saying “Uh uh uh! You didn’t say the magic word!”. Of course, such a sophisticated level of automation didn’t work out particularly well on Jurassic Park.
“Oh, look, it pops up and shows all these things I don’t have a clue about… Isn’t it cool?!”
I do actually like the idea of an orphaned package reminder, of sorts, though I doubt it would be overly useful to those who already manage them regularly.
The underlying truth is that the logic required is deeper than most might anticipate. A quick internet search automatically detect orphaned packages linux will give an indication of the level of complexity.
To extend that to allow deletion of files via some kind of abstraction layer is like giving a monkey a hand granade and saying “Please don’t pull the pin”; (IMHO).
Adequate methods already exist for handling orphaned packages; using pacman
# Find Orpaned Packages:
sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)
This command searches for orphaned packages and, if any are found, you have the option to delete them, along with associated config files.
Even then, results might include packages one actually does wish to keep, so automatically deleting them is not necessarily an option.
is quite capable (as mentioned in the Manjaro CheatSheet):
# Check for orphaned packages:
pamac list -o
# Remove all orphans:
pamac remove -o
…and, more recently:
As previously noted, I’m not particularly against the idea of an orphan count (or similar), however, a simple command can give a simple report, and requires very little effort; of course, that also requires the effort of learning.