[ARM Stable Update] 2021-11-06 - Firefox, Thunderbird, Plasma, LibreOffice and Kernels

After the update, terminal is not opening anymore on the pinephone with phosh.

Hmm, we have to think about a solution to get the ofono stack somehow working again. ModemManager Port might take at least another week or so …

As far as I know, it should work if we revert this MR from Plasma Phone Components.

I will look into that tonight.

really? Mine happens every day, all of the time. Am I the only one that has to reboot every few hours to get cellular working?

For me, it happens on average around once a day, but it can be more often (so I guess the average is actually slightly above once a day, because I notice multiple disconnections per day more often than none – during the night, it almost always happens). Once, the connection was even already lost when I first checked, shortly after a fresh boot. But I was not more specific because there is some variance in the frequency.

Thanks to @philm, who created a patch to revert the ModemManager changes in the Plasma Mobile shell, installing plasma-phone-components-5.23.2-2 should make phone calls work again.
Please disable ModemManager.service again, if you enabled it because of my misinformed advise.

I just updated my PinebookPro sway-edition, I’ve one issue with vivaldi: when starting it from menu, I only get a black square.
Remove .config/vivaldi has no effect.
Running from footgives this:

[4873:4899:1107/201354.593721:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(642)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Interface ‘org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser’ bestaat niet
[4873:4899:1107/201354.595453:ERROR:select_file_dialog_impl_portal.cc(243)] Failed to read portal version property
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null)
[4873:4892:1107/201358.039225:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(228)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking Bluetooth availability started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[4873:4892:1107/201358.039379:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(231)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking Bluetooth availability ended.
[4873:4892:1107/201358.039405:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(234)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking default browser status started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[4873:4892:1107/201358.375122:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(238)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking default browser status ended.
[4873:4873:1107/201358.841515:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)
[4873:4873:1107/201358.841957:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)

What should I do?

Copy the following file to your .local/share/applications folder:

cp /usr/share/applications/vivaldi-stable.desktop ~/.local/share/applications

Edit the file with your preferred editor and add:

--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --in-process-gpu

to all lines starting with:


But looks like with the latest update there is a general regression with X11 apps on Wayland. On my sway installation on the Pinebook Pro Gimp starts 3 out of 5 times properly, and shows a blank screen in the other attempts…

Looks like the regression is in the new xorg-xwayland package. I just downgraded to the previous version of it and Gimp is running perfectly on the Pinebook Pro again…

So please check if you can downgrade as well…

yay -U /var/cache/pacman/xorg-xwayland_ 21.1.2-1.tar.xz
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Seems it was updated by Arch a week ago, to a release candidate:

Updates installed for PHOSH (on SD), but failed for KDE Plasma (on eMMC) on my PinePhone; below is the message in “Discover”:

Dependency resolution failed:
libvpx.so=6-64 <- ffmpeg-pp
libx264.so=161-64 <- ffmpeg-pp: could not satisfy dependencies

Please report this issue to the packagers of your distribution.

Install regular ffmpeg to replace ffmpeg-pp.

I upgraded my Pinebook Pro with KDE. All seems to be ok.
One odd thing is that wifi initialization takes longer than usual.
Before the initialization was so quick, I could immediately start my browser.
Now I see the disconnected icon and after several seconds it will connect to my wifi network.

Nothing serious, but a little odd that it has become so much slower.

Hmmm, does the “-pp” indicate a “PinePhone” specific version?

sudo pacman -Syyu has now completed installing the updates (without conflicts) after I ran sudo pacman -S ffmpeg to switch to the regular ffmpeg

I exited the terminal, rebooted my phone, and now after some intermittent cursor blinking on a black screen… I’m left at the following message (on a black screen with a mouse icon I can move):

musb-sunxi 1c19000.usb: Invalid or missing 'dr_probe' property
iio iio:device2: failed to read Who_Am-I register.

What steps do I need to follow to resolve this? (I think the need to attach the hub for keyboard access is imminent… assuming this USB-related issue doesn’t prevent that)

EDIT: Just in case, I’ll see if I have another SD I can use to re-flash the eMMC with Jumpdrive - an easy way to install OS on PinePhone and PineTab … or is there a way to accomplish that from the PHOSH SD?

EDIT 2: I found there is a manjaro-arm-emmc-flasher tool that I installed under PHOSH (on SD). After reading the manjaro-arm / packages / community / manjaro-arm-emmc-flasher · GitLab notes, I’m uncertain if I need to pull down an image from Releases · manjaro-pinephone/plasma-mobile · GitHub or if the script will take care of that on reboot?

I rebooted to see what would happen, and did not receive any prompts. Is that because (through reading the script) I don’t have a pre-downloaded /var/tmp/Manjaro-ARM.img.xz file?


Thank you for the info. I’ll wait for the next update and will go back to old faithful Firefox untill then :slight_smile:

Well, yes.
The manjaro-arm-emmc-flasher package was used back in the old days. It’s not used anymore.

You could try manjaro-arm-flasher, which is a GUI tool to flash any Manjaro ARM image onto any device. Just make sure you use a PinePhone image for your PinePhone. :slight_smile:

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I can confirm exact same behavior as appelgriebsch on PineBook Pro w/KDE with this update

Ah, I do appreciate a nice GUI tool :100:

Not sure if it was an alphanumeric list sort issue or if the tool was looking at plasma-mobile-dev… but I couldn’t see the recent “Beta 8” build I wanted @ https://github.com/manjaro-pinephone/plasma-mobile/releases/download/beta8/Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephone-beta8.img.xz … so I downloaded it manually, installed from the local image, and all is well once again with plasma-mobile loading from the eMMC!

I think for the next while the manjaro-arm-flasher will be my preferred “update mechanism” until the pinephone becomes my “daily driver”, and I’ve settled on PHOSH vs Plasma. I don’t have any personal data/files/history on it that I’d miss at this point, and there are so many good configs/defaults/improvements between the builds that I find I’m missing out on by just using the typical “package updates”.

I have a Pinebook (NOT Pro) with 5.15.0.-2-MANJARO-ARM. After upgrading today (2021/11/08) and rebooting I found a problem with shutting down from the desktop. Lines of messages. I can only shutdown by keeping my finger down on the on/off button. When I start up there are more lines of messages than previously but it does eventually make it to the desktop. Then it functions satisfactorily as before. I am a newcomer to Linux and need somebody to hold my hand, if I am to cure whatever it is that has broken.
Probably not relevant, but a year ago the wifi ceased to function. I bought a TP-LINK dongle and, with that inserted in a USB socket, wifi works again.