[ARM Stable Update] 2020-11-24 - Kernels, Phosh, LXQt, Plasma 5.20.3, Frameworks, Bitwarden, UBoot

Hello ARM community.

Another Stable update is upon us!

Works to support Raspberry Pi400 have started …

Some highlights:

  • Most of our kernels got updated
  • A lot of fixes went into our PinePhone support including updates to Phosh and switch to the Megi-Kernel
  • LXQT is updated to the new 0.16.0 release
  • Updated Wayfire to 0.6.0 release
  • A fix for OpenVPN got added with 2.5.0-3
  • KDE Plasma updated to 5.20.3
  • KDE Frameworks updated to 5.76.0
  • Some python packages got updated
  • Bitwarden updated to 1.23.0
  • And a major new milestone for Mesa-Git as it switched to 21.0.0 version
  • Changed makepkg.conf in Pacman to now use .zst by default instead of .xz, to be more consistant with Manjaro
  • Updated uboot packages for Odroid N2, N2+ and C4 to support the upcoming kernel 5.10
  • Some python packages got updated

Upstream Notifications:

Older notifications

ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention

The nss and zn_poly packages requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: nss>=3.51.1-1 and lib32-nss>=3.51.1-1 updates require manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: zn_poly 0.9.2-2 update requires manual intervention

The packages hplip and firewalld requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: hplip 3.20.3-2 update requires manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: firewalld>=0.8.1-2 update requires manual intervention

Package changes:

(Fri Nov 20 19:58:26 CET 2020)

  • arm-stable community aarch64: 527 new and 515 removed package(s)
  • arm-stable core aarch64: 43 new and 43 removed package(s)
  • arm-stable extra aarch64: 383 new and 374 removed package(s)
:: Different overlay package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-11-08           2020-11-24
                           bitwarden             1.22.2-1             1.23.0-2
                  brcm-patchram-plus         r2.b146b53-1         r3.bee0942-2
                            buho-git       r286.4c60972-1       r328.9577a4e-1
                       calindori-git   1.2.r37.g55a1b7d-1   1.2.r42.g88f79c7-1
                          callaudiod              0.0.4-1   0.0.4+2+g6c8ffc2-1
                               calls  0.1.8+20+g0f88802-1   0.1.9+3+g6bbaaac-1
                              chatty             0.1.17-1   0.2.0+1+g09f6f63-1
                            electron             10.1.5-1             10.1.6-1
                     element-desktop             1.7.12-1             1.7.13-1
                         element-web             1.7.12-1             1.7.13-1
                           feedbackd  0.0.0+git20200726-1  0.0.0+git20201114-1
                firmware-raspberrypi                6-1.3                6-1.4
                           index-git 1.1.1.r34.ga887b2f-1  1.2.0.r2.g3e8912e-1
                            kalk-git   0.1.r27.g88b0ba0-1   0.1.r38.g4d2965b-1
                          kclock-git    0.2.r0.g16c6f9f-1  0.2.1.r0.g4a44674-1
                        keysmith-git  0.1.r163.gbefe8a2-1  0.1.r175.gf25ae7f-1
                   kimageformats-git 5.75.0.r5.gf2ccbf1-15.76.0.rc1.r3.g6cf05cf-1
                      kio-extras-git    r6899.gc973cfaa-1    r6918.g730a5936-1
                 kirigami-addons-git        r19.a445f08-15.57.0.r22.g6c01964-1
                        kongress-git       r101.ca57b33-1       r102.8d42bec-1
                    kquickcharts-git      r385.g8df6b5f-1      r396.g5f24d62-1
                       krecorder-git        r65.75ede7c-1        r66.f72b615-1
                   kuserfeedback-git       r704.83982f1-1       r705.1d3f374-1
                        kweather-git   0.2.r93.gc1ed94b-1    0.3.r2.g7b633ae-1
                        libkgapi-git      r1216.b9fe0d8-1      r1219.7766990-1
                         mauikit-git 1.1.1.r32.g09fa4da-1  1.2.0.r0.g65adde8-1
                          megapixels             0.11.1-1  0.12.0+8+g506b0cf-1
                            nota-git 1.1.1.r20.g5e698f4-1  1.2.0.r1.g6679297-1
                    paperdesktop-git        113.d6b6b6f-1        137.b7dfdc9-1
                                phoc              0.4.4-1   0.5.1+8+g1ef1613-1
                               phosh   0.5.0+8+gb5531cb-1   0.6.0+4+g09d0704-1
                        pi-bluetooth                  1-2                  1-3
            pinephone-manjaro-tweaks           20201102-1           20201121-1
             pinephone-modem-scripts               0.12-2               0.20-4
                plasma-angelfish-git1.5.1.r146.g410c6f6-1  1.6.0.r5.g274ea95-1
                   plasma-camera-git   1.0.r86.ga6cc2b8-1   1.0.r87.g10fa00e-1
                   plasma-dialer-git   0.1.r56.g81ec579-1   0.1.r59.g868a204-1
                plasma-phonebook-git       r175.d2d1325-1       r177.3c7c319-1
                      plasma-pix-git 1.1.1.r36.g2e882cb-1  1.2.0.r0.g39d1054-1
                 plasma-settings-git       r802.d166c58-1       r818.2b3c48e-1
                      qmlkonsole-git        r59.d34cab3-1        r60.cc5c137-1
                   rpi4-post-install           20200708-1           20201120-1
                               snapd             2.47.1-1               2.48-1
                          snapd-glib               1.57-1               1.58-1
                        spacebar-git       r322.c5638d1-1       r333.9c2eaee-1
                         squeekboard  1.10.0+1+g17ce0b6-1  1.11.0+3+g96461cf-1
                           vvave-git 1.1.1.r27.g454ddcf-1  1.2.0.r0.ge515f91-1
                             wayfire              0.5.0-1              0.6.0-1
                                 wcm              0.5.0-1              0.6.0-1
                           wf-config              0.5.0-1              0.6.0-1
                            wf-shell              0.5.0-1              0.6.0-1
                                 yay             10.1.0-1             10.1.1-1
                bootsplash-theme-kde                    -                1.0-1
              brcm-patchram-plus-pi3                    -         r3.bee0942-1
            brcm-patchram-plus-pi400                    -         r3.bee0942-2
             rtl8723bt-firmware-megi                    -   20201030.4ec2645-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-11-08           2020-11-24
                              acpica           20200925-1           20201113-1
                              adrdox              2.4.0-1              2.4.0-2
                                 afl              2.57b-2              2.57b-3
                         amavisd-new             2.12.0-3             2.12.1-1
                   archlinux-contrib           20201101-1           20201108-1
                     archlinux-repro           20200921-1           20201114-1
                          argocd-cli              1.7.6-1              1.7.8-1
                            asciidoc              9.0.3-1              9.0.4-1
                         asciidoctor             2.0.11-1             2.0.12-1
                           autorandr             1.10.1-1               1.11-1
                             aws-cli           1.18.162-1           1.18.173-1
                              batctl             2020.3-1             2020.4-1
                                 bcc             0.17.0-1             0.17.0-3
                           bcc-tools             0.17.0-1             0.17.0-3
                           bctoolbox              4.4.6-1              4.4.9-1
                              bemenu              0.5.0-1              0.5.0-2
                      bemenu-ncurses              0.5.0-1              0.5.0-2
                      bemenu-wlroots              0.5.0-1              0.5.0-2
                          bemenu-x11              0.5.0-1              0.5.0-2
                               botan             2.17.1-1             2.17.2-1
                                btfs               2.22-1               2.23-1
                             buildah             1.17.0-1             1.18.0-1
                               bzrtp              4.4.6-1              4.4.9-1
                             calibre              5.4.2-1              5.5.0-1
                              catch2             2.13.1-1             2.13.3-1
                                ccls       0.20190823.6-2         0.20201025-1
                            cdrtools            3.02a09-3            3.02a09-4
                            checksec              2.2.3-1              2.4.0-1
                            clipgrab             3.8.15-1              3.9.2-1
                                cmst         2020.04.12-1         2020.11.01-1
                              cobalt             0.16.3-1             0.16.4-1
                             cockpit                231-1                232-1
                   cockpit-dashboard                231-1                232-1
                    cockpit-machines                231-1                232-1
                         cockpit-pcp                231-1                232-1
                           cpp-hocon              0.3.0-1              0.3.0-2
                             crystal             0.35.1-1             0.35.1-2
                        d-containers      0.8.0alpha.19-6              0.8.0-1
                          d-mir-core             1.1.10-1             1.1.14-1
                    d-stdx-allocator             3.0.2-12             3.0.2-13
                                dart             2.10.3-1             2.10.4-1
          deepin-qt5platform-plugins             5.0.17-1             5.0.18-1
                                deno              1.4.4-1              1.5.2-1
                             diet-ng              1.7.2-3              1.7.4-1
                 digikam-plugin-gmic              2.9.2-3              2.9.3-2
                                 din                 48-1               49.1-1
                                dino              0.1.0-4              0.2.0-1
                               doctl             1.51.0-1             1.52.0-1
                      efm-langserver             0.0.22-2             0.0.25-1
                           etherwall              2.4.0-4              2.4.0-5
                           exploitdb           20200905-1           20201110-1
                              facter            3.14.14-2            3.14.14-4
                          fanficfare             3.22.1-1             3.25.0-1
                               faust             2.27.2-1             2.27.2-2
                          fcitx-mozc      2.23.2815.102-4      2.25.4150.102-2
                    firefox-noscript             11.1.3-1             11.1.5-1
              firefox-tree-style-tab             3.5.34-1              3.6.1-1
                             freecad             0.18.4-3             0.18.4-5
                                gala              3.3.2-23.3.2.r114.381e1d64-1
                           gammastep              2.0.2-1              2.0.5-1
                         gcompris-qt             0.97.1-1                1.0-1
                              gifski              1.2.3-1              1.2.4-1
                    gimp-plugin-gmic              2.9.2-3              2.9.3-2
                            gir-to-d             0.21.0-5             0.21.0-6
                               gitea             1.12.5-1             1.12.6-1
                          github-cli              1.2.0-1              1.2.1-1
                               glibd              2.2.0-4              2.2.0-5
                              glider             0.12.2-1             0.12.3-1
                                gmic              2.9.2-3              2.9.3-2
                  gnome-passwordsafe             3.99.2-1             4.beta-1
                            gnucobol             3.1rc1-1                3.1-1
                                  go           2:1.15.4-1           2:1.15.5-2
                         go-ethereum             1.9.23-1             1.9.24-2
                            goaccess                1.4-1              1.4.2-1
                               gopls              0.5.2-1              0.5.3-1
                                gqrx             2.12.1-3             2.13.5-1
                                gtkd              3.9.0-9             3.9.0-10
                               gummi            2:0.8.1-1            2:0.8.1-2
                                helm              3.4.0-1              3.4.1-1
                        herbstluftwm              0.8.3-1              0.9.0-1
                                 hey              0.1.4-1              0.1.4-2
                           highlight               3.58-1               3.59-1
                       highlight-gui               3.58-1               3.59-1
                            htmlhint             0.14.1-1             0.14.2-1
                         hunspell-el                0.9-4                0.9-6
                         hunspell-pl           20201011-1           20201011-3
                          hyperkitty              1.3.3-3              1.3.3-4
                             i3-gaps             4.18.3-1               4.19-1
                              i3lock               2.12-2               2.13-1
                             jenkins              2.265-1              2.267-1
                                jmol           14.31.16-1           14.31.18-1
                               jsmol           14.31.16-1           14.31.18-1
                                 k9s             0.23.7-1            0.23.10-1
                       kiwix-desktop              2.0.4-2              2.0.5-1
                           kiwix-lib              9.4.0-2              9.4.1-1
                         kiwix-tools              3.1.2-5              3.1.2-6
                                knot              3.0.1-1              3.0.2-1
                             kompose             1.21.0-1             1.22.0-2
                             kpmcore              4.2.0-1                    -
                   krita-plugin-gmic              2.9.2-3              2.9.3-2
                             kubeone              1.0.5-1              1.1.0-1
                           kustomize              3.8.6-2              3.8.7-1
               kvantum-theme-materia           20200907-1           20201113-2
                             labplot              2.8.0-2              2.8.1-2
                                 ldc           2:1.23.0-1           2:1.24.0-1
                          leatherman             1.12.0-1             1.12.2-1
                  level-zero-headers            0.91.10-3             1.0.16-1
                   level-zero-loader            0.91.10-3             1.0.16-1
                            libfm-qt             0.15.1-3             0.16.0-1
                          liblphobos           2:1.23.0-1           2:1.24.0-1
                             liblxqt             0.15.1-1             0.16.0-1
                             libmgba              0.8.3-1              0.8.4-1
                            libqtxdg              3.5.0-3              3.6.0-1
                 libretro-beetle-pce               1047-1               1051-1
            libretro-beetle-pce-fast               1076-1               1080-1
                 libretro-beetle-psx               2469-1               2474-1
              libretro-beetle-psx-hw               2469-1               2474-1
          libretro-beetle-supergrafx                878-1                892-1
                    libretro-dolphin              32966-1              32966-2
                    libretro-flycast               4227-1               4229-1
                       libretro-mgba               6830-1               6833-1
                       libretro-play               5860-1               5892-1
                          libsysstat              0.4.3-1              0.4.4-1
                         libu2f-host             1.1.10-3             1.1.10-4
                         libwhereami              0.5.0-1              0.5.0-2
                              libzim              6.2.2-1              6.3.0-1
                      linuxdoc-tools             0.9.78-1             0.9.82-1
                                 lxd                4.7-1                4.8-1
                          lximage-qt             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                          lxqt-about             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                          lxqt-admin             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                       lxqt-archiver              0.2.0-1              0.3.0-1
                    lxqt-build-tools              0.7.0-1              0.8.0-1
                         lxqt-config             0.15.0-1             0.16.1-1
                     lxqt-globalkeys             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                  lxqt-notificationd             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                lxqt-openssh-askpass             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                          lxqt-panel             0.15.1-1             0.16.1-1
                      lxqt-policykit             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                lxqt-powermanagement             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                       lxqt-qtplugin             0.15.1-2             0.16.0-1
                         lxqt-runner             0.15.0-3             0.16.0-1
                        lxqt-session             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                           lxqt-sudo             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                         lxqt-themes             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                             mailman             2.1.34-1             2.1.34-2
                              marked              1.2.3-1              1.2.5-1
                         materia-kde           20200907-1           20201113-2
                               maude                3.0-3                3.1-1
                       mediastreamer              4.4.6-1              4.4.9-1
                             mgba-qt              0.8.3-1              0.8.4-1
                            mgba-sdl              0.8.3-1              0.8.4-1
                              mkcert              1.4.1-4              1.4.2-1
                               mlite        0.2.28+git1-1              0.3.0-1
                                 mpv           1:0.32.0-4           1:0.32.0-5
                     multipath-tools              0.8.4-1              0.8.5-1
                           musescore              3.5.2-2              3.5.2-3
                          mustache-d              0.1.4-6              0.1.5-1
                           nextcloud             20.0.1-1             20.0.2-1
             nextcloud-app-bookmarks            1:4.0.2-1            1:4.0.5-1
              nextcloud-app-contacts              3.4.1-1              3.4.2-1
                  nextcloud-app-deck            1:1.1.2-1            1:1.2.1-1
                  nextcloud-app-mail              1.5.0-1              1.7.0-1
                nextcloud-app-spreed           1:10.0.1-1           1:10.0.3-1
                 nextcloud-app-tasks             0.13.5-1             0.13.6-1
                     nginx-mod-naxsi                1.2-1                1.3-1
                              nikola              8.1.1-2              8.1.2-1
                              nodejs             15.1.0-1             15.2.1-1
                   npm-check-updates              9.2.4-1             10.2.1-1
                              nuitka              0.6.8-1  
                        oath-toolkit              2.6.2-8              2.6.4-1
                           obconf-qt             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                            openblas             0.3.10-1             0.3.12-1
                         opencascade                7.5.0-1
                            openlibm              0.7.2-1              0.7.3-1
                           openzwave                1.6-3                1.6-4
                                ortp              4.4.6-1              4.4.9-1
                            owl-lisp             0.1.22-1             0.1.23-1
                              oxipng              3.0.1-1              4.0.0-1
                              packer              1.6.3-1              1.6.4-1
                            pageedit              1.3.0-1              1.4.0-1
                    partitionmanager              4.2.0-1                    -
                      pavucontrol-qt             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                          pcmanfm-qt             0.15.1-1             0.16.0-1
                                  pd             0.51.2-1             0.51.3-1
                               pdfpc              4.4.0-2              4.4.1-1
                             pelican              4.5.0-2              4.5.1-1
                  perl-finance-quote               1.49-2               1.49-3
                       perl-par-dist               0.49-6               0.50-1
                    perl-params-util              1.07-12              1.102-1
                      perl-pkgconfig            0.24026-1            0.25026-1
                      perl-xml-smart               1.79-6               1.79-7
                              picard              2.5.1-1              2.5.2-1
                             ponysay              3.0.3-2              3.0.3-3
                           postorius              1.3.3-4              1.3.3-5
                            powerdns              4.2.3-1              4.3.1-1
                           py3status               3.30-1               3.31-1
                 python-aioitertools              0.7.0-3              0.7.1-1
                     python-aiosmtpd              1.2.1-1              1.2.2-1
                         python-amqp              5.0.1-1              5.0.2-1
             python-argparse-manpage                1.1-3                1.4-1
                     python-arpeggio              1.9.2-3             1.10.1-1
                      python-awkward             0.13.0-1             0.14.0-1
                        python-babel              2.8.0-4              2.8.1-1
                          python-bcc             0.17.0-1             0.17.0-3
                        python-boto3             1.16.2-1            1.16.13-1
                     python-botocore             1.19.2-1            1.19.13-1
                    python-braintree              4.4.0-1              4.5.0-1
                    python-cairocffi              1.1.0-4              1.2.0-1
                     python-cairosvg            2.4.2-3.1              2.5.0-1
                     python-cchardet              2.1.6-1              2.1.7-1
                      python-cheroot              8.4.5-1              8.4.7-3
                     python-cherrypy             18.6.0-1             18.6.0-3
                     python-colorlog              4.4.0-1              4.5.0-1
                    python-connexion              2.7.0-1              2.7.0-2
                     python-daiquiri              2.1.1-1              3.0.0-1
                  python-distributed             2.30.0-1             2.30.1-1
          python-django-crispy-forms              1.9.2-1             1.10.0-1
                    python-dnspython              2.0.0-1           1:1.16.0-1
                        python-eyed3              1:0.8-5            1:0.9.5-1
                  python-flask-dance              3.0.0-2              3.1.0-1
                       python-genshi              0.7.3-1              0.7.4-1
                     python-graphviz               0.14-1             0.14.2-1
                         python-h5py              3.0.0-1              3.1.0-1
                 python-h5py-openmpi              3.0.0-1              3.1.0-1
                     python-html5lib                1.1-1                1.1-4
                   python-hypothesis             5.41.1-1             5.41.2-1
                      python-inflect              4.1.0-2              5.0.2-1
              python-internetarchive              1.9.5-1              1.9.6-1
                      python-keyring             21.4.0-1             21.5.0-1
                 python-keyrings-alt            1:4.0.0-1            1:4.0.1-1
                   python-kubernetes             10.0.1-2             12.0.1-1
                     python-markdown                3.3-1              3.3.3-1
                  python-marshmallow              3.9.0-1              3.9.1-1
                   python-matplotlib              3.3.2-1              3.3.3-1
                       python-mocket              3.9.2-1              3.9.3-1
                     python-occ-core              7.4.0-17.4.1.r16.gfcf4e6ec-1
             python-ovirt-engine-sdk              4.4.5-1              4.4.6-1
                     python-pathlib2              2.3.3-4                    -
                      python-pikepdf              2.0.0-1              2.1.1-1
                      python-portend                2.6-2              2.7.0-1
                       python-pproxy              2.3.7-1              2.4.6-1
                       python-pygit2              1.3.0-2              1.4.0-1
                        python-pyicu                2.5-1                2.6-1
                  python-pymediainfo              4.2.1-1                4.3-1
                python-pytest-pylint             0.17.0-1             0.18.0-1
                        python-regex         2020.10.15-1         2020.11.13-1
                         python-rich              9.1.0-1              9.2.0-1
                python-secretstorage              3.1.2-1              3.2.0-1
                      python-sequoia             0.19.0-1             0.20.0-3
             python-sortedcontainers              2.2.2-1              2.3.0-1
                  python-sphinx-furo  2020.10.15.beta13-1  2020.11.10.beta15-1
               python-spyder-kernels              1.9.4-1             1.10.0-1
                    python-tarantool              0.6.6-1 0.6.6.r25.gb267643-1
                 python-telegram-bot             12.2.0-1               12.8-1
                      python-tornado              6.0.4-2              6.1.0-1
                        python-whelk              2.8.2-1                3.0-1
                       python-xmlsec              1.3.8-1              1.3.9-1
                       python2-babel              2.8.0-4                    -
                     python2-cheroot              8.4.5-1              8.4.7-3
                      python2-genshi              0.7.3-1                    -
                    python2-html5lib                1.1-1                1.1-4
                   python2-tarantool              0.6.6-1 0.6.6.r25.gb267643-1
                           qterminal             0.15.0-1             0.16.1-1
                         qtermwidget             0.15.0-1             0.16.1-1
                      reactphysics3d              0.7.1-3              0.8.0-1
                 reactphysics3d-docs              0.7.1-3              0.8.0-1
                          rebuilderd              0.5.0-1              0.6.0-1
                            restinio             0.6.11-1             0.6.12-1
                           rofi-calc                1.9-1              2.0.0-1
                      ruby-test-unit              3.3.6-1              3.3.7-1
                         ruby-tzinfo              2.0.2-1              2.0.3-1
                       ruby-zeitwerk              2.4.0-1              2.4.1-1
                       rust-analyzer           20201102-1           20201116-1
                         sc3-plugins             3.11.0-1             3.11.1-1
                          screengrab              2.0.1-1              2.1.0-1
                             scribus             1.5.5-14  
                              scrypt              1.3.0-2              1.3.1-1
                           seamonkey             2.53.3-2             2.53.5-1
                             sequoia             0.19.0-1             0.20.0-3
                            shotwell          2:0.30.10-2          2:0.30.11-1
                               sigil              1.3.0-1              1.4.1-4
                                simh               3.10-1             3.11.1-2
                        slowhttptest              1.8.1-1              1.8.2-1
                      smplayer-skins           1:15.2.0-3          1:20.11.0-1
                              snes9x               1.60-6               1.60-7
                          snes9x-gtk               1.60-6               1.60-7
                           sqlcipher              4.4.0-1              4.4.1-1
                               sshfs              3.7.0-1              3.7.1-1
                              stella                6.3-1                6.4-1
                          strawberry              0.8.3-1              0.8.4-1
                strip-nondeterminism              1.6.3-2              1.9.0-1
                           stylelint             13.7.2-1             13.8.0-1
                       supercollider             3.11.1-2             3.11.2-1
                                sway              1:1.5-1            1:1.5.1-1
                          swi-prolog              8.2.1-2              8.2.2-1
                               swtpm              0.4.1-1              0.5.1-1
                           syncthing             1.10.0-1             1.11.1-1
                  syncthing-relaysrv             1.10.0-1             1.11.1-1
                    telegram-desktop              2.3.0-1              2.4.7-3
          terraform-provider-libvirt              0.6.2-3              0.6.3-1
                           throttled                0.7-1                0.8-1
                               tiled              1.4.2-1              1.4.3-1
                               tilix             1.9.3-10             1.9.3-11
                               timew              1.4.2-1              1.4.2-2
                               tmuxp              1.6.0-1              1.6.2-1
                   translate-toolkit              3.1.1-1              3.2.0-1
                  ttf-jetbrains-mono              2.200-1              2.210-1
                   ttf-sarasa-gothic             0.14.5-1             0.15.1-1
                           uglify-js             3.11.5-1             3.11.6-1
                 ukui-control-center              3.0.1-2              3.0.1-3
                            umockdev             0.14.4-1             0.15.1-1
                          uncrustify             0.71.0-1             0.72.0-1
         v2ray-domain-list-community     20201102141726-1     20201117215431-1
                         v2ray-geoip       202011050012-1       202011190012-1
                                 waf             2.0.20-1             2.0.21-1
                           watchexec             1.14.0-1             1.14.1-1
                              waybar              0.9.4-2              0.9.4-3
                             weechat                2.9-2                3.0-1
                           wgetpaste               2.29-1               2.30-1
                              wimlib             1.13.2-1             1.13.3-1
                       wireshark-cli              3.2.7-1              3.4.0-1
                        wireshark-qt              3.2.7-1              3.4.0-1
                      wishbone-utils              0.7.5-1              0.7.8-1
                             wlroots             0.11.0-1             0.12.0-1
                                wofi              1.2.2-1              1.2.3-1
                              wpscan            1:3.8.9-1           1:3.8.10-1
                               yaegi             0.8.10-1              0.9.6-1
                          youtube-dl       2020.11.01.1-1         2020.11.18-1
                                zart              2.9.2-3              2.9.3-2
                        zerotier-one              1.5.0-1              1.5.0-2
                                 zig              0.6.0-2              0.7.0-1
                           zim-tools              2.0.0-2              2.1.0-1
                                aerc                    -              0.5.2-1
                       cargo-release                    -             0.13.8-2
                         fcitx5-mozc          - 2.25.4150.102+
                               gpgit                    -            1:1.3.4-1
                           libwebrtc                    -    83.git2.12f4a27-1
                       opencascade74                    -              7.4.0-1
                        operator-sdk                    -              1.2.0-2
                   python-flask-cors                    -              3.0.9-1
                     python-oscrypto                    -              1.2.1-2
                         python-potr                    -              1.0.2-2
                python-python-pkcs11                    -              0.7.0-2
                   python2-dnspython                    -           1.16.0-3.1
                               tanka                    -             0.12.0-2

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-11-08           2020-11-24
                               linux              5.9.6-1              5.9.9-2
                       linux-headers              5.9.6-1              5.9.9-2
                     linux-pinephone              5.9.1-9              5.9.9-1
             linux-pinephone-headers              5.9.1-9              5.9.9-1
                            linux-rc           5.10.rc2-1           5.10.rc4-1
                    linux-rc-headers           5.10.rc2-1           5.10.rc4-1
                          linux-rpi4             5.4.74-1             5.4.77-1
                  linux-rpi4-headers             5.4.74-1             5.4.77-1
                 linux-rpi4-mainline              5.9.3-1              5.9.6-1
         linux-rpi4-mainline-headers              5.9.3-1              5.9.6-1
                       linux-rpi4-rc           5.10.rc2-1           5.10.rc4-1
               linux-rpi4-rc-headers           5.10.rc2-1           5.10.rc4-1
                           linux-vim              5.9.0-2              5.9.8-1
                   linux-vim-headers              5.9.0-2              5.9.8-1
                              pacman              5.2.2-2              5.2.2-3
                        pacman-debug              5.2.2-2              5.2.2-3
              raspberrypi-bootloader           20201016-1           20201117-1
            raspberrypi-bootloader-x           20201016-1           20201117-1
                     uboot-odroid-c4            2015.01-3            2015.01-4
                     uboot-odroid-n2            2015.01-3            2015.01-4
                uboot-odroid-n2-plus        2015.01.112-2        2015.01.112-3
                     uboot-pinephone            2020.04-8         2020.07rc4-2

:: Different sync package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-11-08           2020-11-24
                           amd-ucode   20201023.dae4b4c-1   20201113.2ea8667-1
                         btrfs-progs                5.7-1                5.9-1
                               bzip2              1.0.8-3              1.0.8-4
             ca-certificates-mozilla               3.58-2               3.59-1
                               gpgme             1.14.0-1             1.15.0-1
                                grep                3.5-1                3.6-1
                                less                551-3                563-1
                           libassuan              2.5.3-2              2.5.4-1
                              libcap               2.44-1               2.45-2
                              libffi                3.3-3                3.3-4
                            libnftnl              1.1.7-1              1.1.8-1
                        libunistring             0.9.10-2             0.9.10-3
                      linux-firmware   20201023.dae4b4c-1   20201113.2ea8667-1
                           man-pages               5.09-1               5.09-2
                                 nss               3.58-2               3.59-1
                                 pam              1.4.0-3              1.5.0-1
                        python-gpgme             1.14.0-1             1.15.0-1
                              qgpgme             1.14.0-1             1.15.0-1
                            usbutils                012-2                013-1
                          util-linux               2.36-4             2.36.1-3
                     util-linux-libs               2.36-4             2.36.1-3

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-11-08           2020-11-24
                             firefox             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-ach             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-af             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-an             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ar             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-ast             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-az             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-be             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-bg             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-bn             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-br             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-bs             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ca             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-cak             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-cs             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-cy             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-da             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-de             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-dsb             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-el             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-en-ca             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-en-gb             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-en-us             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-eo             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-es-ar             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-es-cl             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-es-es             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-es-mx             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-et             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-eu             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-fa             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ff             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-fi             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-fr             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-fy-nl             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-ga-ie             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-gd             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-gl             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-gn             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-gu-in             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-he             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-hi-in             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-hr             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-hsb             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-hu             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-hy-am             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ia             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-id             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-is             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-it             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ja             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ka             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-kab             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-kk             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-km             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-kn             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ko             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-lij             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-lt             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-lv             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-mk             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-mr             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ms             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-my             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-nb-no             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-ne-np             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-nl             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-nn-no             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-oc             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-pa-in             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-pl             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-pt-br             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-pt-pt             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-rm             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ro             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ru             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-si             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-sk             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-sl             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                    firefox-i18n-son             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-sq             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-sr             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-sv-se             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ta             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-te             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-th             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-tr             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-uk             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-ur             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-uz             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-vi             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                     firefox-i18n-xh             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-zh-cn             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                  firefox-i18n-zh-tw             82.0.2-1               83.0-1
                         kinfocenter             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                 manjaro-chrootbuild      r160.g0c1e061-1      r161.g750d948-1
  mesa-git 20.3.0_devel.130834.10d44fec2dd-1 21.0.0_devel.131103.035e21e7802-1
                             openvpn            2.4.9-2.1            2.4.9-2.3

:: Different sync package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-11-08           2020-11-24
   adobe-source-code-pro-fonts    2.030ro+1.050it-6 2.032ro+1.052it+1.012var-1
                                 ant             1.10.8-1             1.10.9-1
                             ant-doc             1.10.8-1             1.10.9-1
                              attica             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               baloo             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           bluedevil           1:5.20.2-1           1:5.20.3-1
                            bluez-qt             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              breeze             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                         breeze-grub             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                          breeze-gtk             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        breeze-icons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              c-ares             1.16.1-2             1.17.1-1
                            chromium      86.0.4240.183-1      86.0.4240.198-1
                               clang             10.0.1-1             11.0.0-1
                               clazy                1.7-1                1.7-2
                               cmake             3.18.4-1             3.18.5-1
                         compiler-rt             10.0.1-1             11.0.0-1
                            composer              2.0.6-1              2.0.7-1
                            discover             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                             drkonqi             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                                 efl             1.24.3-4             1.25.1-1
                            efl-docs             1.24.3-4             1.25.1-1
                               elisa            20.08.3-1            20.08.3-2
                 extra-cmake-modules             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             flatpak              1.8.2-1              1.8.3-1
                frameworkintegration             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             freetds             1.2.10-1             1.2.11-1
                         gdk-pixbuf22.40.0+6+g5432316df-1             2.42.0-2
                      geoip-database           20200929-1           20201110-1
                geoip-database-extra           20200929-1           20201110-1
                             glslang          8.13.3743-1             11.0.0-1
                       gnome-builder             3.38.1-2             3.38.1-3
                             gnuplot              5.4.0-4              5.4.0-5
                             gtk-doc             1.33.0-1             1.33.1-1
                                gvim           8.2.1704-1           8.2.1989-2
                         hunspell-de           20161207-4           20161207-6
                         hunspell-it                2.4-7                2.4-9
                                ibus 1.5.22+8+gf591381e-1 1.5.23+1+gdd4cc5b0-1
                               icewm              1.9.1-1              1.9.2-1
                               ipset                7.6-2                7.7-1
                                js78             78.4.0-1             78.5.0-1
                         kactivities             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                   kactivities-stats             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                   kactivitymanagerd             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                             kapidox             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            karchive             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               kauth             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kbookmarks             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kcalendarcore             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kcmutils             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kcodecs             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kcompletion             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kconfig             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                      kconfigwidgets             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kcontacts           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                         kcoreaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              kcrash             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                kdav           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                         kdbusaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kde-cli-tools             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                      kde-gtk-config             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        kdeclarative             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kdecoration             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                                kded             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                     kdelibs4support             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                    kdeplasma-addons             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                     kdesignerplugin             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               kdesu             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kdevelop              5.6.0-3              5.6.0-4
                           kdewebkit             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              kdnssd             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kdoctools             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kemoticons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kfilemetadata             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kgamma5             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        kglobalaccel             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kguiaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kholidays           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                            khotkeys             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                               khtml             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               ki18n             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kiconthemes             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kidletime             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kimageformats             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               kinit             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                 kio             5.75.0-2             5.76.0-1
                           kirigami2             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kitemmodels             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kitemviews             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kjobwidgets             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                 kjs             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kjsembed             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        kmediaplayer             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kmenuedit             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                                kmix            20.08.3-1            20.08.3-2
                          knetattach             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                           knewstuff             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                      knotifications             5.75.0-2             5.76.0-1
                       knotifyconfig             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kpackage             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              kparts             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kpeople             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kplotting             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                kpty             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        kquickcharts             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               krita              4.4.1-1              4.4.1-5
                               kross             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             krunner             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kscreen             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                       kscreenlocker             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                            kservice             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         ksshaskpass             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                           ksysguard             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                         ktexteditor             5.75.0-2             5.76.0-1
                        ktextwidgets             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                     kunitconversion             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kwallet             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kwallet-pam             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                            kwayland             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                kwayland-integration             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                     kwayland-server             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                      kwidgetsaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                kwin             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                       kwindowsystem             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kwrited             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                             kxmlgui             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kxmlrpcclient             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             libcerf                2.0-1             1:1.14-1
                              libclc  0.2.0+589+9aa6f35-2             11.0.0-1
                              libdrm            2.4.102-1            2.4.103-2
                              libgda              5.2.9-4             5.2.10-1
                         libgda-jdbc              5.2.9-4             5.2.10-1
                        libgda-mysql              5.2.9-4             5.2.10-1
                     libgda-postgres              5.2.9-4             5.2.10-1
                            libhandy              1.0.1-1              1.0.2-1
                             libibus 1.5.22+8+gf591381e-1 1.5.23+1+gdd4cc5b0-1
                          libkscreen             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        libksysguard             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                          libmm-glib             1.14.6-1             1.14.8-1
                          libplacebo             1.29.1-3             2.72.2-1
                            libunrar            1:6.0.1-1            1:6.0.2-1
                   libva-mesa-driver             20.2.1-1             20.2.2-2
                             libxml2             2.9.10-3             2.9.10-6
                                 lld             10.0.1-2             11.0.0-1
                                lldb             10.0.1-1             11.0.0-1
                                llvm             10.0.1-3             11.0.0-1
                           llvm-libs             10.0.1-3             11.0.0-1
                          llvm-ocaml             10.0.1-3             11.0.0-1
                                lsof             4.93.2-3             4.94.0-1
                             mariadb             10.5.7-1             10.5.8-1
                     mariadb-clients             10.5.7-1             10.5.8-1
                        mariadb-libs             10.5.7-1             10.5.8-1
                                mesa             20.2.1-1             20.2.2-2
                          mesa-vdpau             20.2.1-1             20.2.2-2
                               milou             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        modemmanager             1.14.6-1             1.14.8-1
                     modemmanager-qt             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               munin             2.0.64-1             2.0.65-1
                          munin-node             2.0.64-1             2.0.65-1
                                mutt             1.14.7-1              2.0.1-1
                               mytop             10.5.7-1             10.5.8-1
                   networkmanager-qt             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            nftables            1:0.9.6-1            1:0.9.7-1
                                nmap               7.80-3               7.91-1
                              okular            20.08.3-1            20.08.3-2
                         opencl-mesa             20.2.1-1             20.2.2-2
                              openmp             10.0.1-1             11.0.0-1
                             openvpn              2.5.0-1              2.5.0-3
                              oxygen             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        oxygen-icons           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                    oxygen-icons-svg           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                               pango           1:1.46.2-3           1:1.48.0-1
                   perl-file-listing               6.04-8               6.11-1
                 perl-list-moreutils              0.428-5              0.430-1
              perl-list-moreutils-xs              0.428-6              0.430-1
                        perl-net-dns               1.28-1               1.29-1
                            perl-uri               1.76-4               5.05-1
                            pipewire             0.3.15-1             0.3.15-2
                       pipewire-alsa             0.3.15-1             0.3.15-2
                       pipewire-docs             0.3.15-1             0.3.15-2
                       pipewire-jack             0.3.15-1             0.3.15-2
                      pipewire-pulse             0.3.15-1             0.3.15-2
          plasma-browser-integration             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                      plasma-desktop             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        plasma-disks             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                    plasma-framework             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                  plasma-integration             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                           plasma-nm             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                           plasma-pa             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                          plasma-sdk             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                  plasma-thunderbolt             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        plasma-vault             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
              plasma-wayland-session             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                    plasma-workspace             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
         plasma-workspace-wallpapers             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                    polkit-kde-agent             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                               polly             10.0.1-1             11.0.0-1
                             postfix              3.5.6-2              3.5.8-3
                          postgresql               12.4-1               12.5-3
                     postgresql-docs               12.4-1               12.5-3
                     postgresql-libs               12.4-1               12.5-3
                          powerdevil             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                              prison             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          prometheus             2.22.1-1             2.22.2-1
                             purpose             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       python-pep517              0.8.2-1              0.9.1-1
                          python-pip             20.1.1-1               20.2-1
                   python-resolvelib              0.4.0-1              0.5.1-1
                    python-shiboken2             5.15.1-1             5.15.1-2
               python-zope-interface              5.1.2-1              5.2.0-1
                      python2-pep517              0.8.2-1              0.9.1-1
                         python2-pip             20.1.1-1               20.2-1
                  python2-resolvelib              0.4.0-1              0.5.1-1
              python2-zope-interface              5.1.2-1              5.2.0-1
                                qemu              5.1.0-2              5.1.0-3
                     qemu-arch-extra              5.1.0-2              5.1.0-3
                  qemu-block-gluster              5.1.0-2              5.1.0-3
                    qemu-block-iscsi              5.1.0-2              5.1.0-3
                    qemu-guest-agent              5.1.0-2              5.1.0-3
                       qemu-headless              5.1.0-2              5.1.0-3
            qemu-headless-arch-extra              5.1.0-2              5.1.0-3
                  qqc2-desktop-style             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           qt5-tools             5.15.1-1             5.15.1-2
                           qtcreator             4.13.2-1             4.13.2-2
                         quota-tools             1:4.05-2             1:4.06-1
                              raptor            2.0.15-13            2.0.15-14
                              rasqal           1:0.9.33-3           1:0.9.33-4
                  rebuilderd-website                0.4-1                0.5-2
                              recode              3.7.7-1              3.7.8-1
                                rust           1:1.47.0-1           1:1.47.0-4
                           rust-docs           1:1.47.0-1           1:1.47.0-4
                                sbcl              2.0.8-1             2.0.10-1
                            sddm-kcm             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                        seexpr-krita                      -
                             shaderc             2020.0-1             2020.3-1
                           shiboken2             5.15.1-1             5.15.1-2
                signon-plugin-oauth2               0.24-3               0.25-1
                               solid             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              sonnet             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         syndication             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                 syntax-highlighting             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                      systemsettings             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
                      telepathy-haze              0.8.0-3              0.8.1-1
                             texmacs            1.99.13-1            1.99.15-1
                        threadweaver             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             tomcat8             8.5.59-2             8.5.60-1
                             tomcat9             9.0.39-2             9.0.40-1
                               unrar            1:6.0.1-1            1:6.0.2-1
                                vala             0.50.1-1             0.50.2-1
                                 vim           8.2.1704-1           8.2.1989-2
                         vim-runtime           8.2.1704-1           8.2.1989-2
                      vulkan-headers          1:1.2.159-1          1:1.2.160-1
                    vulkan-html-docs          1:1.2.159-1          1:1.2.160-1
                  vulkan-mesa-layers             20.2.1-1             20.2.2-2
                       vulkan-radeon             20.2.1-1             20.2.2-2
                        vulkan-tools            1.2.158-1            1.2.159-1
                      wireguard-dkms       1.0.20200908-1       1.0.20201112-1
              xdg-desktop-portal-kde             5.20.2-1             5.20.3-1
              xfce4-mailwatch-plugin              1.2.0-9              1.3.0-1
                   xfce4-screensaver             0.1.10-1             0.1.11-2
                xfce4-weather-plugin             0.10.1-2             0.10.2-1
                              xfconf             4.14.3-1             4.14.4-1
                         xorg-server             1.20.9-2             1.20.9-3
                  xorg-server-common             1.20.9-2             1.20.9-3
                   xorg-server-devel             1.20.9-2             1.20.9-3
                  xorg-server-xephyr             1.20.9-2             1.20.9-3
                   xorg-server-xnest             1.20.9-2             1.20.9-3
                    xorg-server-xvfb             1.20.9-2             1.20.9-3
                xorg-server-xwayland             1.20.9-2             1.20.9-3
                        xscreensaver               5.44-2               5.44-3
                               xterm                361-1                362-1
                             aribb25                    -              0.2.7-2
                     gdk-pixbuf-xlib                    -             2.40.2-1
                        kcolorpicker                    -              0.1.4-3
                     kimageannotator                    -              0.3.2-2
                             kpmcore                    -              4.2.0-1
                             kseexpr                    -  
                          libetebase                    -              0.4.1-1
                              llvm10                    -             10.0.1-1
                         llvm10-libs                    -             10.0.1-1
                    partitionmanager                    -              4.2.0-1

Testers needed on arm-testing branch

We are in need of testers for our arm-testing and arm-unstable branches.
So if you are adventurous and want newer software quicker, we would love for you to help us test out the new packages in arm-testing branch.

All you have to do to switch to this branch is:

  • Run this command to switch branch: sudo pacman-mirrors -aS testing && sudo pacman -Syyu. This will generate a new mirrorlist for you, sync your databases with the new mirror and update your system using the arm-testing branch.

We would then love for you to give feedback in our update posts in #manjaro-arm:arm-testing-updates. That way we can better find and fix bugs, before they hit arm-stable branch. Thank you!


Please consider supporting Manjaro ARM directly via Patreon, Ko-Fi or Open Collective.
You can also donate to our upstream, which is Arch Linux ARM.


  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)

0 voters


Known Issues and Solutions

This is a wiki post, please edit it when you find a solution to an issue you encountered

DP Alt Mode no longer works on Pinebook Pro
This is a known issue, the hacky patch we had to enable this has broken in recent kernels.
@tsys and Ayufan are looking into it.
As a workaround you can install linux-pinebookpro again.

Old Issues

Plasma Mobile Keyboard
The plasma mobile onscreen keyboard does not work with QT 5.15.0.
This is fixed by updating to kwin 5.19.3-1.1.

PinePhone uboot
This update to the PinePhone Uboot package (2020.04-2), changed how the DTS is loaded from the kernel, since the Kernel DTS for the Pinephone also changed. When doing this update on the PinePhone images from Alpha5 and back, please make this change to the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf before rebooting:

  • sun50i-a64-pinephone.dtb to sun50i-a64-pinephone-1.2.dtb

Manual interventions:
The nss and zn_poly packages prior to version 3.51.1-1 and version 0.9.2-2 respectively, were missing a soname link each. This has been fixed in 3.51.1-1 and 0.9.2-2 of these packages, so the upgrade will need to overwrite the untracked files created by ldconfig. If you get any of these errors

nss: /usr/lib/p11-kit-trust.so exists in filesystem
zn_poly: /usr/lib/libzn_poly-0.9.so  exists in filesystem

when updating, use

pacman -Syu --overwrite /usr/lib/p11-kit-trust.so --overwrite /usr/lib/libzn_poly-0.9.so

to perform the upgrade.

Device stopped booting after Uboot update
The uboot update included a change to the extlinux.conf file. This change will be incompatible with the old 1 partition layout of some devices.
So if you are updating installs made with images 20.02.1 or older, you need to apply this fix before rebooting!
To fix this please edit your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file and add 2 periods in front of each first slash, like so:

KERNEL ../Image
FDT ../dtbs/ #etc.
APPEND initrd=../initramfs-linux.img #etc.

Save the file and reboot.


Odroid c2 kde and Odroid n2 kde up to date, it works.

The n2 don’t reboot with the GUI…


[nlc2@c2 ~]$ date -u
mar. 24 nov. 2020 11:14:14 UTC
[nlc2@c2 ~]$ screenfetch
                             OS: Manjaro-ARM 20.10
                             Kernel: aarch64 Linux 5.9.9-2-MANJARO-ARM
         #####               Uptime: 1m
        #######              Packages: Unknown
        ##O#O##              Shell: bash 5.0.18
        #######              Resolution: 1920x1080
      ###########            DE: KDE 5.76.0 / Plasma 5.20.3
     #############           WM: KWin
    ###############          GTK Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
    ################         Icon Theme: oxygen
   #################         Disk: 13G / 59G (23%)
 #####################       CPU: 4x Unknown
 #####################       GPU: 
   #################         RAM: 493MiB / 1896MiB
[nlc2@c2 ~]$ uname -a
Linux c2.20.04 5.9.9-2-MANJARO-ARM #1 SMP Fri Nov 20 12:30:37 UTC 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
[nlc2@c2 ~]$ 


[nln2@n2 ~]$ date -u
mar. 24 nov. 2020 10:56:01 UTC
[nln2@n2 ~]$ screenfetch
                             OS: Manjaro-ARM 20.10
                             Kernel: aarch64 Linux 5.9.8-1-MANJARO-ARM
         #####               Uptime: 1m
        #######              Packages: Unknown
        ##O#O##              Shell: bash 5.0.18
        #######              Resolution: 1920x1080
      ###########            DE: KDE 5.76.0 / Plasma 5.20.3
     #############           WM: KWin
    ###############          GTK Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
    ################         Icon Theme: oxygen
   #################         Disk: 14G / 59G (24%)
 #####################       CPU: Unknown @ 6x 1.992GHz
 #####################       GPU: 
   #################         RAM: 613MiB / 3628MiB
[nln2@n2 ~]$ uname -a
Linux n2.20.06 5.9.8-1-MANJARO-ARM #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 15 00:34:52 +03 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
[nln2@n2 ~]$ 

Just a note:
Pi400 is reported working well now.
Known quirks (like power button) are addressed on the shiny new wiki page. :smiley: :+1:

1 Like

I am upgrading system on RaspberryPi 4B, pacman shows that brcm-patchram-plus conflicts with pi-bluetooth and then update is interrupted.

1 Like
sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd brcm-patchram-plus
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth.service

Then do your full upgrade and reboot

The new pi-bluetooth package that dropped the dependacy is also in this stable update but looks like it is has not gotten cleared out of the pacman databse at this point of your update.


I can no longer connect to 2.4GHz WiFi beyond channel 11. Before, there was issue with 802.11n networks, so I’ve set my router to b/g standards. I’ve Pinebook Pro and I’m using linux-pinebookpro kernel with uboot-pinebookpro-bsp. I’ve crda installed previously and WIRELESS_REGDOM=“PL” is uncommented. I can connect to 802.11n networks and channels beyond 11 only using WiFi dongle that’s using rtl8188fu driver installed from AUR. I think it is a firmware issue (from the recent linux-firmware or whatever package containing the firmware for built-in wireless for PBP).

The package for the Wifi in the PBP is called ap6256-firmware and should not have been updated this time around. It was a while ago though.

On the Pinebook Pro:

Edit 3: Good news – it was just in my head. Performance is equivalent to what a fresh install on a fast SD card was. That being said, mesa-git did ultimately result in the initial loss of performance I believe – largely because it crashed kwin and despite reenabling OpenGL detection, I experienced some funky behaviors.

So, I might recommend just sticking with the standard mesa package for now. The update seems great as far as the Pinebook Pro goes. Apologies for the wall of text – it sometimes takes awhile for me to finish doing my self troubleshooting and I get curious if anyone did it first.

Thanks for all of your hard work!

(End edit)

Interestingly, I tried to update to mesa-git. However, I discovered I had worse performance (it seems with Plasma KDE itself). I then went back to the standard mesa package.

I’m still having the same strange issues.

Laggy windows; laggy tooltips (slow to render), lag when drag clicking for the select box on the desktop, black background when logging off, shutting down etc (but not when booting up).

I tried reinstalling plasma, etc, as well as mesa again (as well as the additional packages I had). CPU usage is well within expected ranges – between 0 and 10% on the desktop, with no core pegged.

Memory usage is below 50% as I write this reply.

Hoping I can resolve this without having to try another reimage, heh.

Edit: Well, after posting this, it at least seems like after toggling the Compositor’s rendering back end and reinstalling some related packages… well, it’s at least close to normal. Actions like dragging a box on the desktop still seem a little bit slow, as does the UI on the Package Manager GUI, but it’s at least closer to normal.

I may also just be having a more critical eye after running into an obvious issue not long ago.

Perhaps someone else with a Pinebook Pro can confirm their “smoothness” when doing something like dragging a select box on the desktop?

Edit2: Yea, it’s like I don’t have hardware acceleration on the desktop. Diablo via Devilution still worked fine, for example. I’ll install to an SD card again and compare. Maybe it’s all in my head.

I (perhaps naively) updated Pinephone (not convergence-edition) from Beta 2 (with Phosh) without checking anything beforehand. Was locked out for a while - password no longer accepted… a few reboots and intentionally wrong passwords later the password was accepted again. :woman_shrugging:

seems to be working fine now, thanks for the work!

edit: drh seems to have it figured out: post 11 in the /manjaro-arm-beta3-with-phosh-pinephone/ thread. [can’t link to it unfortunately - new user limits]

Hello, pinebook 11" 1080p owner here.

I’ve flashed manjaro-sway edition some time ago (I think it was 20.06) and I was impressed. It was the most fastest and responsible OS for original/old pinebook I’ve tasted so far. Among other things it could play HW accelerated videos through mpv and chromium worked to my satisfaction (when I consider the performance of the old pinebook).

However after some updates chomium became less usable. Some minor glitches appeared when page was rendered, but after the page was loaded It went ok. The next update leaved the glitches after load, but after tab switching, the page went ok again. And after the previous update (and also this update) the chromium is unusable. See picture.

Has anybody some experience with this kind of bugs, or has any idea how to solve this annoyance?

I’ve tried to turn off HW accelerated 2D rendering in chrome://flags, but it had no effect.


PS: The chromium got worse in time, but HW accelerated video playback through mpv got better after every update. First there were some memory leak induced crashes and 1080p video was not smooth, but now there are clearly less crashes and 1080p video is smooth. Kudos to you all.

Why not use Firefox?

You answered with a question, so let me answer with a joke.

Patient: Doctor, my hand is swollen, red and it hurts badly. I can’t do anything with her. Can you help, please?
Doctor: Why not use left hand?

Jokes aside. I know, that firefox works or exists, but I use firefox only when chromium is not available. Just a matter of preference.

Thank you anyway.

1 Like

Maybe it wasn’t working before, but the router “choosed” to switch to the channel 12 right after the upgrade, malice of inanimate objects.

Happy to report that there are no issues so far with the update on my PBP (KDE version)

LXQt 16 also brings some long awaited functions to the PBP

  • Brightness settings with keys works
  • There is a new brightness widget for the panel (and it works as well)
  • Together with Kvantum you can set the appearance very easily and very consistent now (I will post something later)
  • A CPU / GPU temperature widget (and yes, that also works) for those endless compile sessions.
  • Works like a charm with Kwin and the smooth Cube desktop switch function
  • Starts up almost instantly after log in

LXQt is really a great desktop environment for the PBP now and a bit more easy on the resources than KDE Plasma (although Plasma is also quite ok nowadays)

------------ EDIT
Here is how to set up LXQT with Manjaro

Thank you all contributors for your efforts, much appreciated!

I’m new to Manjaro, but I’ve been using Debian in different ways for many years, so I’m not a complete newbie :wink: but there’s still some learning left to do regarding “Manjaro-way” of doing all things Linux. I’m liking Sway on PineBook Pro so far, and looking forward to improvements (like functioning suspend :-p) yet to come.

1 Like

Specifically this issue, is for Trusted Firmware - ARM to solve, so it will come in a u-boot update at some point, when it gets developed. :wink:

1 Like

getting loads of 404 mirror errors, how do O update/refresh them?

I think it is:

sudo pacman-mirrors -f5

I entered as you suggested, and all looked good. I tried for an update and still got the message. Do you have any suggestions?