[Unstable Update] March 2024 Edition

/me hit by strangelets

Ah OK so my issue with cryptsetup failure to unlock BitLocker volume at boot has been resolved by the second batch of updates including cryptsetup and mkinitcpio with a follow-up ediding of the config. Only thing I’m puzzled by is how exactly adding microcode hook made crypsetup successfully unlock aforementioned BL partition on boot. Strangelets, probably…

NVMe devices enumeration fluctuations – that’s why. Strangelets declared not guilty!

Huh? Of course you can make edits to presets. In fact, as we figured last week, Manjaro’s versioning of kernels is a problem – in case you want some other options, eg. default_uki, enabled in a .preset you have to manually edit every new .preset.

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Yeah, I was suprised by that sentence too. I edit presets in order to have 2 sets of inirtds and UKIs: one is traditional udev-based, another is systemd-based. Quite handy when I want to test some kernel options or when I’m after some specific issue.

example of mkinitcpio.conf (udev)

HOOKS=(base udev keyboard keymap consolefont autodetect microcode plymouth modconf kms block filesystems resume fsck)

example of mkinitcpio.systemd.conf (systemd)

HOOKS=(base systemd keyboard autodetect sd-vconsole microcode plymouth modconf kms block filesystems fsck)

example of linux67 preset
# mkinitcpio preset file for the '6.7-x86_64' package


PRESETS=('default' 'systemd')

default_options="--cmdline=/etc/cmdline.d/default.conf --splash /sys/firmware/acpi/bgrt/image"

systemd_options="--cmdline=/etc/cmdline.d/systemd.conf --splash /sys/firmware/acpi/bgrt/image"
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Oh, we are patients already.
Now sudo mkinitcpio -P generates:

==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux66.preset: 'default'
==> Using default configuration file: '/etc/mkinitcpio.conf'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.6-x86_64 -g /boot/initramfs-6.6-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: '6.6.19-1-MANJARO'
  -> Running build hook: [systemd]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [microcode]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: '/boot/initramfs-6.6-x86_64.img'
  -> Early uncompressed CPIO image generation successful
==> Initcpio image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux66.preset: 'fallback'
==> Using default configuration file: '/etc/mkinitcpio.conf'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.6-x86_64 -g /boot/initramfs-6.6-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: '6.6.19-1-MANJARO'
  -> Running build hook: [systemd]
  -> Running build hook: [microcode]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: '/boot/initramfs-6.6-x86_64-fallback.img'
  -> Early uncompressed CPIO image generation successful
==> Initcpio image generation successful

i would like to draw attention to last line of the notice;

This also allows you to drop the microcode initrd lines from your boot configuration as they are now packed together with the main initramfs image.

assuming you are using grub and the new microcode hook, how can you get rid of the microcode initrd line.

from my limited research “grub-mkconfig will automatically detect the microcode update and configure GRUB appropriately.” refer; Microcode - ArchWiki. the only way i found that you can mess with it is through GRUB_EARLY_INITRD_LINUX_STOCK and leaving it empty in /etc/default/grub


List of space-separated early initrd images to be loaded from ‘/boot’. This is for loading things like CPU microcode, firmware, ACPI tables, crypto keys, and so on. These early images will be loaded in the order declared, and all will be loaded before the actual functional initrd image.

‘GRUB_EARLY_INITRD_LINUX_STOCK’ is for your distribution to declare images that are provided by the distribution. It should not be modified without understanding the consequences. They will be loaded first.

‘GRUB_EARLY_INITRD_LINUX_CUSTOM’ is for your custom created images.

That should be done, by a grub package update.

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Who’s gonna cover our hospital bill? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve removed the microcode line from my .preset files, generated images, all good.


8 posts were split to a new topic: What has happened to systemd-timesyncd?

So this lines can be removed safely?:

cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep initrd | grep ucode                                                                                                                             
	    initrd	/@/boot/intel-ucode.img /@/boot/amd-ucode.img
		initrd	/@/boot/intel-ucode.img /@/boot/amd-ucode.img
		initrd	/@/boot/intel-ucode.img /@/boot/amd-ucode.img

No, you should not edit grub.cfg manually.

You right I noticed changes will be reverted back after doing sudo update-grub
I restored from a snapshot.
So as I sad early it needs to be done by a package update of grub

yes can be removed although not from grub.cfg. to begin with make sure you have microcode hook in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf for early loading of the microcode.

to remove microcode initrd line, add following line in /etc/default/grub


rebuild grub.conf using;

$ sudo update-grub

BTW looks like plasma-6(6.0.1) has hit arch-stable. i’m anxious as some of us to nose dive this soon, though i dont intend to not update for long.

to keep other updates from coming excluding plasma 6 and KF-6 and kde-apps, do you think having following package groups ignored will be sufficient for the time being.


IgnoreGroup = kf6 plasma kde-applications
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Okay until now it’s not a option on Arch Linux grub package nor Manjaro.
So I will wait until there will be a updated grub package.

Added a Patch at Arch Linux:

Well I read that after sumiting a patch ^^ops:

List of space-separated early initrd images to be loaded from ‘/boot’. This is for loading things like CPU microcode, firmware, ACPI tables, crypto keys, and so on. These early images will be loaded in the order declared, and all will be loaded before the actual functional initrd image.

‘GRUB_EARLY_INITRD_LINUX_STOCK’ is for your distribution to declare images that are provided by the distribution. It should not be modified without understanding the consequences. They will be loaded first.

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I would switch to the testing branch for now instead of putting yourself in an unsupported, partial upgrade state.

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I let plasma six update my unstable branch system, but reverted to testing after my custom shortcut keys didn’t work, the X11 desktop was slow with lots of video glitches, the desktop stopped responding sometimes, and I’m not ready to switch to Wayland (which was faster and perhaps less buggy, but missing features I depend upon, like the key state widget and window shading). Plasma six worked fine in a virtual machine, but it couldn’t keep up with the modifications I like that depend on plasma five.

I deleted .cache but the screen glitches continued. Resetting shortcuts is not a big deal, but I’ll wait 'til my favorite widgets are ported and window shading works in wayland…

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For you and for everyone else: You’ll probably have to ditch all those modifications and IMHO all the plasma configs and start fresh.

Unable to realize why I have to install the VLC media player with the current updates only. Prefer to get rid of this package, but I saw no option to reject it’s installation.
I interrupted the packages upgrade procedure.

Log excerpt:

:: Starting full system upgrade...
Package (208)                      Old Version      New Version      Net Change  Download Size
extra/vlc                                           3.0.20-7          59.97 MiB      11.70 MiB
extra/xdg-desktop-portal-kde       5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.31 MiB       0.37 MiB
Full log
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace baloo5 with extra/baloo? [Y/n]
:: Replace breeze with extra/breeze5? [Y/n]
:: Replace ksysguard with extra/plasma-systemmonitor? [Y/n]
:: Replace kuserfeedback5 with extra/kuserfeedback? [Y/n]
:: Replace oxygen with extra/oxygen5? [Y/n]
:: Replace plasma-integration with extra/plasma5-integration? [Y/n]
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: phonon-qt6-vlc will be installed before its phonon-qt6 dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: xdg-desktop-portal-kde will be installed before its plasma-workspace dependency

Package (208)                      Old Version      New Version      Net Change  Download Size

extra/a52dec                                        0.8.0-2            0.13 MiB       0.05 MiB
extra/accounts-qml-module          0.7-4            0.7-6              0.04 MiB       0.07 MiB
extra/appstream-qt                                  1.0.2-1            0.53 MiB       0.12 MiB
extra/aribb24                                       1.0.3-3            0.12 MiB       0.05 MiB
extra/ark                          23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1         -0.02 MiB       1.40 MiB
extra/attica                                        6.0.0-1            1.73 MiB       0.73 MiB
extra/baloo                                         6.0.0-3            2.44 MiB       0.64 MiB
extra/baloo-widgets                23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.06 MiB       0.14 MiB
baloo5                             5.115.0-1                          -2.26 MiB
extra/bluedevil                    1:5.27.10-3      1:6.0.1-1          0.09 MiB       0.51 MiB
extra/bluez-qt                                      6.0.0-1            2.43 MiB       1.03 MiB
extra/breeze                       5.27.10-1        6.0.1-2            2.60 MiB      50.52 MiB
breeze                             5.27.10-1                         -76.65 MiB
extra/breeze-gtk                   5.27.10-1          0.00 MiB       0.20 MiB
extra/breeze-icons                 5.115.0-1        6.0.0-1            0.43 MiB       6.09 MiB
extra/breeze5                                       6.0.1-2            0.50 MiB       0.17 MiB
extra/dolphin                      23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.51 MiB       4.51 MiB
extra/dolphin-plugins              23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.27 MiB       0.46 MiB
extra/electron27                   27.3.4-4         27.3.5-1           0.00 MiB      62.95 MiB
extra/ffmpeg4.4                                     4.4.4-4           24.50 MiB       8.65 MiB
extra/ffmpegthumbs                 23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.00 MiB       0.03 MiB
extra/frameworkintegration                          6.0.0-1            0.24 MiB       0.07 MiB
extra/gwenview                     23.08.5-1        24.02.0-3          0.34 MiB       6.91 MiB
extra/kaccounts-integration        23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.03 MiB       0.14 MiB
extra/kaccounts-providers          23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1         -0.02 MiB       0.07 MiB
extra/kactivitymanagerd            5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.07 MiB       0.20 MiB
extra/kamera                       23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1         -0.07 MiB       0.17 MiB
extra/karchive                                      6.0.0-1            1.06 MiB       0.41 MiB
extra/kate                         23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          2.73 MiB      10.09 MiB
extra/kauth                                         6.0.0-2            0.71 MiB       0.29 MiB
extra/kbookmarks                                    6.0.0-1            1.07 MiB       0.42 MiB
extra/kcalc                        23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.08 MiB       0.67 MiB
extra/kcmutils                                      6.0.0-2            1.39 MiB       0.48 MiB
extra/kcodecs                                       6.0.0-1            1.00 MiB       0.34 MiB
extra/kcolorpicker                                  0.3.1-4            0.08 MiB       0.03 MiB
extra/kcolorpicker-qt5             0.3.0-3          0.3.1-4            0.00 MiB       0.02 MiB
extra/kcolorscheme                                  6.0.0-1            0.42 MiB       0.20 MiB
extra/kcompletion                                   6.0.0-1            1.07 MiB       0.59 MiB
extra/kconfig                                       6.0.0-1            3.11 MiB       1.22 MiB
extra/kconfigwidgets                                6.0.0-1            1.97 MiB       0.76 MiB
extra/kcoreaddons                                   6.0.0-1            3.15 MiB       1.23 MiB
extra/kcrash                                        6.0.0-1            0.23 MiB       0.12 MiB
extra/kdbusaddons                                   6.0.0-1            0.44 MiB       0.20 MiB
extra/kde-cli-tools                5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.65 MiB       0.86 MiB
extra/kde-gtk-config               5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.01 MiB       0.08 MiB
extra/kdeclarative                                  6.0.0-1            0.82 MiB       0.27 MiB
extra/kdecoration                  5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.03 MiB       0.08 MiB
extra/kded                                          6.0.0-1            0.11 MiB       0.05 MiB
extra/kdegraphics-mobipocket       23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.00 MiB       0.02 MiB
extra/kdegraphics-thumbnailers     23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.01 MiB       0.04 MiB
extra/kdenlive                     23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          1.28 MiB      16.78 MiB
extra/kdeplasma-addons             5.27.10-2        6.0.1-1            0.29 MiB       1.16 MiB
extra/kdesu                                         6.0.0-1            0.51 MiB       0.23 MiB
extra/kdnssd                                        6.0.0-1            0.62 MiB       0.31 MiB
extra/kdoctools                                     6.0.0-1            2.51 MiB       0.56 MiB
extra/keditbookmarks               23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.08 MiB       0.37 MiB
extra/kfilemetadata                                 6.0.0-2            1.52 MiB       0.42 MiB
extra/kfind                        23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1         -0.12 MiB       0.42 MiB
extra/kgamma                       5.27.10-2        6.0.1-1           -0.08 MiB       0.15 MiB
extra/kglobalaccel                                  6.0.0-1            0.48 MiB       0.21 MiB
extra/kglobalaccel5                5.115.0-1        5.115.0-3         -0.06 MiB       0.25 MiB
extra/kglobalacceld                                 6.0.1-1            0.29 MiB       0.09 MiB
extra/kguiaddons                                    6.0.0-2            0.80 MiB       0.37 MiB
extra/kguiaddons5                  5.115.0-1        5.115.0-2         -0.05 MiB       0.33 MiB
extra/khelpcenter                  23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1         -9.90 MiB       3.60 MiB
extra/kholidays                                     1:6.0.0-1          1.15 MiB       0.41 MiB
extra/ki18n                                         6.0.0-1           17.73 MiB       1.96 MiB
extra/kiconthemes                                   6.0.0-1            1.21 MiB       0.53 MiB
extra/kidletime                                     6.0.0-1            0.38 MiB       0.16 MiB
extra/kimageannotator                               0.7.1-2            1.64 MiB       0.39 MiB
extra/kimageannotator-qt5          0.7.0-3          0.7.1-2            0.00 MiB       0.36 MiB
extra/kinfocenter                  5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.77 MiB       0.93 MiB
extra/kio                                           6.0.0-1           22.02 MiB       6.30 MiB
extra/kio-extras                   23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          2.51 MiB       1.90 MiB
extra/kio-fuse                     5.1.0-1          5.1.0-3            0.00 MiB       0.07 MiB
extra/kio5                         5.115.0-1        5.115.0-3         -0.12 MiB       8.08 MiB
extra/kirigami                                      6.0.0-2            4.20 MiB       1.10 MiB
extra/kirigami-addons                               1.0.1-1            2.49 MiB       0.48 MiB
extra/kitemmodels                                   6.0.0-1            1.05 MiB       0.58 MiB
extra/kitemviews                                    6.0.0-1            0.88 MiB       0.47 MiB
extra/kjobwidgets                                   6.0.0-1            0.78 MiB       0.32 MiB
extra/kmenuedit                    5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.03 MiB       1.05 MiB
extra/knewstuff                                     6.0.0-2            3.18 MiB       0.93 MiB
extra/knotifications                                6.0.0-1            0.65 MiB       0.29 MiB
extra/knotifyconfig                                 6.0.0-1            0.38 MiB       0.18 MiB
extra/kolourpaint                  23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.04 MiB       5.72 MiB
extra/konsole                      23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.64 MiB       1.97 MiB
extra/kpackage                                      6.0.0-1            0.91 MiB       0.33 MiB
extra/kparts                                        6.0.0-1            1.14 MiB       0.57 MiB
extra/kpipewire                    5.27.10-1          0.13 MiB       0.12 MiB
extra/kpmcore                      23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.10 MiB       0.69 MiB
extra/kpty                                          6.0.0-1            0.40 MiB       0.21 MiB
extra/kquickcharts                                  6.0.0-1            0.60 MiB       0.17 MiB
extra/krunner                                       6.0.0-1            0.78 MiB       0.40 MiB
extra/krusader                     2.8.0-2          2.8.0-3           -0.07 MiB       3.84 MiB
extra/ksanecore                    23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.03 MiB       0.09 MiB
extra/ksanecore5                                    24.02.0-1          0.18 MiB       0.06 MiB
extra/kscreen                      5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.06 MiB       0.29 MiB
extra/kscreenlocker                5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.11 MiB       0.23 MiB
extra/kservice                                      6.0.0-1            0.94 MiB       0.41 MiB
extra/ksshaskpass                  5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.01 MiB       0.03 MiB
extra/kstatusnotifieritem                           6.0.0-2            0.56 MiB       0.24 MiB
extra/ksvg                                          6.0.0-1            0.75 MiB       0.33 MiB
ksysguard                          5.22.0-2                           -2.62 MiB
extra/ksystemlog                   23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.15 MiB       2.14 MiB
extra/ksystemstats                 5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.16 MiB       0.23 MiB
extra/ktexteditor                                   6.0.0-2           14.26 MiB       3.54 MiB
extra/ktexttemplate                                 6.0.0-1            2.46 MiB       1.35 MiB
extra/ktextwidgets                                  6.0.0-1            2.09 MiB       0.80 MiB
extra/kunitconversion                               6.0.0-1           10.97 MiB       1.06 MiB
extra/kuserfeedback                                 6.0.0-2            2.50 MiB       0.51 MiB
kuserfeedback5                     1.3.0-4                            -2.31 MiB
extra/kwallet                                       6.0.0-3            2.47 MiB       0.60 MiB
extra/kwallet-pam                  5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.00 MiB       0.01 MiB
extra/kwallet5                     5.115.0-1        5.115.0-2         -0.06 MiB       0.56 MiB
extra/kwalletmanager               23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.03 MiB       1.00 MiB
extra/kwayland                                      6.0.1-1            3.37 MiB       1.50 MiB
extra/kwayland-integration         5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.03 MiB       0.04 MiB
extra/kwidgetsaddons                                6.0.0-1            9.24 MiB       4.73 MiB
extra/kwin                         5.27.10-2        6.0.1-1            2.47 MiB      10.38 MiB
extra/kwindowsystem                                 6.0.0-1            1.76 MiB       0.79 MiB
extra/kwrited                      5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.00 MiB       0.02 MiB
extra/kxmlgui                                       6.0.0-1            4.24 MiB       1.59 MiB
extra/layer-shell-qt               5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.04 MiB       0.03 MiB
extra/libaccounts-qt               1.16-3           1.16-5             0.04 MiB       0.06 MiB
extra/libdisplay-info                               0.1.1-3            0.33 MiB       0.10 MiB
extra/libdvbpsi                                     1:1.3.3-3          0.54 MiB       0.09 MiB
extra/libkdcraw                                     24.02.0-1          0.13 MiB       0.04 MiB
extra/libkdcraw5                   23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.00 MiB       0.04 MiB
extra/libkexiv2                    23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.03 MiB       0.14 MiB
extra/libksane                     23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1         -0.03 MiB       0.16 MiB
extra/libkscreen                   5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.06 MiB       0.41 MiB
extra/libksysguard                 5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -4.44 MiB       0.55 MiB
extra/libmpeg2                                      0.5.1-8            0.24 MiB       0.08 MiB
extra/libnewt                      0.52.23-2        0.52.24-1          0.00 MiB       0.09 MiB
extra/libplasma                                     6.0.1-1            6.26 MiB       2.93 MiB
extra/libqaccessibilityclient-qt6                   0.6.0-1            0.32 MiB       0.10 MiB
extra/libtar                                        1.2.20-7           0.08 MiB       0.04 MiB
extra/libupnp                                       1.14.18-1          0.92 MiB       0.23 MiB
extra/lsof                         4.99.0-1         4.99.3-1           0.00 MiB       0.14 MiB
extra/milou                        5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.01 MiB       0.08 MiB
extra/modemmanager-qt                               6.0.0-1            1.47 MiB       0.59 MiB
extra/networkmanager-qt                             6.0.0-1            3.87 MiB       1.74 MiB
extra/ocean-sound-theme                             6.0.1-1            1.17 MiB       1.05 MiB
extra/okular                       23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.69 MiB       7.27 MiB
extra/oxygen                       5.27.10-1        6.0.1-2            0.17 MiB       2.96 MiB
oxygen                             5.27.10-1                         -17.76 MiB
extra/oxygen-icons                 1:5.115.0-1      1:6.0.0-1          0.00 MiB      30.58 MiB
extra/oxygen-sounds                5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.05 MiB       1.85 MiB
extra/oxygen5                                       6.0.1-2            1.02 MiB       0.29 MiB
extra/partitionmanager             23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.94 MiB       2.20 MiB
extra/phonon-qt5                   4.12.0-3         4.12.0-4          -0.50 MiB       0.23 MiB
extra/phonon-qt6                                    4.12.0-4           1.65 MiB       0.41 MiB
extra/phonon-qt6-vlc                                0.12.0-2           0.32 MiB       0.11 MiB
extra/plasma-activities                             6.0.1-1            0.73 MiB       0.30 MiB
extra/plasma-activities-stats                       6.0.1-1            0.61 MiB       0.29 MiB
extra/plasma-browser-integration   5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.06 MiB       0.15 MiB
extra/plasma-desktop               5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.75 MiB      15.85 MiB
extra/plasma-framework5            5.115.0-1        5.115.0-3         -3.65 MiB       1.80 MiB
extra/plasma-integration           5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.07 MiB       0.14 MiB
plasma-integration                 5.27.10-1                          -0.54 MiB
extra/plasma-nm                    5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.73 MiB       1.50 MiB
extra/plasma-pa                    5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.08 MiB       0.28 MiB
extra/plasma-systemmonitor         5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.74 MiB       0.39 MiB
extra/plasma-thunderbolt           5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.02 MiB       0.13 MiB
extra/plasma-workspace             5.27.10-2        6.0.1-1            2.60 MiB      20.43 MiB
extra/plasma-workspace-wallpapers  5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           15.32 MiB     104.96 MiB
extra/plasma5-integration                           6.0.1-1            0.38 MiB       0.12 MiB
extra/plasma5support                                6.0.1-1            0.75 MiB       0.31 MiB
extra/polkit-kde-agent             5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.04 MiB       0.07 MiB
extra/polkit-qt6                                    0.200.0-1          0.35 MiB       0.09 MiB
extra/poppler-qt6                                   24.01.0-1          0.70 MiB       0.21 MiB
extra/powerdevil                   5.27.10-2        6.0.1-1           -0.35 MiB       0.88 MiB
extra/prison                                        6.0.0-1            0.65 MiB       0.23 MiB
extra/purpose                                       6.0.0-1            1.56 MiB       0.35 MiB
extra/purpose5                     5.115.0-1        5.115.0-3         -0.10 MiB       0.32 MiB
extra/qca-qt6                                       2.3.8-2            3.31 MiB       0.84 MiB
extra/qcoro-qt6                                     0.10.0-1           0.65 MiB       0.13 MiB
extra/qqc2-breeze-style                             5.27.9-1           0.49 MiB       0.10 MiB
extra/qqc2-desktop-style                            6.0.0-1            1.89 MiB       0.35 MiB
extra/qt6-networkauth                               6.6.2-1            0.30 MiB       0.08 MiB
extra/qt6-positioning                               6.6.2-1            1.59 MiB       0.36 MiB
extra/qt6-sensors                                   6.6.2-1            1.05 MiB       0.18 MiB
extra/qt6-shadertools                               6.6.2-1            3.88 MiB       1.33 MiB
extra/qt6-speech                                    6.6.2-1            0.50 MiB       0.12 MiB
extra/qt6-tools                                     6.6.2-1           18.27 MiB       5.96 MiB
extra/qt6-virtualkeyboard                           6.6.2-2            5.43 MiB       2.38 MiB
extra/qt6-webchannel                                6.6.2-1            0.41 MiB       0.12 MiB
extra/qt6-webengine                                 6.6.2-1          196.43 MiB      64.89 MiB
extra/qt6-websockets                                6.6.2-1            0.35 MiB       0.10 MiB
extra/sddm                         0.20.0-4         0.21.0-4           0.75 MiB       3.54 MiB
extra/sddm-kcm                     5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.03 MiB       0.13 MiB
extra/signon-kwallet-extension     23.08.5-1        24.02.0-1          0.00 MiB       0.01 MiB
extra/signon-plugin-oauth2         0.25-1           0.25-3             0.01 MiB       0.08 MiB
extra/signon-ui                    0.17+20171022-3  0.17+20231016-2    0.04 MiB       0.09 MiB
extra/signond                      8.61-1           8.61-3             0.16 MiB       0.36 MiB
extra/solid                                         6.0.0-1            2.61 MiB       0.87 MiB
extra/sonnet                                        6.0.0-1            2.15 MiB       0.67 MiB
extra/spectacle                    23.08.5-1        24.02.0-2          1.25 MiB       1.73 MiB
extra/syndication                                   6.0.0-1            1.45 MiB       0.65 MiB
extra/syntax-highlighting                           6.0.0-2           10.27 MiB       1.51 MiB
extra/syntax-highlighting5         5.115.0-1        5.115.0-2         -8.51 MiB       0.51 MiB
extra/systemsettings               5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1           -0.06 MiB       0.36 MiB
extra/threadweaver                                  6.0.0-1            0.86 MiB       0.45 MiB
extra/vlc                                           3.0.20-7          59.97 MiB      11.70 MiB
extra/xdg-desktop-portal-kde       5.27.10-1        6.0.1-1            0.31 MiB       0.37 MiB
extra/xorg-xwayland                                 23.2.4-2           2.24 MiB       0.90 MiB
extra/xsettingsd                                    1.0.2-1            0.08 MiB       0.03 MiB

Total Download Size:    566.86 MiB
Total Installed Size:  1486.02 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       418.44 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]

Perhaps it’s a dependency mistake: to install independent unwanted player bloatware with no reason just in packages updates session.

Why not? :wink:

❯ pacman -Sii vlc | grep 'Required By'
Required By     : deepin-music  deepin-voice-note  elisa  kaffeine  kasts  phonon-qt5-vlc  phonon-qt6-vlc
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phonon-qt6-vlc is the only package that provides phonon-qt6-backend required by phonon-qt6, so there is no way around it at the moment. And it depends on vlc.

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It’s due to Arch maintainers laziness, instead of providing separated libvlc like other distros, they prefer to ship the whole vlc as dependency.


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