[Unstable Update] March 2024 Edition

Welcome to the new monthly unstable branch thread.

Recent News

Noticeable Package changes

  • Mesa 24.0.4

  • Firefox 124.0.1

  • Thunderbird 115.9.0

  • :kde: KDE MegaRelease 6 + Plasma 6.0.3

  • LibreOffice 24.2.1

  • GStreamer 1.24

  • Phosh 0.37.1

  • Pipewire 1.0.4

  • Pacman 6.1.0

  • :gnome: GNOME 46

  • NVIDIA 550.67

  • KDE Gear 24.02.1

  • LibreOffice 24.2.2 & 7.6.6

  • Qt 6.6.3

  • Mkinitcpio 38

    • Announcement of breaking changes:

      –microcode has been deprecated and replaced by the new microcode hook for early loading microcode files.

    mkinitcpio hook migration and early microcode

    2024-03-04 - Morten Linderud

    With the release of mkinitcpio v38, several hooks previously provided by Arch packages have been moved to the mkinitcpio upstream project. The hooks are: systemd, udev, encrypt, sd-encrypt, lvm2 and mdadm_udev.

    To ensure no breakage of users’ setup occurs, temporary conflicts have been introduced into the respective packages to prevent installing packages that are no longer compatible.

    The following packages needs to be upgraded together:

    • mkinitcpio 38-2
    • systemd 255.4-2
    • lvm2 2.03.23-3
    • mdadm 4.3-2
    • cryptsetup 2.7.0-3

    Please note that the mkinitcpio flag --microcode, and the microcode option in the preset files, has been deprecated in favour of a new microcode hook. This also allows you to drop the microcode initrd lines from your boot configuration as they are now packed together with the main initramfs image.

    – Arch Linux - News: mkinitcpio hook migration and early microcode

Known Issues

Severe keyboard input lag/pauses on Mutter 46.0, X11, NVIDIA

Severe keyboard input lag/pauses on Mutter 46.0, X11, NVIDIA (#3384) · Issues · GNOME / mutter · GitLab

Pamac extension not (yet) working with GNOME 46

Pamac extension is not working with Gnome 46 (#1399) · Issues · Applications / pamac · GitLab

Plasma 6 issues with Manjaro themes & tools

Prepare for a Plasma 6 release (#2) · Issues · Release plan / KDE · GitLab

gnome-keyring has deprecated the ssh component

gnome-keyring has deprecated the ssh component. It is now recommended to use gcr-ssh-agent and not gnome-keyring ssh.

ssh component is not included (#3) · Issues · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / gnome-keyring · GitLab

Additional Info

Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcements topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.

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A post was split to a new topic: Timeshift-autosnap-manjaro issues

Some mkinitcpio changes coming our way with version 38:
news draft:


A post was split to a new topic: No vp9 support after mesa-nonfree update

works according to the “hook migration” instructions.

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Thus is what will come?

Pacman 6.1 got released:

But not packaged yet (for testing on Arch Linux)

As I understand it: As our mkinitcpio is a Manjaro overlay it will have to be adjusted same as upstream (namely to inlcude the migrated hooks) or we will loose some hooks (which were formerly included in several packages) which would then lead to unbootable systems.

So one needs to be cautious if one sees any possible update for

    systemd 255.4-2
    lvm2 2.03.23-2
    mdadm 4.3-2
    cryptsetup 2.7.0-2

prior to any mkinitcpio adjustment.


I just asked because didn’t see any mkinitcpio 38-1.

That is all still in Arch testing …


The announcement is now available


I still don’t know what I need to actually change :person_shrugging:

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:information_source: mkinitcpio hook migration and early microcode

2024-03-04 - Morten Linderud

With the release of mkinitcpio v38, several hooks previously provided by Arch packages have been moved to the mkinitcpio upstream project. The hooks are: systemd, udev, encrypt, sd-encrypt, lvm2 and mdadm_udev.

To ensure no breakage of users’ setup occurs, temporary conflicts have been introduced into the respective packages to prevent installing packages that are no longer compatible.

The following packages needs to be upgraded together:

  • mkinitcpio 38-2
  • systemd 255.4-2
  • lvm2 2.03.23-3
  • mdadm 4.3-2
  • cryptsetup 2.7.0-3

Please note that the mkinitcpio flag --microcode, and the microcode option in the preset files, has been deprecated in favour of a new microcode hook. This also allows you to drop the microcode initrd lines from your boot configuration as they are now packed together with the main initramfs image.

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See the news announcement above and check the /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.pacnew. :wink:

And remove *_microcode=... lines from /etc/mkinitcpio.d/*.presets.


Ok, so the update came.

This is the new HOOKS line from pacnew:

HOOKS=(base udev autodetect microcode modconf kms keyboard keymap consolefont block filesystems fsck)

And these are my current hooks:

HOOKS=(systemd modconf keyboard block filesystems btrfs sd-vconsole sd-encrypt)

I’ve merged it to this:

HOOKS=(systemd autodetect microcode modconf keyboard block filesystems sd-vconsole sd-encrypt)

… and the system boots.

However, I don’t have the preset-files, I’m using a unified kernel image which already includes the microcode (?) from kernel-install.

I don’t know how to extract the generated .efi file so to confirm if the microcode is added twice or only once.


mkinitcpio got a patch (sorry to bother you @Yochanan):

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Yes, I’m aware, thank you. I don’t need to be notified of every upstream change that I already follow. Please have patience.


:warning: One should never make manual edits to kernel presets as they’re automatically generated. Since the ALL_microcode option is deprecated, it will be ignored. Just wait for the next kernel update and the warning will be gone.

:information_source: By the way, dont forget to manually regenerate initramfs after reviewing and merging the new changes to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.


Sorry for this dummy question, but what are we supposed to change in that file? Remove these hooks: systemd, udev, encrypt, sd-encrypt, lvm2 and mdadm_udev?

The only change is adding microcode too the HOOKS array as one can plainly see by reading…