XDG choose file opens unreadable list

I need to open a png to add to an email. When I select ‘choose file’ I get this unreadable screen (attached). I am using Plasma 6.05 with Wayland.

A quick guess: You are likely missing a font required for your chosen locale.


Hi @Ozdemon,

That looks like a missing font. It could simply be because the font’s not there and you have to re-add it. Just check your font settings in System SettingsAppearance & StyleText & FontsFonts.



Well, I’ve never had to do this, so I don’t know it this’ll work but you could also try removing the config file and starting over:

mv ~/.config/kdeglobals ~/.config/kdeglobals.backup

Note: this’ll remove all your plasma settings, so if it works you can either reconfigure plasma, or copy the settings back line-by-line to find the one that did the damage. If it didn’t work, simply restore the file:

rm ~/.config/kdeglobals
cp ~/.config/kdeglobals.backup ~/.config/kdeglobals

Hope this helps!

Edit #2:

The exact same for:


(If it exists, that is.)

Thanks Midarthos for the prompt and detailed reply. I think you are right about locale as I am temporarily in Spain. Is there another way of overcoming the problem? Like force changing my locale, or finding an alternative to xdg?

I think changing your locale, or maybe language from anything automatic to English should work. Look in System Settings:



And the


…command should help, if nothing else…Also see:



System Locale: LANG=en_AU.UTF-8
    VC Keymap: (unset)                   
   X11 Layout: au

The locale settings are correct for me. I don’t understand why xdg is doing this. I have installed a spanish font, abbeezee, which made no difference. I even tried handlr without success, but I’m flying blind with that.

I was able to load the file using a URL instead of XDG. As I don’t think this is likely to happen again, I am giving up on the XDG problem. Thanks to Mirdarthos and linux-aarhus.

Cool, a teaching moment…


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Further research shows this is a known issue. The solution (for me) was to remove the snap install of bluemail with:

pamac remove --no-save snapd 

However, that does not remove all the bluemail files. The following command worked for me:

[quote="Mirdarthos, post:4, topic:164280"]
`sudo sh -c 'rm -rf /var/lib/snapd/cache/*'`

Then I installed bluemail from the AUR (which I should have done to begin with) and problem solved. :grinning:

Theres probably more SNAP residual …

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