Wireless Drivers (broadcom-wl-dkms) as Part of Live USB Image / Default Manjaro Installation

I wish default Manjaro installation comes with “broadcom-wl-dkms” drivers by default. I not sure but i think currently only MX Linux comes with those preinstalled.

Each time i reinstall system, i have to search and bring long network cable to my pc in order to install those. (Later on i found out that i can use USB mobile phone Tethering to temporarily share internet from my phone just to download those drivers). After i install them, my wifi card works fine.

This is what i have to do each time i reinstall manjaro linux:

Install latest linux headers:
sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qsq "^linux" | grep "^linux[0-9]*[-rt]*$" | awk '{print $1"-headers"}' ORS=' ')

Install driver itself
sudo pacman -S broadcom-wl-dkms

So would be great if we could have this at least as optional package in base Manjaro Installation. Because as far as i know in order to have best possible Manjaro experience, during the installation it’s required to have your internet connection working, and without these its pretty hard to do it sometimes.