Wine 9.3 not working

I am using optimus manager and I have the default set to use the IGPU only.
When I switch to Hybrid or Nvidia it works fine.
Guess I did not realize I would need that notepad.

I will go with hybrid for now, but I’d be curious about what bottles does to achieve that without switching.

That’s an unusual suggestion for someone using WINE, isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t have a dual GPU or NVIDIA card and I know there are people here who know a lot more about this than me but I think the important environment variables are


as per PRIME - ArchWiki (but read what it says there about __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD).

That is about 2/3 of prime-run


I would guess its neither a problem of the particular GPU’s (intel or nvidia) or PRIME.
Of course lots of people use wine with intel gfx.
Its probably the fault of optimus-manager and however it is applying its settings.
Its known to be … problematic.

Is the same as the default mhwd profile without optimus manager.

Everything runs on the intel

glxinfo | grep 'renderer string'

Unless prime-run is used

prime-run glxinfo | grep 'renderer string'

Not really - when first switching to Linux I remembered thousands of Windows applications and my first reflex was always ‘how do I run Irfanview here’ rather than focussing on the job at hand.

Windows is more ‘What software should I open’ orientated, rather than Workflow orientated.

A post was split to a new topic: How to run an exe file on wine as a normal user (not as admin)?

Well it’s not like I’m planning to do everything in wine xD
I wanted to have windows version of pyinstaller on my laptop, so I don’t have to transfer all my files to my desktop with Windows if I want to build for it as well (since pyinstaller doesn’t support cross-compiling anymore)

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