What is the clean Manjaro-XFCE stock set of packages forming graphical environment and to be present in distribution?

First … please see the following for how to share (and format) system info:

This is likely related to the VERY reported bug with xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, which you should not even have installed in XFCE. Remove it … install xdg-desktop-portal-gtk if needed.


If you want my real answer ? No. SNAP is terrible, wastes resources, etc etc.

Though … according to your information here … it is not the source of your problems.

Now back to your original query about system packages … I made a tool for that:

You can run it for a test like

./mapare -i -p

Or, since you mentioned graphical environment … maybe you want to target only the ‘desktop’ packages:

./mapare -i -d -p

It will prompt you for your manjaro flavor/desktop - type xfce.

If you want the tool to run the things for you then run the command again omitting the -p (print).

(more info can of course be found by the help, -h)