Welcome and introduce yourself - 2022

Ouch. Yes, I meant Pamac :man_facepalming:t4:


Hi everybody, I’m Damiano; sometimes I’m known online as dag7.
I am a serial distrohopper, but Manjaro has a special place in my hard disk since 2017.

Long life to AUR!

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Sorry, for my very bad english.

I am a user of Manjaro since 2020.
I started using Arch back in 2010, but quickly stopped using it because it had of a lot of bugs and things broke daily.
In 2019 I bought a laptop with Ryzen 3 zen+ and Vega GPU, so the distro that I was using (Fedora 33), didn’t recognize the wifi card and the GPU glitched all time.
My preference has always been and continues being a rolling release model, but stable options were limited.

So I knew that my only option was some distro with very recent software (mostly the kernel), but I only knew one (Fedora, no rolling release), plus another one that I had a bad experience (Arch 2010). I looked in distrowatch.com for derivatives of Arch, and to my surprise, that distro that I had heard of in 2011, is today at the top positions.

Later I looked into the web, I saw that Manjaro has 3 branches, which gives me more stability and I decided to install it. Aditionally I can change between branches if some package is buggy.
To my surprise, I still have the same installation today!.

I help people in some telegram groups for Manjaro in spanish frecuently.

I want to report bugs here, but I don’t found the correct way yet, if anyone could help me with that I would appreciate it.

I’m from Argentina.
Greetings to all!


Hi I’m a new Manjaro user I have only used Debian & Ubuntu based Distro’s in the past.

I flashed Mr.Chromebox UEFI firmware on a Chromebook (Blooglet) which turns a Chromebook in a regular laptop. He recommended me to use Manjaro so here I am!


Cool, thanks for the info! I installed micro, and it does have some advantages over nano, such as I can use ctrl-C, ctrl-X, ctrl-V for copy, cut, paste.


Hey, I’m Jack. I learned about Linux in 2015 quite by accident.
I use Windows for work and Linux just on the laptop.

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Hello all linux user for a while ran fedora ubuntu mint debian. mostly fedora since f10

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Меня зовут Валерий. Давно являюсь поклонником данного дистрибутива. Хочу сказать огромное спасибо разработчикам Manjaro. Проделана огромная работа. На моем железе система работает безупречно. Еще раз большое спасибо!

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Hello! I am new to Linux, I started to learn about it and play with distros in virtual box for like two weeks and I can tell you that I love it! Manjaro is the best!
I am planning on installing Manjaro KDE Plasma on my laptop and I have some specific questions regarding my case, which I’ll post in another thread as it seems more fit.


Started using various Linux distros as a hobby in 2007 - mainly Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE. I’ve avoided Arch distros in the past due to the perceived learning curve. I recently discovered Manjaro Gnome this past week and have replaced Windows 10 on my new HP laptop. It works flawlessly, and is the best distro I’ve tried - both in terms of performance and “it just looks sexy”. Looking forward to participating in the forums in the future!


Hello everybody,
I’ve been using Linux (at home) for some time now. Lately received my PinePhone with Manjaro, this was a good reason for me to sign up for the Manjaro forum.
Take care everybody!


Hello, mpa316 here , a fellow Linux user who is a non-expert, so be kind with me.
I have been a Linux user since late 2019 just before Windows 7 support ended. This is my first experience joining a forum and hopefully will be a good one at that.
Cheers !!


Hello everyone,

I am semi experienced in Linux, but i am new to Manjaro. I’ve used Ubuntu distributions mostly but trying to branch out and learn more.


Hey Guys

Semi experienced linux user, used ubuntu a few times but wasn’t daily driving linux, i’ve now came entirely away from windows and have decided to choose manjaro as my daily driver, couldn’t be happier, seems a great community and distro, started to learn python, i’m into retro gaming and i’m just a bit of a tech geek i suppose, bit of a content creator, make youtube videos, produce music etc, bit of a hobbyist if one asked.


Hi! Used Ubuntu distros for a long time. Decided to use Manjaro for the convertible Lenovo ideapad Duet 3 10IGL5. The gnome edition of Manjaro works very well with this system. So I will stay with it and hope to solve some problems in this forum.



New Manjaro user here. Started a long time ago with installing Slackware from floppies and been an on-and-off Linux user for years, using Debian, SuSe, Ubuntu. Now feeling quite okay using Manjaro, tried Arch but that a bit to barebones for me :slight_smile:



Hello all 2022 manjaro users.


Greetings, Manjaro community. Thank you for producing great software, and having a wide range of packages under your management.

I am a retired software engineer (realtime control on PDP-11s) and communications engineer (WiFi). Love tinkering. Finally making the move from Windows on my desktop/laptops. Applications: Firefox, Thunderbird, Joplin, Audacity, Shotcut, Zoom, Libre Office & Free Office, QuiteRSS, qemu/kvm virt-manage virt-viewer, gimp, gnucash, inkscape, recoll, okular, rclone, skype, zoiper, owncloud, teamviewer, cura, freecad, vlc, calibre, obs studio, autofs, root on zfs.

I’ve been running kubuntu until recently, but want a more up-to-date kernel (to fix zfs issues). I did an arch build from scratch with above apps, but too much like hard work. Manjaro seems good.

Most annoying outstanding issues: zoom screen share with sound doesn’t work on pipewire (works with pulse). Shotcut hardware acceleration crashes on X11 and not discovered on Wayland (so don’t use it). Snapd installation broken (can’t mount units in systemd) (so use Flatpak instead).

Based in Cambridge, UK.



I’ve been using Debian based systems, but finally I decided to change a distribution. It seems that it was a great choice.
Nice to meet you All!



I am pretty much brand new to Linux and have recently installed Manjaro on my desktop and Mint/Cin on an old laptop. Hope I can learn something here.