Welcome and introduce yourself - 2022

Hello everyone. Happy New Year! I wanted to move away from Windows to Linux and heard really really good things about Manjaro. Took the plunge and installed Manjaro KDE on my PC. Looking forward to learning Linux in general and getting to know this community!


Iā€™m Tim, have been a Linux user since 2004, I remember being so happy to discover Linux, I didnā€™t like being beholden to Microsoft, all I ever wanted was to use My computers the way I wanted to. Iā€™ve used many of the BSDs and Linux distros, Manjaro really stands out, I must say. :wink:


Hello - been on Linux since 2004. Tried the popular distros (and not so) until a year ago and did an Arch install. After a reasonable recovery period, I got Manjaro - and love it! Have only a laptop now and hope I can keep it healthy and happy. Retired, 73, full-time RVer.


Iā€™ve been dabbling in Linux off and on since I first installed it on my brand-spanky-new 486SX-25 back in '92 ā€“ no fancy GUI in those days! :grinning:

I am most familiar with Debian-based distros like Ubuntu and Kali with GNOME; currently getting my feet wet with Manjaro on this Raspberry Pi 400 using XFCE desktop so as to go easy on the little fella ā€“ it runs quite nicely, I must say (especially when booting/running from external SSD! :wink: )

Looking forward to learning a lot more about both Manjaro and the Pi, and am also seriously considering replacing (or at least dual-booting) Windows 11 on my daily driver laptop (with GNOME, most likely.)



Ubuntu, RHEL and CentOS user for work and home for what must be going on 20 years. Iā€™ve recently reinstalled windows 10 dual boot on my main machine for steam as I grew tired of stuffing around with Linux to get multiple ps4 controllers working with Steam.

However Ubuntu is still my work and personal machine OS.

However with SteamOS supposedly based on manjaro I figured I should give it a go and learn something new.

So today I installed manjaro on my home workshop desktop computer. Will do some steam Games stuff too.

Time will tell if I will run back to Ubuntu :grin:


Hi šŸ™‹šŸ»,
My name is Ali, Iā€™ve been a Gnu/Linux user since 11th of April 2011, I began with Ubuntu 11.04 unity. Then you know the hopping story from distro to distro. I started Manjaro-Gnome last week. Looking forward to be part of this warm community.
Peace :v:t2:


hello, this is Naganohara Saiikuna, you would call me saiikuna then i would feel good. i love linux and in my PC i run manjaro_kde. we will spend a nice day because i would put my question up at there in English or i will try to resolve the other question there.


Hello, all. Iā€™m a Windows user who started messing around with WSL while trying to wrap my head around how to properly work with environments and test Babyā€™s First Python Package. This got me interested in VMs in general, and I started looking at Linux distros. So far, Manjaro Xfce is at the top of the heap for me, and Iā€™m using it to learn my way around Linux.

How is that properly styled, by the way? Xfce? XFCE? xfce? Can one do smallcaps here?


Hi all, Nick here.
Iā€™m a longtime linux user, distro hopper, arch system builder, intermediate skill level, home coder, sometime successful maker. I just joined the manjaro community after purchasing a new laptop, specifically to support a video conferencing app with the VA (for non-americans that is the Veterans Administration and in general use tends to refer specifically to the healthcare arm). I had been able to use the app under linux (edubuntu) until the version I was using went EOL and I could not upgrade due to the fact that I have long been recycling old computers from friends into my daily linux drivers (one big plus for me with linux has been support for older platforms). The new laptop came with W11, which I cannot stand but may need if I am unable to use the VA app in manjaro. I did immediately set up a dual boot situation, and tried several distributions (Ubuntu, Kde Neon, lubuntu), none of which supported the wifi card in the computer. Manjaro fired it up right away, and having arch experience as well as specific manjaro experience in my past, here we are. I will find out three days after I post this (this coming monday) whether the app is functional under manjaro (I fully expect that it will work). Once the conference has ended, as long as it functioned under manjaro, the dual boot situation will be eliminated within the next hour. I truly love open source, choice, FOSS, copy left, all of it, and cannot stand Windows or Apple and there obsessive control of what a user can do. So many people, having never experience anything else, have no conception of what could be if they took that small step into the unknown world of Linux.



What does it mean ?

The name Xfce originally stood for XForms Common Environment, but since then, Xfce was rewritten twice and doesnā€™t use XForms toolkit anymore. The name survived, but the F is no longer capitalized (not ā€œXFceā€, but ā€œXfceā€). Currently the abbreviation doesnā€™t stand for anything (suggestion: X Freakinā€™ Cool Environment). Itā€™s not pronounced ā€œX-Faceā€. There is no ā€œaā€ in it.

:link: https://docs.xfce.org/faq#what_does_it_mean


Hi! I have been using Manjaro long time and was a member back in the day the forum went haywire.

Now my mum, 79, is switching from Mac to Linux and the Manjaro installation isnā€™t quite working out for her, so this is a good time to register again.

Good to be back!


Hello everyone.
With the introduction of Win 11 Windows reached end of life for me.
I am a casual gamer, and Linux is now good enough for my gaming needs. I deleted everything Win related from all of my machines.
I experimented with arch for some time, but i am just not ready to set up and maintain it for daily use. But i learned quite a lot by using arch.
Switched to Manjaro a week ago, and i am loving every bit of it.
Tank you guys for your awesome community work!


Hello Manjaro,
I have been here since 2021, and now heading into 2022


Hello everyone! My name is Alex. I heard about linux when I was a lot younger and even installed ubuntu. Nowadays I am a 24 year old computer science student, but also now officially a linux user!

I love the philosophy surrounding open source software and hope to one day contribute to a project myself.


Ahoy! Robbie Hatley here. Iā€™m a semi-retired computer programmer and electronics engineer in California. In late 2021 I finally got so tired of Microsoftā€™s shenanigans (eg, Windows 11 wonā€™t even run on most computers older than about 4 years) that I began looking into moving most operations onto Linux instead. I asked a friend ā€œWhat distro should I install?ā€. He say ā€œArch, but the installation is a bit involved.ā€ So I googled something like ā€œeasy Arch installā€ and got lots of hits for ā€œManjaroā€. So I installed Manjaro Linux with Mate desktop. Install was easy! And most config is just ā€œsudo nano /etc/this/thatā€. Iā€™m pleasantly surprised at how easy the transition Windows ā†’ Linux was. And Iā€™ve found that googling for ā€œHow can I xxxxx in Manjaro Linux?ā€ usually turns up hits in THIS forum, and those articles actually do solve the problem. So here I am. Iā€™m looking forward to future interactions here.


Hi everybody!
Iā€™m two years thet i use manjaro and iā€™m very happy, great os!


Hi everyone!

Iā€™m Mitch, Iā€™ve been using Manjaro full time since early November maybe late October (canā€™t exactly pinpoint the date) after seeing a load of hype around Linux Gaming and how itā€™s much better than years ago. And also hearing about Manjaro. I actually thought it was some newer version of Mandriva lol (Iā€™m kind of an O.G)

I used Ubuntu quite regularly from 2007-2011 along with Xubuntu on older systems that just didnā€™t have the drive to run that GNOME 2 with Beryl/Compiz lol. I also tried out Mint for a month or so during this time when they were their own distro not an Ubuntu based distro.

I used to love the simplicity and speed of Linux vs what Windows XP or 7 could provide. I was even able to play some of my games on Ubuntu too with no problems (Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty 2, Lord of The Rings Online) but there was a lot of issues with gaming on Wine back then.

Iā€™m so amazed at how far that side of things has come. DXVK is absolutely insane technology! It all moves so much faster than me anyways lol. And I remember when Proton was brand new in beta it was trash lol. The Linux desktop as a whole has matured so much and come so far I canā€™t wait to see where we are in a yearā€™s time! I feel like the gaming side of things will be polished by then with the release of the Steam Deck (what brang me lol) and the awareness of Linux that itā€™s creating.

Looking forward to becoming an active member of the community. I had a number of issues learning both KDE and Manjaro and just googled it which probably wouldnā€™t have been as useful as using these forums more.

I know my comment/short novel is quite long but Iā€™m pretty passionate about Manjaro. Itā€™s given me that old feeling from pre-unity Ubuntu and how it felt to use an actual serious alternative to Windows.

Happy New Year everybody!!


I trying figure out what to say about myself. Hello Folks. Here goes.
I am Ex Mac OS enthusiast, Ex Windows yuppie Mephistopheles.
I tried Linux a few years ago with Mint Linux. Then I moved back to Mac OS, because I am lazy to switch OS, and Mac was pretty much Unix based and felt good to use.

But I left the Apple world ( mainly due to prohibitive cost, and Appleā€™s walled garden ) a few months ago when I bought the Asus TUF 15 Ryzen 7 4800H with 3050. So here I am trying Manjaro which I found to the best distro out there right now with rolling releases and Arch Linux parent.

It took me a while to dual boot the OS because I didnā€™t understand the concept of GRUB bootloader and kept reinstalling Manjaro over and over again :slight_smile: But having finally done everything I am here using Manjaro and writing my first intro post.


Hi everybody!

Linux user since around 2007, starting with openSUSE KDE. Distro hopper since then. Not a pro, just a happy user. Found my way to Manjaro, which feels very much like home so far, except from some minor quirks and issues.

Maybe we can solve those here? :slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards


Greetings from AZ, Iā€™ve been building/selling PCā€™s and Laptops for 20 years. I use Mac and Ubuntu primarily and Windoze for my customers. I have been toying with Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and others for about ten years. I never took any version seriously enough to use as daily driver until I tested Ubuntu Linux. I liked what I saw and switched to Ubuntu Mate as my main driver back in 2019. I have been reading some blogs about the growing concern some folks share about Snaps. After further study, I decided that I prefer a system that does not use Snapd. I just installed Manjaro on this HP t620 test rig. So far so good, I really like what I see! Thx and good to be hear, Happy New Year to all! VinceC