Welcome and introduce yourself - 2021

Gday Australian and new to Manjaro, mostly I had an electroncis background but love technology of all sorts. Now enjoying playing with the Pinephone64 and so pleased to see how we have progressed. My first project was a crystal set. LOL Looking to having some fun cheers.


Ermm… We’re definitely not a discussion forum, though discussions do go on sometimes…

We’re a support forum!



Hi all,
I am from China Beijing. I have used linux for nearly ten years, from university to work, from ubuntu, opensuse, archlinux to manjaro finally. I have used manjaro for five years, from xfce4, kde5-plasma to gnome3 finally. I am a back-end developer, manjaro is my main develop platform.


Hey guys,

Filipino here living in South Korea. I have been in and out using Linux but what I mostly used before were always ubuntu based distros (ubuntu, and linux mint). I purchased a new gaming laptop a month back and tried alot of distros and only Manjaro and Pop OS were booted successfully on my laptop. I never tried ubuntu because I really hate the unity DE. hence the reason why I ditched the POP OS.
I was so amazed with the Manjaro KDE so I also installed with my new Gaming Desktop. I was impressed with Arch based and did distro hoping for like 3 weeks. Tried MX, Fedora, Endeavour, Garuda, I even tried vanilla Arch. But I decided to keep Manjaro because there I felt like this is the Linux I was gonna use both for my Laptop and Desktop.


Lol, by comparison to the Arch community, any discussion on the Manjaro forums is support.

But yeah, I get you. The nice thing about Manjaro seems to be that it is both for the noob and the advanced user…but yeah, eventually all advanced users would gravitate towards something harder simply for the sake of bragging rights…I’m looking mainly at Gentoo users, and some Arch users.

Not to knock them, but sometimes time is of the essence, and that’s where distros Manjaro can really shine. Best of both worlds.


Hello there, greetings from Rota (Spain), I’ve installed Manjaro KDE the last weekend and I feel like home!!

I started using GNU/Linux in 2003 with Mandrake and in 2004 I became a convinced Ubuntu user, after the changes with Gnome and Unity I felt disenchanted and I started picking from flower to flower trying different distributions, finally in 2015 I started using my computer only for games and stopped entering the GNU / Linux partition.

Since then I have always had in mind to use GNU/Linux again but due to the workload I never found time. Finally I have returned, I have returned to try Ubuntu but I felt bored and that nothing had changed since the last time I used it. I have always heard the wonders of Arch Linux and Manjaro and after a few days using it I can confirm that everything good that is said is true.

I hope to be here a long time, remember what I knew about GNU/Linux, learn and eventually help.


Hello everyone. This is my first effort to introduce myself to the community. I am by no means a experienced Linux user, but I have completely converted to Linux on all of my computers with one exception (I keep a Surface Pro 3 around just in case). I run Manjaro as my main distribution on a Lenovo Yoga 720-151KB, i7 with upgraded 16gb RAM, and I just put in a 512GB XPG SX8200 Pro M.2 SSD. Have not had any hardware issues, though I have not run the touchscreen through it’s paces because it is all on a dock and I pretty much use it as a desktop anyway. On other machines I run MX Linux with KDE Plasma; Mint; and an old Dell 620 laptop with Lubuntu.


Hey everyone! :smile:
My name is Frido and I installed Manjaro the day before yesterday with GNOME as desktop environment, and I am very happy with it. Before that I had tried many other distributions (Fedora, Mint, Ubuntu, POP!_OS, etc.), but most of them did not appeal to me in terms of concept. I’ve never used Windows, I’ve only used Linux since I’ve been alive. I had already tried Arch Linux, but I wanted to spare myself the tedious configurations. As a person like me who wants to have relatively stable but also up-to-date packages, Manjaro is definitely the best solution.

I am very surprised by the unique community here, and I am very much looking forward to further discussions!

ODIRF / Frido


Hello, my name is Matthew Miller, and I began using Manjaro Linux when it became clear that Steam was being temperamental on Slackware (my distro of choice). However, gaming is an integral part of computing, and I am no exception to the rule; I have several games, classics really (Quake, Quake II, Unreal Gold, UT 99, UT 2004, etc.), that deserve replays; Steam just works on Manjaro. However, I use the Quicklaunch feature on KDE Plasma 5 to setup launchers in order to run these games manually; I guess it’s just the Gen-X in me (I’m 49; too soon to be 50!).

Game on, my fellow Manjaro gaming fans!


Welcome! :wave:

That makes me think of day’s past where having to compile your own kernel to get the hardware going for certain network cards. Running my own web/mail server on slackware :smiley:
Also stacks of floppies and coaxial cable networking.

Game on!

1 Like

Hello everyone.

Just installed Manjaro on a refurbished Thinkpad T460 - my first Linux install! It was very smooth. I spent more time reading about it than actually doing it. My biggest challenge was actually locating a USB memory stick during covid lockdown.

Excited to finally be part of the Linux community. Look forward to becoming a contributing member of it one day.



Your username still has me grinning

for two or three week I lost my desktop. All I had was the blue screen with a mouse icon.
I had changed a setting in one of the many setting managers!I was running round trying to get gparted going and every other idea I could find.

Then I put my usb back in to start over, and found my home folder…it was all there.I dawned on me what I did.
we learn from our mistakes…lalala
That’s the way I’m used to learning,

After that I decide to just jump in to the forms.
This is my second comment on a forum, so I will get used to being here, and my learning rate will probably pick up

My learning station has two monitors. When I want to use TLCL The Linux Command Line 5th ed, as my workbook. I put that on one and a terminal to do the examples from the book on the other in the terminal on the other monitor.
yesterday I found GNU Command lineby Garnet Anderson, and others. It that has a lot of gritty details and I look froward to checking out the (?Linux Cookbook?) with more detail on the commands.
Any fav books to recommend Systemic Failure?
Enjoy the spring and summer


I was a Windows users, then 15 years ago went to the Mac OS, but recently I’ve had it with their whole spyware ecosystem. I’m still in the process but I’m moving everything over to Linux. My Carbon X1 Thinkpad is running Ubuntu 20.04, but I just received my Pine Book Pro and I’m really enjoying using Manjaro on it since that it what it shipped with. Now if the Pine Phone 64 will get the updates it need to make it a daily driver I’ll sell my SpyPhone X and also stop using my old Nexus 5 running Ubuntu Touch. I’m even going to order a PineTab when the next batch is released and ditch my iPad Air.


I have been using Windows since 15 years as power user now moved to Manjaro KDE 3 days ago. I can play my favorite game DOTA 2 here without problem. More stable, free and secured OS loved Manjaro and its great community.


Whoops! Phat fingers hahaha

So, i started using Arch linux in 2019 and after decided to switch to manjaro 1 month ago cause i like the look more


Hello beautiful Manjaro people. At this point I’ve installed Manjaro on both my desktops, and laptops. It’s easy to say I’m in love with Manjaro.


Hi all,

I’m from the U.K. and I’ve just taken my first plunge into Manjaro XFCE from Windows 10. I switched because I uninstalled Edge and then couldn’t update my system. This reminded me of the lack of choice and control I had over my Windows 10 install so decided to jump ship.

Before Win 10 I was a long term Mac user (OS9 to macOS10.11) and dabbled a little with Red Hat, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu and OpenSuse. I had little success with KDE as I found KDE buggy and resource intensive. I’ve heard things have changed with KDE lately. So far I’m enjoying Manjaro and hope to keep Manjaro as my long term distro.

Good luck to all the fellow Manjaro newbies and hi (and a huge thanks in advance) to all the Manjaro experts on here :slight_smile:


Hi all,

I’m a 5-yr Arch Linux user who has been recommending Manjaro for family members for a couple of years now because:

  1. The defaults are good and sane
  2. It’s stable enough
  3. It’s easy for me to administer

Now, I am drawn to Manjaro for ARM for the Pinephone because I want to try out plasma mobile and the images are well-maintained and make you instantly productive. I am making an account here so I can share some tips I’ve found along the way.




I’m Sven Erik from Estonia, working as a freelance artist. Used to take some small peeks at linux distros yearly, but finally about two months ago decided to use some distro full time (previously a Windows user). After some days of trying and hopping from distro to distro managed to find Manjaro and haven’t left it!