Weird artifact rectangle

find /etc/X11/ -name "*.conf"                                                                  ✔ 

ok, looks good, so test for some time, and if they dont appear you can consider it as resolved…

Should I stop using prime-switcher?

never heard of it, but i would say you should, its 3 years old… if you want to switch between intel/hybrid/nvidia, rather use optimus manager + optimus manager qt, or add prime-run to the programs/games you want to use with only nvidia

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Thank you so much for all your help! Good luck to you and all the best! (deepl)

Artifacts again. I did optimus-manager --switch nvidia.

so they appear only on nvidia? … you should unmark this post, so that more people could assist

Yep, I switched to hybrid and everything fixed, but is it good idea to doesn’t gpu?

so if you use some program/game with the prime-run command, are the glitches also present there on that program?